Why did I come back? My LA Trip March 1st 2012-March 7th 2012

My trip to la

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Why did I come back?

My LA Trip March 1st 2012-March 7th 2012

Taken from a Sub way of a view of some of the town.

I arrived!

The In and Out Burger had the best fast food burger


sometimes you have to find beauty in the strangest



Here is a fountain near Fuller.

outside the Fuller coffee shop.

This is a fountain in a prayer area of Fuller.

Just an area overlooking Fuller.

Another overlook at Fuller.


There were some break dancers below us on one


Took Joe and Cara and showed them Korea town introducing them to the

food some food.

Here I am eating some Korean Food.

All of us eating together.

Joe giving up on chopsticks with the ribs there.

Is this Barbie’s House?

This is a beach in Malibu Beach.

This was taken before we left... was sad to leave.

I really enjoyed this structure in this part of


Queen Elizabeth at the Long Beach Pier.

Since I lost a lot of weight since last June, I decided to

try on Joe’s clothes... I think I look so good.

At the Griffith Park observatory.

One of the many subway entrances. I love the rocks

above this one.

City Hall observatory.

This is a bell on the observatory.

Here are both of us.

This is the ceiling masonry inside

This is from the bottom of where the top was.

Joe outside of city hall.

We went out for Ethiopian.

I really wish I did not have to leave...