Inner Mongolia Province Travel Proposal

Grade 10 China Trip

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Page 1: Grade 10 China Trip

Inner Mongolia ProvinceTravel Proposal

Inner Mongolia ProvinceTravel Proposal

Page 2: Grade 10 China Trip


Date Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

AM Take the flight to Hohhot

Wake up callWestern BreakfastMongolian Equestrian School(Introduce the riders & culture)

Drive to Grassland (1.5 hours)

Watch Sunrise in the morning (optional)Visit the Lamasery to attend their morning service

Have 1 hour free time on the grassland,

Self cooked breakfast

drive to Baotou

After breakfast,head to airport, take flight from Baotou

LunchMongolian Lunch(Lamb and vegetables with rice)

Local lunch at countyStop in Baotou and have a simple lunch


Check in the hotel

Inner MongoliaArt School ExchangeProgram

Check into the yurt, watch and participate inBuilding the Mongolian Yurt(0.5hour)Watch traditional Mongolian horsemen's race and wrestling competition.

Grassland Activities : A. Wrestling and Archery lessons with tutor B. Fly the kite C. Horse back Riding (Optional)

Trek through the grassland to visit localHerdsman's house, folktale by Mongolian herdsman in Mongolian language, making dumplings at herdsman's house.

Desert Activities by group

- Hiking- Camel riding- Sand sliding- Tree planting- Cruise on the sand

Arrive at Wudangzhao,the biggest Lamasery in China

Visit Lamasery, interview lama

Drive to Baotou

Dinner Mongolian HotpotBBQ dinner and whole lamb at herdsman's house.

BBQ dinner Local flavor dinner

Evening Back to the hotel and restCampfire party at the open area with Mongolian singing and dancing performance traditional and Interactive

Campfire party with local students

Hotel, City

Stay at Phoenix Hotel(4Star), Hohhot

Spend the nightat a Mongolian Yurts (Tent)

Camping at the desert (Tent)Stay at Baotou Rare-Earth Hotel ( 4star), Baotou

1. Itinerary

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2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia



Temperature of June14 / 29℃ ℃

Temperature of June12 / 27℃ ℃


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- Take the flight from Shanghai to Hohhot - Exchange Program at the Mongolian Art School - Mongolia Hotpot Dinner * Stay at Phoenix Hotel(4Star), Hohhot

- Take the flight from Shanghai to Hohhot - Exchange Program at the Mongolian Art School - Mongolia Hotpot Dinner * Stay at Phoenix Hotel(4Star), Hohhot

Day 1Day 1 Overnight in


Overnight in Hohhot

Exchange Program at the Mongolian Art SchoolHohhot

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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- Mongolian Equestrian School (Introduce the riders & culture) - Drive to Grassland (1.5 hours), Mongolian Lunch - Check into the yurt, watch and participate in building the Mongolian Yurt - Watch traditional Mongolian horsemen's race and wrestling competition. Wrestling and Archery lessons with tutor, fly the kite. - Trek through the grassland to visit local Herdsman's house (45mins-1hour), BBQ dinner and whole lamb at herdsman's house. - Campfire party at the open area with Mongolian singing and dancing performance * Overnight at a Mongolian Yurts (Tent)

- Mongolian Equestrian School (Introduce the riders & culture) - Drive to Grassland (1.5 hours), Mongolian Lunch - Check into the yurt, watch and participate in building the Mongolian Yurt - Watch traditional Mongolian horsemen's race and wrestling competition. Wrestling and Archery lessons with tutor, fly the kite. - Trek through the grassland to visit local Herdsman's house (45mins-1hour), BBQ dinner and whole lamb at herdsman's house. - Campfire party at the open area with Mongolian singing and dancing performance * Overnight at a Mongolian Yurts (Tent)

Day 2Day 2

Overnight in XilamurenGrassland

Overnight in XilamurenGrassland

Mongolian Equestrian School Xilamuren Grassland

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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Mongolian Yurt Mongolian horsemen's race and wrestling competition

Archery lessons with tutor, fly the kite

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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- Watch Sunrise in the morning (optional) - Visit the Lamasery to attend their morning service - Group Activities at the desert (Hiking, Camel riding, Sand sliding, Tree planting, Cruise on the sand) - BBQ dinner & Campfire * Camping at the Desert

- Watch Sunrise in the morning (optional) - Visit the Lamasery to attend their morning service - Group Activities at the desert (Hiking, Camel riding, Sand sliding, Tree planting, Cruise on the sand) - BBQ dinner & Campfire * Camping at the Desert

Day 3Day 3

Overnight in Desert

Overnight in Desert

Whole lamb BBQ dinner at herdsman's house Group Activities at the desert

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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- Drive to Baotou, stop in Baotou and have a simple lunch - Arrive at Wudangzhao-The biggest Lamasery in China - Visit Lamasery, interview lama - Drive to Baotou * Stay at Baotou Rare-Earth Hotel ( 4star)

- Drive to Baotou, stop in Baotou and have a simple lunch - Arrive at Wudangzhao-The biggest Lamasery in China - Visit Lamasery, interview lama - Drive to Baotou * Stay at Baotou Rare-Earth Hotel ( 4star)

Day 4Day 4

Overnight in Baotou

Overnight in Baotou

Visit the Lamasery to attend their morning service

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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Interview LamaWudangzhao

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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- After breakfast, head to airport, take flight from Baotou - After breakfast, head to airport, take flight from Baotou Day 5Day 5

2. Focus on this trip – Inner Mongolia

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2. Genghis Khan - Khagan of the Mongol Empire

• Probably 1155, 1162, or 1167 : Temujin was born in the Khentii mountains. • At the age of nine, Temujin's father Yesugei was poisoned by Tatars, leaving him and his family destitute. • 1184 : Temujin's wife Borte was kidnapped by Merkits; He called on blood brother Jamuka and Wang Khan for aid, and they rescued her. • 1185 : First son Jochi was born; leading to doubt about his paternity later among Genghis' children, because he was born shortly after Borte's rescue from the Merkits. • 1190 : Temujin united the Mongol tribes, became leader, and devised code of law Yassa. • 1201 : Victory over Jamuka's Jadarans. • 1202 : Adopted as Wang Khan's heir after successful campaigns against Tatars. • 1203 : Victory over Wang Khan's Keraits. Wang Khan himself is killed by accident by allied Naimans. • 1204 : Victory over Naimans (all these confederations are united and become the Mongols). • 1206 : Jamuka was killed. Temujin was given the title Genghis Khan by his followers in a Kurultai (around 40 years of age).

• 1207~1210 : Genghis led operations against the Western Xia, which comprises much of northwestern China and parts of Tibet. Western Xia ruler submitted to Genghis Khan. During this period, the Uyghurs also submitted peacefully to the Mongols and became valued administrators throughout the empire. • 1211 : After the kurultai, Genghis led his armies against the Jin Dynasty ruling northern China. • 1215 : Beijing fell; Genghis Khan turned to west and the Khara-Kitan Khanate. • 1219~1222 : Conquered Khwarezmid Empire. • 1226 : Started the campaign against the Western Xia for forming coalition against the Mongols, the second battle with the Western Xia. • 1227 : Genghis Khan died after conquering the Tangut people. Cause of death is uncertain, although legend states that he was thrown off his horse in the battle and contracted a deadly fever soon after.

Appendix - Inner Mongolia History