What’s new in aNdroid

What’s new in aNdroid [Google I/O Extended Bangkok 2016]

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What’s new in aNdroid

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The Droid has no name

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Multi-Window: Split Screen

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Freeform Mode

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Multi-Window LifecycleOnly focused Activity is active.

The rest are in “Paused” state.

[Live Demo]

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Multi-Window LifecycleDefault behavior:

Recreate the Activity upon resizing

Or handle it yourself:

<activity android:configChanges= “screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout|orientation" ...

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Multi-Window: Split Screenandroid:resizeableActivity=["true" | "false"]

<activity android:name=".MyActivity"> <layout android:defaultHeight="500dp" android:defaultWidth="600dp“ android:minHeight="200dp" android:minWidth="200dp" android:gravity="top|end"/></activity>


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Multi-Window: Split ScreenIntent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCH_ADJACENT

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Multi-Window: Picture-in-Picture

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Multi-Window: Picture-in-Picture<activity android:name=".MyActivity“ android:resizeableActivity="true“ android:supportsPictureInPicture="true" android:configChanges= “screenSize|smallestScreenSize|screenLayout|orientation" ...



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Notifications• New templates

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Notifications• New templates• Bundled notifications

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Notifications• New templates• Bundled notifications• Direct Reply [Live Demo]

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Notifications• New templates• Bundled notifications• Direct Reply [Live Demo]• Custom View [Live Demo]

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Notifications• New templates• Bundled notifications• Direct Reply [Live Demo]• Custom View [Live Demo]• Message Style

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Quick Settings• Users: Choose your favorite tiles!• Reorder them, too• Top 5 become your


• [Live Demo]

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Quick Settings• Developers: Create your own tiles!• Key classes:

android.service.quicksettings.TileServiceonTileAdded(), onTileRemoved()onStartListening(), onStopListening()onClick()

getQsTile() -> android.service.quicksettings.TilesetState(), setLabel(), setIcon()then, updateTile()

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Quick Settings

<service android:name=".MyTileService" android:label="@string/starting_label" android:icon="@drawable/starting_icon" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_QUICK_SETTINGS_TILE"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.service.quicksettings.action.QS_TILE" /> </intent-filter></service>

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Display Size• User-determined display size

• All UI, not just text

• .85x – 1.45x• Avoid px• Ensure your app works well on sw320dp

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Multi-Locale• User can select multiple languages

• And order them

• Also added new languages, variants

• [Live Demo]

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The ~Extended~ Doze modeN

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Doze in N

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Doze• Marshmallow• Screen off, on battery, stationary• Restricts network, services, defers jobs, syncs, alarms

• N• All of the above, plus• Screen off, on battery, not stationary• Restricts network, defers jobs, syncs

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Data Saver

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Data Saver Flowchart

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Data Saver




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Data Saver

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Direct Boot

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Direct Boot: App Storage Areas

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Direct Boot: App Storage Areas

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Direct Boot: App Storage Areas

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Direct Boot

<receiver android:directBootAware="true" > ... <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.LOCKED_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> <action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" /></intent-filter></receiver>

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Scoped Directory Access

StorageManager sm = (StorageManager)getSystemService(Context.STORAGE_SERVICE);

StorageVolume volume = sm.getPrimaryVolume();

Intent intent = volume.createAccessIntent(Environment.DIRECTORY_PICTURES);

startActivityForResult(intent, request_code);

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Android for Work

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Runtime• Faster interpreter• JIT

• Faster install times• Less space consumed on device• Faster reboots

• Apps use partial AOT• Only for hotspots

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New Runtime Libraries• ICU4J• Unicode and globalization support• Subset exposed in android.icu

• Avoids conflicts with com.ibm.icu• Deprecated and unstable APIs omitted

• Functional Interface• java.util.function• java.util.stream

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Java 8 Language Features• Require the Jack toolchain

android { ... defaultConfig { ... jackOptions { enabled true } } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 }}

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Lambdas• Implemented using anonymous class• Backward compatible with Gingerbread

Vertex[] v = new Vertex[100];// ...

Arrays.sort(v, (Vertex v1, Vertex v2) -> { return v1.length() - v2.length();});

Arrays.sort(v, (v1, v2) -> v1.length() - v2.length());

Arrays.sort(v, VertexFactory::compareVertices);

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Default & Static Interface Methods• Not backward compatible

public interface Renderable { void draw(Canvas c);

default bool isHardwardAccelerated() { return false; }

static int getMaxTextureSize() { return 2048; }}

public interface FrameListener { default void onFrameStarted() { } default void onFrameEnded() { }}

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Stream APIs• Not backward compatible

List<String> dictionary = ...

dictionary.stream() .filter(s -> s.contains("droid")) .sorted() .limit(10) .forEach(s -> Log.d(TAG, "I love the word " + s));

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Repeating Annotations• Not backward compatible

@Schedule(metered=false, frequencyInHours=24)@Schedule(metered=true, frequencyInHours=1)public void fullSync() { ...}

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Java Audio Latency• Previous releases reduced native latency• Lower latency AudioTrack (40-70ms reduction)

AudioAttributes attributes = new AudioAttributes.Builder() .setFlags(AudioAttributes.FLAG_LOW_LATENCY) .setContentType(AudioAttributes.CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC) .build();

• Dynamic resize of AudioTrack buffers• Underruns query

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Renderscript• Single source

• Many kernels in a single file• Launch kernels from kernels

• Reduction kernels• Access multiple image buffers from video streams• Allocation.getByteBuffer() to reduce copies• Enhanced fp16 support

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OpenGL ES 3.2• GLES 3.1 + Android extension pack

• Except EXT_texture_sRGB_decode

• Advanced blending equations• Tesselation shaders• Geometry shaders• ASTC (LDR)• Image atomics• Floating point framebuffers

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Vulkan• Low-level, low-overhead, cross-platform 3D API• Asynchronous/multithreaded command generation• Intermediate shader binary format (SPIR-V)• Offline shaders compilation• Object-based API, no global state• Explicit memory management and synchronization• No error checking

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adb shell• Returns remote process exit status• Pass-through stdin $ cat README | adb shell wc -l• Handles window size and terminal type• Improved command line tools (ls, etc.)• Improved performance (push, pull)

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NDK• Clang 3.8• GCC 4.9• Switch to clang, GCC is deprecated!• ARM toolchains default to arm7 arch

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Support Library

Future is here

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Support Library• Night Mode• Bottom Sheets• VectorDrawable / AnimatedVectorDrawable• RecyclerView• Design Support Library• Chrome Custom Tabs• etc.

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Other UI Goodies• VectorDrawable performance improvements• Loading, rendering improved 20-90% in N

• FloatProperty / IntProperty

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Android Instant Apps

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Android Instant Apps• Sneak preview now

• Rolling out to developers over the next year

• Build inside Android Studio• Just a different build artifact

• Demos in the Play Sandbox

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Android N Release Date

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Go Get It!

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Go Get It!

Learn: d.android.com/preview

Get: d.android.com/preview/setup-sdk.html

Report: d.android.com/preview/bug

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Thank you