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Page 1: Israel


Page 2: Israel


the Holy Land, is a country in the Middle

East bordered by the Arab nations of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Its capital is Jerusalem.

There are more than 7 million people

in Israel and about 80%of them are Jews while

20% are Arabs.

Page 3: Israel

Israel has a rich history and biblical roots that attract millions of tourists from

around the world. Israel which literally means “to wrestle with God” is the land where

Jesus ministered, was crucified and rose from the dead.

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Rice Broocks of Bethel World Outreach Center

went to Israel with his

family to sow seeds of faith in this

critical nation and they encourage us to continue praying for

Israel and for the people

to experience God’s supernatural help in their time of


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Prayer Points

Pray for the nation of Israel and for genuine and lasting peace between Arabs and Jews.

Pray for open doors for ministry.

Pray for the power of God to reign in the nation of Israel and for the Holy Spirit to make an impact in the lives of people and to end the religious divide.

Pray for the people that they may open their spiritual eyes to see the truth and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and savior.

Pray for more workers to have the heart to reach out to the people of Israel.