msf4j – Microservices Framework for Java Workshop Edgar Silva edgar @wso2.com

Workshop MSF4J - Getting Started with Microservices and Java

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Page 1: Workshop MSF4J - Getting Started with Microservices and Java

msf4j – Microservices Framework for JavaWorkshopEdgar Silva edgar @wso2.com

Page 2: Workshop MSF4J - Getting Started with Microservices and Java

Before you getting started …o This workshop is intend to cover how to use the

WSO2 Microservices Server for Java – msf4j, we will cover some basic overview about some concepts, but we strongly recommend you look for more detailed basics about Microservices.

o Recommended reading:o http://nginx.com/blog/introduction-to-microservices/ o https://www.nginx.com/blog/building-microservices-using



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Part 1 of 3


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Basics Pre-Reqs

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You will need the following installed:o Java 8o Maveno See the MSF4J releases page:

o https://github.com/wso2/msf4j o Let’s work direct from the source:o Git pull

o https://github.com/wso2/msf4j o Or simply download from this url: (easier)



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Mount the root pom.xml project into your preferred IDE


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In Case of WSO2 Developer Studio


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Let’s work in the samples directoryo So, cd


o Make you sure you could import the project hello_world


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Command Line time ...o Go to the dir:

o <msf4j_HOME>/samples/hello_worldo Type:

mvn package


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Command Line time ...o After Maven process

o ( be pacient with downloading ) o What is happening:

o The pom.xml inside the sample, inherits the dependencies from the root’s pom.xml, that’s why you don’t need to worry with this process

o In a few (seconds) you will have a hello_service....jar into your target folder.


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Executing the HelloService


• Msf4j is booting in my case in about less than 300ms• In the previous maven process, every dependency from other jars

were included into your helloworld-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, including the reference to the Main Java Class.

• Everything you need is ready

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Understading our first sample:HelloService class


package org.wso2.carbon.msf4j.example; import javax.ws.rs.GET;import javax.ws.rs.Path;import javax.ws.rs.PathParam; /** * Hello service resource class. */@Path("/hello")public class HelloService {  @GET @Path("/{name}") public String hello(@PathParam("name") String name) { return "Hello " + name; }  }}


Simple class (REST Endpoint

REST Java Method

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Back to the Basicso The simplest Java Class startupo See the main method:


public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { new MicroservicesRunner() .deploy(new HelloService()) .start(); }

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edgar$ curl -v http://localhost:8080/hello/valentina

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cURL for Windows Userso Take a look on this:o http://www.confusedbycode.com/curl/


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Update: o Thanks @jpviragine for that great tip:

https://github.com/jkbrzt/httpie o Really great tool, works like cURL, but much better and more user

friendly o Syntax: http <options> service or URLo But if you prefer to be “roots”, ok, continue if cURL


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Going Further....


public class Application { public static void main(String[] args) { new MicroservicesRunner(7888, 8888) .deploy(new HelloService()) .start(); }

Services exposed through different ports(*)

(*) Default port is 8080 when no ports are specified

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Example #2:stockquote-service


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Executing the Service1. Enter in the


2. mvn package3. java -jar target/stockquote-service-1.0.0-



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Exercise #1:o In the console type: (Windows Userso curl -v http://localhost:8080/stockquote/GOOG


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Exercise #2:o Now we will send a POST message to our Service:o Please type (or copy and paste) the following command:

o curl -v -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"symbol":"BVMF","name": "Bovespa","last":149.62,"low":150.78,"high":149.18,"createdByHost":"localhost"}' http://localhost:8080/stockquote

o This command will save a new Symbol into our Stock Quote Service


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What had you learned so faro You had used:

o Java 8 + maven for building our samples and exercises

o Executed Microservices with basic jar –jar approach

o You saw how easy you can build REST Services using Microservices approach


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Going beyond the simple java -jar


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Understanding the basics about Microservices

o Several approaches for a “decoupled SOA”o In this tutorial we will use the “Container-

based approach”o Microservices are about:

o Lighter o Business Need Orientedo Composable


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“Legacy Web .NET”




Windows OS

.NET CLR RuntimeFront-StoreHTML

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“Legacy Web Java”




Web Framework

(JSF, Struts,




Any OS


Other(JMS, JTA


App Server


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New Approach : MicroServices


Product Service

get /productspost /productsget /products/{id}get /products/offset/10/1


get /customerspost /customersget /customers/{id}get /customers/export


get /addresspost /address/{zip}get /address/geo/{x}/{y}


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MicroServices :: Composition


Product Service





Customer Service

AddressService Customer Service

SinglePage APPHTML


Delivery Service

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One of the Big Wins on Microserviceso Quick deployments

o You are deploying a loosely-coupled, modular component only o Not a huge EAR with dozens of Jars as you used to do

in a monolithic enterprise App


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Recap on Microservices Definition


Paulo Merson https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/saturn/2015/11/defining-microservices.html Great definition, written by another Brazilian

From an architecture perspective, the microservice style belongs primarily to the deployment view.

It dictates that the deployment unit should contain only one service or just a few cohesive services.

The deployment constraint is the distinguishing factor. As a result, microservices are easier to deploy, become more scalable, and can be developed more independently by different teams using different technologies.

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Some on what you gain on Microserviceso Benefits of using microservices:

o Deployabilityo Availabilityo Scalabilityo Modifiabilityo Management


Paulo Merson https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/saturn/2015/11/microservices-beyond-the-hype-what-you-gain-and-what-you-lose.html ( Great post )

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Some on what you gain on Microserviceso I would add:

o Deployabilityo Availability (Auto-Scaling via Containers) o Analyticso Scalabilityo Modifiabilityo Management


Paulo Merson https://insights.sei.cmu.edu/saturn/2015/11/microservices-beyond-the-hype-what-you-gain-and-what-you-lose.html

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Part 2 of 3


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o Part 2:We ship in the distroan example showing how to run a whole deploy from severaldifferent container machines managedby Kubernetes.


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Running Everything you need in one placeo In your command line, go to your: <msf4j_home>/samples/petstore

o Enter in deployment folder and execute: run.sh

o That’s all, time to get some juice, it will download everything you need: o Vagranto CoreOSo Kuberneteso Docker


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This step will get a few minutes, according to your internet and machine,So get relaxed while you can enjoy some “Matrix-like” in your console


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Troubleshooting Double check if your JAVA_HOME is Java 8 Please , if you are using MacOS, make sure you that you have

wget installed. Recommend you use brew install wget

If you get errors communicating with Kubernetes nodes, please add this variable before execute run.sh:

export KUBERNETES_MASTER= That will be the default Kubernetes UI Console and API Address


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Understanding the Example (Demo)


Our traditional Pet Store Sample has the following Microservices …

fileserver frontend-admin frontend-user

Pet (store) transactionsecurity

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What is happening….o If you are using VirtualBox as the

Hypervisor (recommended), you will see the following 3 VMs started


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When the whole run.sh get finished…o Please, execute the command:

o kubectl get podso The result must be like this:


All the pods, must beLike this, keep repeatingThis process until all getready

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When the whole run.sh get finished…o Please, execute the command:

o kubectl get podso The result must be like this:


Troubleshooting: If your pet-xxx appears the READY info as 0/1It might be not initializedSyncronized with Redis.

To solve that, execute:./clean.sh and later on./petstore.sh

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What will we see now?o Kubernetes UI

o Nodeso Services o Podso General Info

o Pet Store Admin (PHP App)o Pet Store Site (PHP App)


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Accessing Kubernetes UIhttp:// Here is the Kubernetes Admin that you can open in your browser


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Accessing Kubernetes UIRelationship between the VMs and Kubernetes (Nodes)


Here you can see the IpsAttached to the each Node

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Accessing Kubernetes UI Resources


Viewing the Pods

In Kubernetes, rather than individual application containers, pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed.


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Accessing Kubernetes UI Resources


Viewing the Pods

In Kubernetes, rather than individual application containers, pods are the smallest deployable units that can be created, scheduled, and managed.


The context of the pod can be defined as the conjunction of several Linux namespaces:

• PID namespace (applications within the pod can see each other's processes)• Network namespace (applications within the pod have access to the same IP and port space)• IPC namespace (applications within the pod can use SystemV IPC or POSIX message queues to

communicate)• UTS namespace (applications within the pod share a hostname)

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Accessing Kubernetes UI Resources


Viewing the Services

Services are an interface to a group of containers so that consumers do not have to worry about anything beyond a single access location. By deploying a service, you easily gain discover-ability and can simplify your container designs.

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Accessing Kubernetes UI Resources


Viewing Replication Controllers

In Kubernetes, the base unit of deployment is a pod (intro to pods), which is a group of containers that work together and therefore are logically grouped. The replication controller stores a pod template in order to create new pods if needed.


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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Your Machine OS


Kubernetes Cluster-Master

K8S Node 01 K8S Node 02

Pods Pods

Replication Controller


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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Your Machine OS

HypervisorKubernetes Cluster-Master

K8S Node 01 K8S Node 02Pods Pods

Replication Controller



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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Your Machine OS

HypervisorKubernetes Cluster-Master

K8S Node 01 K8S Node 02Pods Pods

Replication Controller




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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Getting Actual pods: $ kubectl get pods

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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Getting details about some pod, for instance$ kubectl describe pods store-fe-r43hm

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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Getting details about some pod, for instance$ kubectl describe pods store-fe-r43hm

Please, note here which is the Pod internal IP:

And in which Node this podIs actually running

Important: notice that the pod’s id will change if you restart your environment

In my actual case, my pod is store-fe-<id>, id= r43m

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Understanding our Application DemoWhat do you have up and running now (main components)


Getting Actual Services: $ kubectl describe service store-fe

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Basic Application Overview


Persistence Repository / Services

"Containerized” Microservices based in pure java –jar approach

Client Apps (PHP)petstore-admin petstore

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Basic Application Overview :Invoking Admin PHP App


You will need to browse the service: admin-fe

http:// Node Server IP: Node Port


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Basic Application Overview :Invoking Store PHP App


You will need to browse the service: store-fe

http:// Node Server IP: Node Port


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Here the Microservices TransactionIs invoked.

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Recapo Executing the petstore sampleo Understanding the basics from Kubernetes

and its concepts, such as pods, services and Replication Controller.

o Executing the Services and Apps

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What nexto Proposed Lab:

o Execute the previous samples from Part1 in Kubernetes + Docker


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Part 3 of 3 - Analytics


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For this Part of this Workshop the WSO2 Data Analytics Server is requiredo Please go to :

http://wso2.com/products/data-analytics-server/ o Download the producto Install the product:

1. Unzip2. That’s all3. Let’s call your installation destination folder as DAS_HOME

from now ono MySQL for this sample is also required


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Running msf4j Metrics Sampleo Step 1: Configure WSO2 DAS

1. Go to <msf4j_HOME>/analytics/das-setup and execute setup.sh :1. /setup.sh -d <DAS_HOME> -u admin -p 2. Done, everything will be done by the script!


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Running msf4j Metrics Sampleo Step 2: Execute DAS Server

1. Enter in DAS_HOME2. Make sure that Java 8 is in the path3. Type sh bin/wso2server.sh 4. Wait until to see a message in the console like

this:5. Open this browser URL, it will let you see the

WSO2 Data Analytics Server Console (default user admin and password admin)


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WSO2 DAS is ready and configured!

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Running Metrics Sampleo Step 3: (based on


1. Go to <msf4j_HOME>/samples/metrics2. Execute mvn clean install3. Please, export the following system





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Running Metrics Sample (cont.)4. Execute: $ java -jar target/metrics-*.jar5. Invoke the following URLs via command line:

o curl -v http://localhost:8080/test/rand/500o curl -v http://localhost:8080/test/total/10o curl -v http://localhost:8080/test/echo/testo curl -v http://localhost:8080/student/910760234Vo curl -v --data

"{'nic':'860766123V','firstName':'Jack','lastName':'Black','age':29}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/student

o curl -v http://localhost:8080/student/860766123Vo curl -v http://localhost:8080/student


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Running Metrics Sample (cont.)o What is happening:

o Now, after the invocation from cURLs, some information were sent from WSO2 Microservices Server to WSO2 Data Analytics Server.

o The Metrics are also present in the command line where you are running the jar:


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Why this magic happens?Take a look in the extra annotations into our services

@GET @Path("/{nic}") @Produces("application/json") @Timed @HTTPMonitoring public Student getStudent(@PathParam("nic") String nic) { return students.get(nic); }  @POST @Consumes("application/json") @Metered @HTTPMonitoring public void addStudent(Student student) { students.put(student.getNic(), student); }


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Also we have the data-agent-conf.xml


WSO2 msf4j WSO2 DAS

<Agent> <Name>Thrift</Name> <DataEndpointClass> org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.endpoint.thrift.ThriftDataEndpoint </DataEndpointClass> <TrustSore>client-truststore.jks</TrustSore> <TrustSorePassword>wso2carbon</TrustSorePassword> ….


This file is in charge to define how will msf4j communicate with DAS

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Now, time to browse the data in DAS:https://localhost:9443/monitoring/


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If you want to check the Product Websiteo http://wso2.com/products/microservices-server/ o Lightweight and fast runtime

o 6MB pack sizeo Starts within 400mso Based on the new WSO2 Carbon 5.0 kernelo ~25MB memory consumption for the WSO2 MSS framework

o Simple development, deployment, and monitoringo WSO2 Developer Studio-based tooling for generating microservices projects starting from a

Swagger API definitiono Built-in metrics and analytics APIs via WSO2 Data Analytics Servero Tracing of requests using a unique message ID

o High scalability and reliabilityo Transport based on Netty 4.0o JWT-based securityo Custom interceptorso Streaming input and streaming output supporto Comprehensive samples demonstrating how to develop microservices applications


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Congratulations!o Tutorial done!o Next steps:

o Keep watching how WSO2 MSS will evolveo Don’t miss our upcoming Webinars covering

this and even more


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More infoo Please, if you need to understand more, or

want to talk to one of our specialists to help you and your company’s projects, please contact us here:

o http://wso2.com/contact/


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Edgar [email protected]