Deliverability The myth The facts Your control

You control Your Deliverability

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Slides from Andy Thorpe's Deliverability webinar in March 2011

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Page 1: You control Your Deliverability


The myth

The facts

Your control

Page 2: You control Your Deliverability

What we will cover

• What is deliverability?• What are you measured on• How are you measured?• What can you do

• Questions & answers

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Dispelling the myth

Deliverability = Inbox placement

ISPs decide your inbox placement based on your recipients reactions to your emails.

ESPs can show you the metrics and give you the advice.

You do the work.

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Content filters

Don’t get mistaken as a spammer

• No plain text • One giant image• Spammy keywords• Phishing

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Reputation is like a credit rating

No credit history = No mortgage

Poor credit history = mortgage + big deposit

Good credit history = good mortgage

Consistent volumes + engagement = good inbox placement

Bounces & complaints = junk & blocks

No sending history = very low volume inbox placement

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How the ISPs see you

• Email address• Domain• Prefix• IP address

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What counts against you

• Hard bounces• Marked as spam• Re-email marked as spam• Feedback loops

• Spam traps• Too many, too fast

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What counts for you

• Opens over time• Clicks• Safe List• Replies• Not junk

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What do I do?

Focus on and improve

the recipient experience

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Common mistakes

1. Get their name wrong with your personalisation

2. Pretend a cold email is not a cold email

3. Be dishonest in the subject line or from name to get the open

4. Make an email that recipients are unable to read

5. Assuming permission

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Measure engagement > segment and target

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Different levels of rapport







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Welcome emails

The first email you send them• Ask for address book & safe list• Tell them what to expect

• DWYSYWWYSYWDIDo what you said you would When you said you would do it

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Momentum of engagement

Sign-up & Social Share = engagement

Frequent shorter emails


Monthly giant email

Say thanksThnx 4the RT ;-)

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The basics

• Suppress previous opt-outs and hard bounces• Take out zombies• From address & From name matches your brand• Preheader with the reason for email, external view and

optional opt-out link• Top third preview pane friendly• Footer has legally required company registration details.• Email renders properly

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Recipient experience review

Monthly / Quarterly

• The recipient rapport with the sender• Why recipients might complain• Why addresses might hard bounce• Empathise with recipients• Segment based on engagement• Optimise creative for rapport• Welcome plans• Re-engagement plans

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• You control your deliverability• ISPs treat your inbox placement like a credit rating• Make sure the creative is inbox ready• Focus & segment on engagement levels and rapport stages• Welcome people to your lists• Capitalise on the momentum of engagement• Reward engagement• Engage on more than one medium

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Recipient experience

You are in control...

Your deliverability

is decided by

Your recipients’ reactions

to Your emails

Just like your ROI!