Spartans and some gods By Ryan Holzberger And Greg Shindel

Spartans And Some Gods

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Page 1: Spartans  And Some Gods

Spartans and some gods

By Ryan



Greg Shindel

Page 2: Spartans  And Some Gods

To prove you are worthy to be a Spartan warrior, you must pass the test, but first we must train you.

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Soldiers took the boys from their mothers at age 7, housed them in a dormitory with other boys and trained them as soldiers. The mother's softening influence was considered detrimental to a boy's education. The boys endured harsh physical discipline and deprivation to make them strong. The marched without shoes and went without food. They learned to fight, endure pain and survive through their wits. The older boys willingly participated in beating the younger boys to toughen them. Self-denial, simplicity, the warrior code, and loyalty to the city-state governed their lives

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Sparta was one of the many Greek islands. It was known for its soldiers. The city of Sparta was a city state in ancient Greece , situated on the River Eurotas in the southern part of the Peloponnese . It was the dominant military power in the region. They worshiped the Greece gods like Zeus, god of the sky and thunder. We will go over it more later.

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Greece gods

The main Greece

gods Spartans

worshiped were

Ares, god of war,

Athena ,god of

warfare, and

Zeus, king of all


Page 6: Spartans  And Some Gods

BattlesSpartans fought many

battles, but their most

famous one is the

battle of At the battle

of Thermopylae.

Thermopylae is the

battle that Spartans

are most known for.

There were three

hundred Spartans

against the whole

Persian army. The

phrase that is the most

famous from that

battle is, “ Their

arrows block out the

sun, then we shall

fight in the shade”.

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The time has come, time to prove yourself worthy!

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A: -4 B: 21 C: 7 D: 103

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Click on the picture to see you fate!!!

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A: ChinaB: MarsC: Ryan’s pocketD: GreeceIf there is a repeat click away from questions

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A: The Texas Chain Saw Massacre B: Thermopylae C: Star Wars D: The Battle for Middle Earth

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A: ChuckB: Barrack Obama C: Greg and Ryan D: Ares E: Athena

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Now you are a true Spartan, but sadly your race died a looooooooooooooooonnnnnngggg (3,000 years) time ago.

Tough noodles to you!

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By Greg Shindel and Ryan HolzbergerPictures from Google ImagesInfo from Wikipedia .org and history wiz.com


A sixth grade computer class production. All rights reserved.

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