Leder aus Hazaribag Leather from Hazaribag

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Leather produced in Bangladesh

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  • 1. LederausHazaribag LeatherfromHazaribag

2. Hazaribag In Bangladesh, the leather industry is one of the most important economy. It contributes around 6% of total export earnings. The factories are located in Hazaribag area, one of the most populated neighborhoods of Dhaka, and cover 25 hectares. But, this profitable industry hurts the environment strongly. A huge amount of solid and liquid waste is dumped in the Buriganga river. The laborers are equally harmed working in hazardous conditions. The lack of training on the use of chemicals and the inadequacy of safety equipments cause lots of injuries and deaths every year. In 2003, the government started a project to build a new tannery area, 24 km northwest of Dhaka. Continuous delays on setting up a Central Treatment Plant (CETP) in the new site, worsen the precarious conditions of the environment and the physical state of numerous workers. Hazaribag In Bangladesh, ist die Lederindustrie eine der wichtigsten Wirtschaftszweige. Er betrgt rund 6% der gesamten Ausfuhrerlse. Die Fabriken sind im Hazaribag Viertel, einem der am dichtesten besiedelten Viertel von Dhaka, und decken 25 Hektar. Aber diese profitable Industrie schadet stark der Umwelt. Eine riesige Menge von festen und flssigen Abflle werden in den Buriganga Fluss geschttet. Die Arbeiter sind gleichermaen geschdigt und arbeiten unter gefhrlichen Bedingungen. Die mangelnde Kenntnis ber den Einsatz von Chemikalien und die Unzulnglichkeit der Sicherheitsausrstungen verursachen jedes Jahr viele Verletzungen und Todesflle. Im Jahr 2003 hat die Regierung ein Projekt gestartet, um ein neues Gerberei Gebiet, 24 km nordwestlich von Dhaka zu bauen. Kontinuierliche Verzgerungen ber die Errichtung einer Zentralklranlage (CETP) im neuen Standort, verschrfen die prekren Bedingungen der Umwelt und den physikalischen Zustand der zahlreichen Arbeiter. 3. A heap of leather scraps stand in front of a warehouse. 4. A young laborers employed in the leather industry. 5. Raw leather is stored in warehouses before being processed. 6. Scraps of animal dries on a cart. 7. Workers collect liquid waste from a ditch contaminated with chromium and other chemicals. 8. Raw leather stored in a warehouse. 9. A worker uses a plastic sheet to avoid contact with processed leather. 10. Most of the laborers work barefoot. 11. A worker handles leather without any protection among chemical cans. 12. Workers handle processed leather without any protections. 13. A worker carries liquid waste to be reused in a small tannery. 14. A worker protects his skin from the contact with leather processed with chromium based chemicals. 15. Workers in charge to operate old machines in low light conditions. 16. Workers carry leather to the top floor to dry. 17. The finished leather is stored to dry. 18. Young laborers in charge of a machine press. 19. A young laborer refinishes pieces of leather. 20. Tanneries use rooftops to dry leather. 21. Photos: Matteo Cardin