Will Technology Destroy The Planet?

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Page 2: Will Technology Destroy The Planet?

INTRODUCTIONTechnological advancement and industrialization

can be blamed for much destruction of the natural environment.

 But technology is not only a source of

environmental problems, it can also be part of the solution (Volti, 2014).

Therefore, one must gain an understanding of the positive and negative effects of technology before an answer can be concluded.

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PRO’S“I believe strongly that technology can, and must,

be used as a force for advancing the work of environmental conservation” (Goodall, 2014).

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PRO’SRenewable EnergyA sustainable source of energy obtained from

natural resources that can be naturally replenished within a human lifespan (Natural Resources Canada, 2016).

Clean Sources of energy that have a much lower impact on the environment (Renewable Energy World, 2016).

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PRO’SHydroelectricKinetic power of flowing water in rivers is

transformed into usable energyThe water flow is directed to a turbine, making it

spin, causing a generator to spin as well, generating electricity (Natural Resources Canada, 2016).

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PRO’SWind When wind speed is sufficient, large propellers of

the turbines move and kinetic energy is converted to electricity

Wind farms are located strategically in areas with adequate wind and proximity to electrical grids

Some of the best areas are offshore and along coastlines (Natural Resources Canada, 2016).

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PRO’SSolar Energy from the sun in the form of radiated heat

and lightSolar collectors or panels can be used to heat

water or air for use in buildingsPhotovoltaic technology uses solar cells to convert

sunlight into electricity (Natural Resources Canada, 2016).

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PRO’SGeothermal EnergyCaptures naturally occurring underground heat

and the steam is used to produce electricity Heating and cooling of buildings by utilizing

temperature difference between outside air and the ground (Natural Resources Canada, 2016).

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PRO’SCarbon Dioxide & Climate ChangeIncreasing emissions of CO2 into Earth’s

atmosphere is a major contributor to climate change.

Technologies are being developed to capture CO2 out of the atmosphere and directly from industrial plants, reducing the release of emissions (Doody, 2014).

Captured CO2 can be recycled, to produce low-carbon fuels and other commercial products

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CON’SClimate Change:• By far the most likely scenario where technology

destroys our planet. Climate change has been gradually evident over time and our lack of care for the environment will continue to affect the climate until we can no longer survive in it.

• Scientific American (2016) noted that the past 11 months have been the hottest in 135 years of recordkeeping which puts in clear terms just how much the planet has warmed up due to the build up of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

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CON’S Climate Change• A recent UN report published by 772 climate

scientists agreed that world leaders only have a few years left to reduce carbon emissions to avoid catastrophic warming. Otherwise, sea levels will rise and temperature changes would disrupt human life and natural ecosystems (National Geographic, 2014).

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CON’STechnology Impacting Climate• Automobile & Power Plants• The automobile ran for years on pure gasoline

without any emission controls. However, car manufacturers have developed technologies to reduce these emissions and now market vehicles based off this. • Before nuclear, solar or wind power, most power

plants were run by coal, which is another huge contributor to pollution and our changing climate.

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CON’STechnological Weapon’s• Examples of nuclear accidents such as Chernobyl and

Fukushima give sight into how dangerous radioactive material can be.

• The Atomic Bomb itself killed 80,000 in Hiroshima and days later 40,000 in Nagasaki (History Channel, 2015).

• In the wrong hands, this type of technology could eliminate huge populations and therefore, is a prime example of how technology could destroy our world.

• North Korea seems to be a continuing threat with this technology and needs to be constantly monitored by opposing countries such as U.S.A. and South Korea.

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CONCLUSIONWill Technology Destroy Our Planet?• The answer to this question is uncertain. However,

it appears the most likely outcome is the extinction of humans given the facts we know about climate change (raising sea levels, more common and severe storms) and technologies that are capable of mass destruction.

• New technologies that are designed to help the planet are much needed such as capturing CO2 and using renewable energies such as hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal to name a few.

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CONCLUSIONWill Technology Destroy Our Planet?• If we are to have a chance against climate

change, important technologies like these will need further research and implementation to have effect.

• When it comes to using technology as weapons, world leaders need to come together and agree upon policies like they did with the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty which was signed shortly after the second world war.

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REFERENCESDoody, D. (2014, March 13). 9 technologies that promise to clean up the

planet. Retrieved from https://www.greenbiz.com/blog/2014/03/13/can-clean-tech-save-the-world

 Goodall, J. (2014, March 31). Jane Goodall: Technology can help save the

environment. Retrieved from http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/03/31/jane-goodall-technology-environment-column/7087807/

 Howard, B. (2014). New Climate Change Report Warns of Dire Consequences. Retrieved April 16, 2016, from http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/03/140331-ipcc-report-global-warming-climate-change-science/

Natural Resources Canada. (2016). About Renewable Energy. Retrieved from http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy/renewable-electricity/7295#geo


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REFERENCESRenewable Energy World. (2016). Types of Renewable Energy.

Retrieved from http://www.renewableenergyworld.com/index/tech.html

The History Channel. (2015). Atomic Bomb. Retrieved April 16, 2016, from http://www.history.co.uk/study-topics/history-of-ww2/atomic-bomb

Thomson, A. (2016). Earth Sees 11 Record Hot Months in a Row. Retrieved April 16, 2016, from http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/earth-sees-11-record-hot-months-in-a-row/

Volti, R. (2014). Society and Technological Change (7th Ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.