Water in the Desert By: Antonia Gutierrez Reading 142 Instructor: Deidre Hughes

Water in the desert

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Page 1: Water in the desert

Water in the Desert By: Antonia Gutierrez

Reading 142

Instructor: Deidre Hughes

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About the Foundation

We are a non profited organization that helps un documented people that are trying to cross over the U.S. borders not die from thirst In the desert .

We are Attempting to save hundreds of undocumented people who die trying to come to the United States every year,

We also go around the streets marching for a Immigration reform.

Founded in 1986

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Mission & Values

“Border Angels is a non-profit organization supporting humanity. The organization consists of extraordinary volunteers who want to stop unnecessary deaths of individuals traveling through the Imperial Valley desert areas and the mountain areas surrounding San Diego County, as well as the areas located around the United States and Mexican border. The high percentage of unnecessary deaths have been results of extreme heat and cold weather conditions, in addition some have sadly been the results of racial-discrimination

crimes.”“Awareness and Support Educating citizens and government dignitaries on the status of weather related deaths and racial-discrimination crime deaths is crucial in gaining support in the volunteer, donation and jurisdiction areas.

Border Angels are proud supporters of Equal Rights.”

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The Problem With very hot temperature conditions, hundreds of

rescue stations are located along the ten state US Mexico border region.

Temperatures reaching as high as 127 degrees, water is critical for survival.

Also with very cold weather during winter, Winter clothing, food and water are put in winter storage bins to help lower bad health risks.

We are also supporters of Equal Rights.

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Inputs We set up bottled water stations

with GPS location features that enables people looking for water in the desert to use their GPS enabled cell phones to find stations by using an app that will give directions to the nearest water station.

We also have special stations that provide shelter with food and other necessities needed during their journey to the U.S.

By organizing Marches to make essential connections with the public to make aware the unfairness of the immigration laws being passed.

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In the process of doing the water stations and making shelters and looking for ways for an immigration reform we want to accomplish all of this by getting more volunteers and getting more money for water and food. Because many of the people that some to us come close to nothing mostly only with their cloths on their backs, and most of the time wish an empty water bottle .

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The out come we get in this foundation is the wonderful feeling of helping someone in need

As well as knowing we saved Many lives from dyeing of thirst and hunger

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In our attempts of placing water in the desert we have saved many lives from death.

The many shelters give the people protection from harsh weather climates

In our efforts to give food we have saved many more from malnourishment .

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Critical Thinking

Border Angels we have to think in the affects that people have in the desert and the needs they have in their journey.

we also have to think very well on how to help them not only survive the desert, but also help them in the U.S. with an immigration reform.

We have to explain very well the problem to the congress and president that the people crossing looking for a better future In the U.S.

In order to maximize our chances for a good outcome we have to think of different ways to better help our Latin community is for us to help

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Critical reading Although a lot of action is being made, much more

reading is being done to help the immigration reform. We are closely aggrandizing the idea of a

immigration reform in the U.S. to the congress and the president.

We have to be able to reflect on the laws being made that are against us.

By paying attention and reading as much as we can about the Equal rights and taking action we can curtail many laws from passing that appose immigrants.

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Critical Action

The critical action about this organization is that the volunteers have to go out and put these large tanks of water, and put bottled water with GPS’s attacked

As well as all the food being made for the people The marches also are action to go out and try to

diminish the dichotomous actions being made that divide the different countries.

As well to consider the consequences towards the ways we think and do that many people don’t agree with

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Personal Connection My personal connection with this organization is the fact that I’m

Mexican American, so my origin is from Mexico. Both my parents are Mexican although my mother did not go throw the desert my father did. He has told me the about what he has gone threw in his journey to come to America, and what he had to go threw to get here. He has told me that water is a huge necessity to cross the desert. I have many family members and close friends that have crossed the desert, and I have more to come. Now my mother is a United States Citizen and my father is a resident of California. And they don’t have to cross the desert to come and go from México to the U.S. I live day by day surrounded my undocumented people they are not unscrupulous people they are just people that want to work and mind their own business.

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