Helping people more than ever in 2010 How can we help?

True stories booklet - Allianz Global Assistance 2010 Annual Report

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Customer experiences with Allianz Global Assistance.

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Page 1: True stories booklet - Allianz Global Assistance 2010 Annual Report

Helping people more than ever in 2010How can we help?

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key figures

2010 Figures

STAFF per zone



AmericasAsia PacificEMEA

TURNOVER by lines of business

TravelHealth Life & HomeAuto



TURNOVER per zone

AmericasAsia PacificEMEACorporate, other & consolidation








COMBINED RATIO in percentage







NET PROFIT in million euros







TOTAL STAFF number of people







TURNOVER in million euros




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2010 MilestonesAwards

BelgiumSuper Hero wins prize at BT Expo

A member from the marketing team did a Super Hero job handing out flyers at the 7th annual Brussels Travel Expo inviting participants for a game. For his efforts, he won an indoor skydiving tour! The Belgian travel industry website, Pagtour, awarded our business unit the prize for the most attractive booth.

CanadaOur Canadian entity has distinguished itself as an employer of choice after being selected as a Top 15 Employer in the Waterloo area by Mediacorp Canada Inc.

The NetherlandsFeather Award

A national travel magazine awarded its annual innovation Feather Award for our Dutch entity diverse range of assistance services.Golden Shields

For the second time it won 2 Golden Shields insurance awards, which recognise uniqueness and outstanding service.

PolandHR Director makes the news

Our Polish Human Resources Director won the nation’s “Top HR Manager” Award.Customer Friendly Company Certificate

It also won the Customer Friendly Company Certificate, a nationwide program conducted by the Management Observatory Foundation, which recognises best practices to ensure top quality services.


Allianz Global Assistance gets

top ratings

AM Best Europe Rating Services Ltd, issued an A “Excellent” credit rating.We also won a high rating (AA-) from Standard & Poor’s.


AustraliaNissan Australia signs on

The MyNissan iPhone app is an innovative, reassuring addition for the Nissan owners, and allows customers to trigger an assistance call with

the touch of a button. It also provides an electronic logbook, vehicle tips, parking meter and service reminders and a handy trip planner that indicates locations of gas stations, public parking areas and the nearest Nissan dealer!

FranceEnsures more online

and mobile assistance

Our French entity introduced applications for Smartphones and iPhones so now travellers can take out insurance

right before take-off!

The NetherlandsHelpMe

Our Dutch business unit launched HelpMe, a Smartphone app that allows customers to request roadside assistance in real-time or when they need medical assistance abroad.

United-KingdomIntroduces iPhone app

for MINI drivers

Introduction of MINI Assistance, an iPhone app for MINI owners that they can launch from their iPhone. Equipped with

GPS technology, the functions include requesting assistance, locating dealers and getting directions.

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How can we help?

O ne quiet Sunday morning in our service centre we received

an emergency call from one of our customers. I could only hear a frail voice in pain on the end of the phone: “I don’t feel

well”, then silence. Thanks to our internal tools, I managed to call the emergency services and give them the customer’s location and all details necessary for the ambulance to get there as quickly as possible. They arrived on site in seven minutes and found an elderly person unconscious in the car. They revived him, thereby saving his life, and took him to the nearest hospital for medical tests. On my return to the service centre the

next day, I felt compelled to dial the customer’s mobile number to see how he was (I had not heard anything since contacting the emergency services) and when I heard the elderly man get emotional and thank me for saving his life I felt really proud and my heart filled with joy. This sort of gratitude is truly priceless.

Saving a life

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How can we help?

W e received a call from a friend of one of our clients who

had been bitten by a shark and was about to receive surgery. We immediately contacted the hospital, identified ourselves and asked a family member to contact us. The patient’s husband soon called from Canada very anxious about his wife’s condition. He told us he would fly to Mexico as soon as he had arranged care

for his children. We informed him that the surgeon was with his wife and that we would report back to him right after we had spoken with the doctor. Thanks to our Mexican medical correspondent, we received a detailed report, assessed the hospital’s patient care capacity, and decided to repatriate her back to Canada. A few days later, with her husband at her side, the two were flown back via air ambulance to Canada’s premier trauma facility. Our customer is doing well, and he and his wife are very grateful for the services we provided!



Shark bite in Mexico

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How can we help?

A client of a very valuable business partner called us for our concierge

services. He wanted two concert tickets for a famous Swiss band. Unfortunately, the concert had been sold out for weeks. We tried to find tickets through the band’s homepage, the concert hall’s website and eBay. Alas, there were no tickets to be found. It seemed to be mission impossible. But we still hadn’t thought of one thing! What if we got in touch with the band’s manager directly? We called and left a message, explaining our situation and that we urgently needed concert tickets for a V.I.P. client. At first there was no response but two days later we received a phone call from the manager. He informed us that there would be an additional concert that hadn’t been publicised yet. With this insider information we were able to procure the two coveted tickets! Our client was very impressed by our services and the concierge team was proud not to have given up!


Never give up!

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How can we help?

A young customer became ill on a trip to Cuzco, Peru. With the help of

our local correspondent, she was admitted to hospital and stayed 20 days. As her condition did not improve, more tests were done revealing that she had pancreatic cancer. We organised her transfer to a major hospital in Lima, but even then improvement was unsatisfactory. Our doctors recommended repatriation to Brazil. On top of this, her parents were very worried and felt helpless in São Paulo. Although the insurance

normally did not cover this second transfer because the hospital in Lima was able to treat her, the decision was made, for her own comfort and that of her family, to return her to her country. We approved the costs of the repatriation. She arrived safely and was immediately taken to Brazil’s top medical facility. Her father expressed his deep gratitude for our services and the care we provided his daughter.


Multiple medical transfers for ill patient

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How can we help?

installed in her car. We were able to continuously track it and never lost sight of it. In the meantime, I alerted the police.50 minutes after it had been stolen, we received news that the car had been found in a suburb of Naples. The vehicle’s bumper was slightly damaged and had a few scratches. Luckily nothing had been taken. We were really happy that this story had a happy ending, and our customer was even happier!

M y name is Paolo, I am a coordinator and I’d like to tell you about

a car theft that was resolved thanks to Service Pack Auto, an Allianz Italia product. Late one afternoon, I received a call from a customer informing me that her car had been stolen from a village near Naples. She had been attacked and dragged out of her car. The first thing I did was to make sure she was okay. Then I had the car tracked thanks to Service Pack, a satellite tracking system that was

We track stolen vehicles too!

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How can we help?

I received a night call from a distressed customer. He had been driving slowly when

his car hit a pothole. The right wheels became stuck and the car was immobilised. He was alone, in the middle of nowhere, and because he was unable to walk, he couldn’t tell me his exact location. The pavement prevented him from getting his

wheelchair. He tried shouting for help but the road was deserted. However, there was a parked tow truck on the street, and he was able to read the phone number on the bumper. I thought I’d use this information and call their offices; they may give me the exact location of the truck. Unfortunately, because they had so many trucks, they couldn’t

give me the information.Then I had another idea: contact our local service provider and put him in conference call with the customer who described where he was. Within 30 minutes our tow truck was there to assist him!

Even when you think you’re stranded, we’re never far away

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I n the middle of Brazil, suffering its worst natural disaster and huge floods,

a customer called to inform us that his home, automobile and the entire street where he lived had been partially or totally destroyed. He was staying at a friend’s house in Rio de Janeiro City. He later learned that his car was still in the garage but that he couldn’t remove it or ask for mechanical help because the garage risked

falling down! And because the streets were flooded, there were no circulating vehicles or any way to get assistance to this customer. In Rio he gathered some funds together for a taxi, but it wasn’t enough to take him home to check on the situation. We decided to provide him with a taxi so he could make the journey. After all, we’re here to help people, anytime, anywhere, in any situation!


a cuus tandhe lor tstayRio learthe remhelp

With our help, a customer returns to his flooded town

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How can we help?

I received a call one stormy night. A young woman was crying and in trouble on the

other end. She had run out of units for her cell phone, so I called her back. She told me she had lost control of her car and hit a tree. The car was smoking and she was scared, alone and without any money. She said she was a novice driver and that her car was new. “My father will kill me,” she cried. I comforted her and said that we would send someone right away to help. I also reassured her that her

father would be thankful that she wasn’t hurt. She asked if I would call him to explain what had happened, which I did. I told him not to worry, that his daughter was not hurt and that help was on the way. He thanked me many times and rushed to where his daughter was stranded. After this incident I felt proud to have helped a young woman and a new driver who really didn’t have anyone else to turn to.

Assistance is just part of how we help. We offer human comfort too!

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How can we help?

O ne of our customers fell ill on a cruise to Egypt, just before returning to

Italy. One of the onboard doctors had him urgently transferred to the nearest hospital. His wife contacted us and we quickly set the wheels in motion. Our local correspondent obtained a detailed medical report and kept in close touch with his wife to keep her updated on her husband’s condition. It turns out that he needed multiple by-pass heart surgery. This information was checked and counter checked by our assisting doctors, and arrangements

were made for the operation. It was very successful and after a few days in the hospital, we had our customer discharged and transferred to a hotel, then we organised his return to Italy. Accompanied by the hospital’s anaesthetist, his repatriation

took place within 24 hours. Our customer and his wife’s return trip was quick and comfortable, and they were soon back home.

How can we help?Accompanied by the hospital’s anaesthetist, his repatriation

Bypass surgery for a cruise customer

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Caller - “Could you please tell me how to put my car in four-wheel drive to help me out of the snow?” Coordinator - “Sir, I can see from our system that your car doesn’t have four-wheel drive!”

Come again!A collection of humorous assistance stories

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How can we help ?

A customer called in to ask what a particular warning light meant. He was advised it meant he needed to check the pressure in the tyres, as they may need to be topped up with air. The reply: “Does it need to be special air?”

A coordinator took a call fr om

a customer wh o complained

that his vehicle was not

moving. Our coordinator

asked the customer wh et her

the handbrake was released

and if indeed the engine

was running. “Yes .” “You’re

not stuck on ice or snow?”

“No.” “Are you press ing the

accelerator pedal?” “I’m not

sure…let me try. Oh yes that

was it! I didn’t realise you

had to app ly the accelerator in

an automatic; I thought it just


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Allianz Global Assistance37, rue Taitbout75009 Paris, FranceTel: +33 1 53 25 53 25


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