Presented by Marcos Delgado 10 Things you should know when traveling to Mexico

10 things about travel to mexico

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Presented by Marcos Delgado

10 Things you should know when traveling

to Mexico

Fact 1. Full Mexico’s Name:

United States of Mexico Republic

Fact 2. Mexico and UNESCO

Fact 3. Linen and Cotton your saviors.

Mexico is hot all year round, but the humid climate and climbing temperatures are especially uncomfortable in the summer months. The answer is probably natural fabrics like linen and cotton.

Fact. 4 The food is not just tacos

Fact 5. Mexican desserts are delicious

Fact 6. You can buy more than Tequila

Fact 7. Cheap vacations

• Puerto Vallarta and Cancun are tow of the cheapest vacation places to go

Fact 8. Cheapest time to fly!

From late spring to early fall.

Fact 9. Isn’t an scene of Breaking Bad

• About drug cartels have scared some people away from traveling to Mexico, but that shouldn't be the case. There are certainly pockets of violence in some border towns and cities but there are also regions that are generally very safe. The Yucatan peninsula so has Baja California Sur, where many of Mexico's most popular tourist destinations are located, has been relatively unaffected by drug-related violence. Millions of travelers visit Mexico every year without incident.

Fact 10. Tequila is only from Tequila

Gracias!!Thank you!!