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Duomo di Monreale1/5

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The Cathedral of Monreale was the last and most beautiful of the Norman churches built in Sicily, and one of the architectural wonders of the medieval world. !!!!! This is a NOTES PAGE presentation. If you want more information, please read speaker notes or after the download, follows the steps: File-new-read only-view-notes page!!!! YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/sandamichaela-1239397-monreale1/ (You have the link on the first slide)

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The Normands (1060 – 1194)  came in Sicily as mercenary knights in help of Byzantines who were trying to conquer again Sicily from Arabs whose internal power was in crisis. But….by 1091 the conquest was completedThe Norman rule was tolerant of the different cultures, and introduced the feudal system, while at the same time expanding throughout Southern Italy. The Cathedral of Monreale, on a hill on the lower slopes of the mountain overlooking Palermo, was the last and most beautiful of the Norman churches built in Sicily, and one of the architectural wonders of the medieval world.  A project of the Norman King William II (1153 - 1166 - 1189 (36)), the huge Cathedral took only 8 years to build (between 1174 and 1182).  Some idea of the richness of the interior mosaics, which cover the entire Cathedral, can be gleaned from the fact that they contain around 2,200 kilos of pure gold!

Normanzii (1060 – 1194) veniţi în Sicilia, condotieri, cavaleri mercenari, pentru a-i ajuta pe bizantini sã recucereascã Sicilia de la arabi au ocupat întreaga insulã în anul 1091. Domnia normandã a fost tolerantã faţã de toate culturile, a introdus sistemul feudal şi a încercat sã cucereascã şi alte teritorii din Italia de Sud.

Catedrala din Monreale, construitã pe o culme în partea de jos a muntelui cu vedere spre Palermo, a fost ultima şi cea mai frumoasã dintre ctitoriile normande din Sicilia, una dintre minunãţiile arhitectonice ale Evului Mediu. Construitã de Wilhelm al II-lea (1153-1166-1189), urcat pe tron la 12 ani şi mort la 36!!! imensa catedralã a avut nevoie de doar 8 ani pentru a fi ridicatã! (între 1174 şi 1182)

Pentru a ne da seama de bogãţia mozaicului din interior e de ajuns sã afli cã s-au folosit circa 2200 de kilograme de aur curat!

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"Monreale" is a contraction of monte-reale, "royal mountain", so-called from a palace built here by Roger I of Sicily

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Există şi o legendă care spune cum s-a născut acest dom: se pare că după o vânătoare, cât timp Wilhelm se odihnea sub un copac, Fecioara Maria i-a apărut în vis şi l-a rugat să ridice un lăcaş de cult în onoarea sa şi i-a dezvăluit locul unde se află o comoară ascunsă de tatăl regelui normand. 

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Three arched portico (Ignazio Marabitti 1770)

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The project employed both Sicilian and Byzantine craftsmen, resulting in a magnificent fusion of eastern and western influences. The outside appearance of Monreale Duomo is interesting, but gives no hint of the riches inside. 

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Overlooking Palermo, the town of Monreale, from the Latin "Mons Regalis" (literally 'Royal Mountain'), straddles a slope of Mount Caputo about eight kilometers south of Palermo's cathedral. Set at about three hundred metres above sea level, the town overlooks the "Conca d'Oro," as the valley beyond Palermo is known

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Exterior views

Monreale Cathedral was commissioned by William II (1154-89), the Norman ruler of Sicily, who wished to demonstrate the magnificence of his kingdom and outdo the splendid Palatine Chapel built by his grandfather, Roger II.

Catedrala a fost construită de Wilhelm al II-lea (1154-1189), ultimul domnitor normand al Siciliei, care a dorit să demonstreze măreţia regatului său şi să depăşească splendoarea Capelei Palatine din Palermo construită de bunicul său, Roger II, pe care îl admira.

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Famed for its glorious golden mosaics, Monreale Cathedral is perhaps the finest Norman building in Sicily. It was built in the 12th century as part of a grand royal complex a few miles outside of Palermo.Catedrala din Monreale este una dintre cele mai mari şi frumoase catedrale ale lumii. Biserica a fost întemeiată de către împăratul normand Wilhelm al II-lea, cunoscut drept Wilhelm cel Bun, nepotul lui Roger al II-lea.

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Via dell'Arcivescovado

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Fontana del Tritone in Monreale.

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Fontana del Tritone in Monreale.Triton Fountain is placed in the historical heart of Monreale; it was realized by the sculptor Mario Rutelli (1859 - 1941).

Fântâna Tritonului a fost realizată de sculptorul Mario Rutelli (bunicul fostul primar al Romei)

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The West Door of Monreale - another Door of Paradise and another masterpiece - was made in 1189 by a Tuscan - Bonanno da Pisa.  Bonanno had earlier done doors for the Pisa duomo, but sadly only one pair survived a major fire in the fading years of the 1500s.  The Monreale panels follow the narrative of the Christian story from Adam and Eve (bottom right of door), through Cain and Abel (left) to the Ascension. Poarta principală, supranumită Poarta Paradisului, care nu se deschide decât la oficierea căsătoriilor, a fost realizată în anul 1189 de Bonnano din Pisa. El executase înainte porţile Domului din Pisa din care din păcate nu a supravieţuit incendiului decât una.

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Particolare della cornice del portale del Pisano

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Statua della Madonna dell‘Accolienza, 1970, dello scultore corleonese contemporaneo Biagio Governali

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Portico (Gian Domenico and Fazio Gagini 1547-49)

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The less elaborate North Door, completed in 1179, has 28 panels, most of which portray Christian motifs and was made by the Trani master, Barisano da Trani.  Barisano used a technique of low relief casting finished by chiseling.

Mai puţin elaborată, poarta de nord, terminată în 1179 are 28 de casete reprezentând în majoritate subiecte creştine şi a fost făcută de Barisano din Trani. 

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Sound: Roberto Alagna – Nino Rota - The Godfather

Lu me sciccareddu di Giuseppe Infantino

Text : Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foişoreanu

Gabriela CristescuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanuwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda