T H E G A P By Hayley Gallagher.

Pitch presentation for blog

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T H E G A P By Hayley Gallagher.

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Hello, my name is Hayley and I’m here today to convince you that my ideas for a new

magazine fit your brief and present the best solution for your organisations’ needs. I hope that you agree with me in believing that my magazine is unique and will help assist your

regional newspaper into gaining more recognition in areas maybe not reachable

without my help.

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“You have been commissioned by the Northern Echo to produce a new magazine or newspaper product. Your product could be in any style or genre but it must be self financed through sales or advertising. You must also produce your magazine for a specified audience segment within the 16 to 25 age group”

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How I intend to meet my brief In order to meet the brief that I have been set I have done

the following things-

-  I have created a magazine that is suitable for the C2DE audience of which the Northern Echo have.

-  Created a magazine on a budget quality, this is in

order to meet the needs of my target audience although still employing high quality qualified journalists and staff.

-  Created a magazine aimed at taking a gap year and festivals which is an important topic for people within my TA of 16-24.

-  Chosen a magazine of which there is a gap in the market for.

-  Made a magazine of which is self financed through sales and advertising.

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Why festivals and travelling?

-  I have experienced festivals several times and also spent my summer working abroad which allows me to withhold a lot of information.

-  The fact my magazine is written about things I have experienced allows the magazine to be written in so much detail and personal experiences again opening up a gap in the market.

-  I tend to read NME which allows me to understand the way In which articles on things such as music are written.

-  Current magazines aren’t personal and as informative as mine which interests my target audience.

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AUDIENCE profile

-  Mixed gender

-  Age 16-24

-  C2DE socio economic status

-  Educational status- college to work.

-  Buying behaviors – magazine priced £2.

-  Usually on a low income if employed hence being able to relate to the lower price.

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Other things to consider

Secondary audience -  Secondary Audience is people whom of which usually read the

Northern Echo and are reading my magazine due to the fact it is included.

-  In order to also meet the needs of the secondary audience there must be….

-  No taboo language -  No nudity -  No inappropriate content

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Use colloquial language as well as formal to relate to young audience.

Have a price my audience can afford.

Use young models of whom my audience can relate to.

Balanced text to image ratio.

Use youthful and exciting stylistics

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Other things to consider

The IPSO regulate certain rules that journalists must oblige by to protect the welfare of others. After researching into this and looking further into matters such as accuracy, harassment, children and discrimination I decided to come up with 5 golden rules to follow to ensure I never broke any of these.

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1. MODELS. I will ensure each model used within my magazine will sign a model release form meaning I have rights to publish photos of them.

2. THOROUGH FINDINGS. I will work hard in ensuring that each article is as accurate as possible, all information must be correct therefore I cannot be faulted on any inaccuracies.

3. INFORMATIVE. Working hard to ensure my magazine will be incredibly informative and interesting to make it individual.

4. OPEN MINDED. Looking at stories from other peoples perspectives, questioning things such as why are they publishing this story, how will it benefit me, this ensures its incredibly thought about and structured.

5. SUBJECT GUIDING. This means journalists with specialist topic areas or more tips and advice on subjects of which they know a lot about are able to publish sometimes. This is good as my personal opinion will be a strong factor within my magazine.

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genre RESEARCH In depth.

Low and informal vocabulary, some taboo language.

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"   FEATURES; top fashion tips

"   REGULARS; horoscope page


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MASTHEAD FONT: All rights reserved


HEADLINE FONTS: A little sunshine

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Responses were positive on this section of my DPS

Positive feedback again on the fact there are three pictures lined up At the beginning of my DPS.

Negative feedback on the length of the paragraphs.

Positive feedback on the fact you can identify the genre of the article by the images.

Positive feedback on the fonts

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Positive feedback on the length of paragraphs

Positive feedback on the direction of the images and the fact they're on a slant.

Positive feedback on the borders of little tents.

Negative feedback on the colour of this advert as the black could fade into the background and not be recognizable.

Positive feedback on the colors of the DPS as they're associated with content.

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Personnel rates


Journalists £40

Photographers £100

Models £25

Subeditors £40

Researchers £6

Lighting Assistant £60

Make up Assistant £35