Yellow Fever Vaccination: For A Memorable Travelling Experience What Is Yellow Fever? A viral disease, transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes is referred as yellow fever. Before travelling to a yellow fever stricken country, It is advised to receive the Yellow Fever Shots without any delay.

Who should get Yellow Fever vaccine

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Yellow Fever Vaccination: For A Memorable Travelling Experience

What Is Yellow Fever?

A viral disease, transmitted by the bite of female mosquitoes is referred as yellow fever. Before travelling to a yellow fever stricken country, It is advised to receive the Yellow Fever Shots without any delay.

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You may experience the following symptoms if you are infected by this severe disease:

Fever. Nausea Vomiting.

Headache. Body Aches.


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Reasons To Get Vaccination

There is no denying that mosquitoes are tiny in size, but very potential to infect you with a fatal disease. So, receive the one shot of yellow fever, if you planning to go abroad. The top reasons to receive vaccination are given below:

To save your life from life threatening diseases.To avoid the hospital sufferings.

To enjoy the perfect travelling experience.To get a yellow fever certification as many counties won’t

allow you to enter into their countries if you have not received the yellow fever vaccination.

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FAQ’s About The Disease

Ask the following questions to your doctor to know more about this disease:

Who is at risk of get infected by yellow fever?Can it be transmitted from one person to another?

What are the symptoms?How long will vaccine last?

Page 5: Who should get Yellow Fever vaccine

Travel Clinic NYC The entire staff of Travel Clinic NYC is dedicated

to help the travellers to reach their destination in a safe and secure way as they have all types of vaccines, required for a safe journey.