Suzy Kim - Jeong Peong Middle School

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I'm a global citizen (Korea) Suzy Kim Student of Jeong Peong Middle School, Gyeonggi 1

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Page 2: Suzy Kim - Jeong Peong Middle School
Page 3: Suzy Kim - Jeong Peong Middle School

• ‘The world is getting smaller and smaller.’ As this world is believed to be continuing, I

should not be too selfish towards others and be more accepting. So I am trying to be a Global citizen.

Then, what am I doing to achieve this…?

Page 4: Suzy Kim - Jeong Peong Middle School

A Global Citizen is.. someone who

- is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen

- respects values and diversity - is willing to act to make the

world a more sustainable place

->I’m going to show you how I am working as a global citizen.

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Page 6: Suzy Kim - Jeong Peong Middle School

Being sensitive about global issues which affect world politics and economics, as well as changing societies and the environment, are some of the good ways to be a global citizen so that we can pay attention and take action.

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One of the most worrying problems today is global warming. It is not only a problem for particular areas but all countries. Because of people depleting the ozone layer with gas called Freon gas which makes the ice from poles melt, the sea level is going up and is making many islands sink and the damage is considerable. So I think that if people pay more attention to what they are doing and try to be more careful, global warming will lessen.

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All countries have their own unique cultures. As the world is being globalized, its cultures are being mixed and sometimes friction occurs because of differences in their cultures. But if we don’t comprehend the differences, the world will be full of quarrels. We have to respect and value diversity in all cultures.

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I went to New York, one of the world’s best cities, last December for one month. While I was touring, I was so surprised that in this city, there were so many other ethnic groups. They were all living together despite their own different individual cultures. It is said that 60% of people in New York are from other races. Seeing this, I think that when different ethnic groups cooperate and make new kinds of culture, a city can be developed into one of the greatest cities and be a place where we can all live together such as New York.

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• For the coming summer vacation, the orchestra that I am included in was invited to the Edinburgh International Festival. And so we are going to Scotland to participate in the festival and we will also be performing there. It is said that many kinds of dance, music, art and performances are held there which reflect many different cultures. So I can learn about their unique features through attending the festival.

Our orchetra^^

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• Lastly,,, I give a lot of thought to the

people who are struggling to survive because they are starving or don’t have the appropriate medicine. My mother and I are running a campaign that helps one African child by sending them money so that they can receive benefits such as education, food and their personal development until they are independent. But I want to have more influence so that I can help thousands of poor child who need help. For this dream, I will study hard and will be a global leader that affects a wide range of aspects and THIS is what I think makes a GLOBAL CITIZEN….!

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