Why We Love Community Solar?

Why We Love Community Solar

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Why We Love Community Solar?

Generation of solar power doesn't pollute the environment like non-renewable sources of energy and hence known as clean and

green energy.

Also it doesn't cause greenhouse effect which is very much harmful for us.

As you know, the price of fossil generated electricity is increasing day by day, solar energy is the biggest

alternative to be used with a cheap price and save money in the long term.

But unfortunately due to some problems, vast segment of people still are not able to access this clean energy.

According to National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 22-27% of

residential rooftops arenot capable of installing because of some structural limitations like

Tree Shading Ownership issues etc.

Some families whose earning is less than $40,000 per year they also don't install solar.

But to counteract these problems, there are new solar models emerging in market.

Community Solar :-

The solar electricity system provides a dual benefit to the community by electricity sharing as well as sharing finance

within members for installation.

How useful is the community solar for people?

Access :-

Due to problems like finance and home ownership, most people hesitate to choose this source of energy.

Community solar installs a larger shared panel where members can access it by subscription.

This system also helps people to change subscription from one home to other within the solar panel jurisdiction.

Customer savings :-

Community solar helps the low-income groups by giving a discount on the energy price and also helps to maintain a stable

and affordable energy price.

Emission control :-

A record from 2014 says, by using solar power, the air pollution got decreased by an estimated 20 million metric ton carbon emission which is equivalent to the emission amount of 4 million cars.

The use of solar energy also helps in reducing the number of unhealthy and age-old dirty power plants that continuously

work to supply electricity.

The solar establishment also helps to reduce health issues of nearby people who are inhaling the toxic air of dirty

power plants.

Job opportunity

The solar industry fastens the job opportunity by providing 86% employment rate from past fives years.

Location facility :-

As the community solar system installed in a particular place which can give easy access to all the members, that will save infrastructure cost and give a clean energy solution.

Conservation :-

By installing the solar system in a particular area helps to preserve the farmlands that can be used in other work purpose.

If the power is transported for long distances, it loses certain amount. But the community solar installation reduces this effect

& helps to limit the loss of power on the way

Utility savings :-

The use of solar energy helps the users to save up to 40% on energy bills and also in infrastructure cost of installation.

When a energy user gets energy without using any other source like coal or gas but the solar energy, it becomes

domestic energy that saves the bill.

Energy resiliency :-

By the installation of solar energy station, every community becomes a small power plant.

So when problems like extreme weather issue or disaster occurs, they provide grid security and protect from power
