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London Attractions

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Book hotel in the heart of London where lots of things are attractable that will attract you and make memorable trip.

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Famous tourist attractions in London

tourist attractions in London not only tell you about history of London but also make your trip enjoyable and meaningful.

How does anything become a tourist attraction in a city?

Tourist attractions are testimonies to the past of any city; past which made the city what it has become today. They are venues of national importance or of inescapable and indescribable beauty or something that has a history of its own. Everything that adds to the glory of a city becomes a tourist attraction. Every era adds to the list of attractions to a city and you can follow them to carve out a history of the city and to know it better. These attractions are living testimonies of a city’s past and there are places where you can visit to relive a different time period and a different era of a place.

Importance of tourist attractions

Not only are tourist attractions the backbone of the tourist business of any city or any place, they also play an important part in giving a past, a history and recognition to the country. Some tourist attractions are specifically for fun and enjoyment but most of them make you learn about a city’s past and make you aware of specific moments in history which are connected to that place. They make your trip enjoyable and also let you take back a lot of information about the city with you when you go back. Everybody would remember the special and queer feeling that you get when you visit an old and famous building when you visit any city. Tourist attractions are maintained so that more and more people can feel that way

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over a period of time. As mentioned before, they are very important for tourist revenues as they help attract travellers and tourists to any city. This is a significant business for any city and helps in the development of any city.

Tourist attractions in London

London has a mix of both modern and ancient tourist attractions and attractions in London not only include old and famous buildings and structures in London but also modern attractions and buildings which are also part of the tourist sites landscape. One of the very famous tourist attractions in London is Westminster Abbey which is one of the only existing structures of gothic architecture in the world. This is one of the most frequented sites in the city. A modern tourist attraction which is as famous is the London Eye which gives you a bird’s eye view of London from enclosed capsules which let you view the whole city at once sitting at your comfortable place in the Millennium Wheel capsule. This is a modern attraction and was only put up as a welcome sign to the new Millennium in the year 2000. There are also several museums dedicated to different eras and subjects and you can visit them to get a clearer picture of London. Museum of modern art is for all the modern art lovers who want to study contemporary art in London. Other famous places are the London Bridge, Tower of London, and the Clock Tower. Hyde Park with its various memorials is another attraction in London which will enhance the experience of your trip to London.

For more informative and fun tourist attractions in London, check out London attractions at http://www.shaftesburyhotels.com