© David Brewer Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC New Media Evolution On The Horizon for TH!NKers Aim beyond the horizon

David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

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Page 1: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

On The Horizon for TH!NKers

Aim beyond the horizon

Page 2: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

• Impact of blogging, social networking and other new media developments

• Changing audience behaviour

• Implications for traditional, mainstream media

• Implications for all media (don’t think UGC)

• Opportunities and challenges

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Page 4: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Page 5: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Why blog?


I started blogging to improve my writing skills, highlight the

plight of Bhutanese refugees and inform them.

I blog also to garner support and solidarity be it local, national

or international, for our call for media freedom in Bhutan.

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Page 7: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Why blog?

REASONS: Nalaka Gunawardene

I’m a story-teller first and last. A science writer by training, I’ve

worked variously as a journalist, film-maker, media

researcher, media trainer, communications consultant and TV

host during the past 20 years.

Just like media is a plural term, I have multiple affiliations and

wear several ‘hats’. In all these, I ‘connect the dots’, find

new ways of seeing the world around me, speak my mind

— and also have fun.

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Page 9: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Why blog?

REASONS: Shahidul Alam

“This direct access that has insulated me from government


“In 1996, when we protested against the government using the military to

round up opposition activists, I was attacked in the streets

“They took away my computer, camera, PDA and films, and I received

eight knife wounds.

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Why blog?

REASONS: Shahidul Alam

“The reason I can now get away with what I say has a lot to do with the

following and the reach my blog has provided.

“They know I have over 28,000 subscribers worldwide.

“Some of those 28K are very influential people. “

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Taking bloggers seriously

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Old media gate crashing the

new media party

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution


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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

An insurance policy for media freedom

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

Creating the most

trusted media brand in

the Balkans

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution


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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

• The way the audience consumes news is changing

• The ‘broadcast at’ model is dead

• The ‘engage with on our terms’ model is in its death throes

• Smart media organisations must move on to the ‘be a part of and participate’ model

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

• The basics for mainstream media do not change

• They must deliver accurate, balanced, objective and impartial news based on sourced and verified facts

• But they must be aware of where the audience had shifted, move in their direction,and offer something unique, relevant and needed.

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© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

• Keep experimenting

• Keep innovating

• Keep challenging those in authority

• Keep stretching mind

• Keep sharing

• Keep tagging

And for bloggers?

Page 33: David Brewer - TH!NK ABOUT IT Rotterdam Presentation

© David Brewer – Media Ideas International Ltd 2009 For: EJC

New Media Evolution

On The Horizon for TH!NKers

You are the media