#Kscope What would happen if I did... in HFM? Chris Barbieri Practice Director Property of Edgewater Ranzal

What Would Happen if I Did... in HFM?

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On a dare, HFM expert and Oracle ACE Chris Barbieri takes a Mythbusters style approach to debunking a series of potentially damaging changes to HFM applications to find out exactly "What would happen if I did...?"

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Page 1: What Would Happen if I Did... in HFM?


What would happen if I did...

in HFM?

Chris Barbieri Practice Director

Property of Edgewater Ranzal

Page 2: What Would Happen if I Did... in HFM?


What would happen if I…

Changed the IsCalculated flag on an account?

Changed an entity‟s currency?

Changed the Zero View settings?

Inserted a new entity into a locked hierarchy?

Loaded metadata without integrity check?

Changed number of review levels for a scenario?

Property of Edgewater Ranzal

Page 3: What Would Happen if I Did... in HFM?


Changed the IsCalculated flag on an account/custom?

IsCalculated does two things:

● Built-in No Input rule

● HFM automatically clears the values

Sample account “CalculatedAccount”

Not checked = Input-able

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Enter Data

Enter “78” in <EC>

Naturally “155” is

calculated (Translated)

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What’s Under the Hood?

Kscope_DCE_1_2005 table

● Stores <EC> and <PC> data

What‟s are these code


Need to convert labels to


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Dp0_Input & Dp0_InputTransType

Dp*_InputTransType tells HFM what sort of number it is ● Input (16)

● Calculated (32)

● Derived (128)

Dp*_Input stores YTD number

● Each record holds 12 months, numbered “0” through


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This is Critical to Understand

The InputTransType is the metadata attribute

at the time the number is written to

the database! If the IsCalculated attribute changes on the

Account, this is not updated in the table!

…until a new number is written to that cell

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Extract Data

Type “16” data can be


Extract Calculated will

include type “32” data

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Change Flag to IsCalculated

Turn on IsCalculated

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Load Metadata Only

Database still shows Input (16)

Grid shows “no


Data extract shows

not calculated

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Consolidate Data

Data remains

● HFM clears cells with type “32”, not “16”

● Despite the IsCalculated flag

● Must clear it manually using HS.Clear in rules

Must remove data Prior to changing flag

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Changed an Entity’s Currency?

Data and journals are

stored by currency ID


● Originally GBP

● Change to EUR

● Parent EastRegion USD Property of Edgewater Ranzal

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Classic Mode Metadata Change

Error during load

● Metadata Integrity Check

● Won‟t load

● Un-post then delete the journal?

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Successfully Changed?

Before After load

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Parent Currency Translate GBP

● Is now translated value

from EUR to GBP

Time to

reload all

data and


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Changed the Zero View settings?

Scenario setting

“How should I treat missing data?”

● Zero YTD

● HFM will derive a periodic value so we arrive at zero on a

YTD basis, reversing out the entire YTD balance from

prior period

● Zero Periodic

● HFM adds the periodic zero to prior period YTD,

essentially carrying prior period forward

Applies only to Revenue/Expense/Flow

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Sample Sales for UKSales

Notice August Periodic and YTD

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Change Actual Zero View to “Periodic”

Metadata load prevented

Unpost/reject journals and re-load metadata

● Re-post same journals Property of Edgewater Ranzal

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Notice August Changes?

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Inserted a new entity into a locked hierarchy?

July and August 2005 are

consolidated, published,

and locked

Insert new parent “West”

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Changes from New Entity to Top

Review status and

Calc Status of

ancestors change

Consolidate and

Publish each period

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Move Europe

Change existing entity


● Looking for NoData status


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Move an Entity with NoData

No change to Calc status

Review Level stays same

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Loaded metadata without the integrity check enabled?

Has no bearing on data, only journals

Prevents broken journal entries from:

● Deleted / renamed base members

● Make an intersection invalid

● Change Custom 1..4 Top Member

● Remove IsICP

● Promote a base Account / Custom to parent

● Change currency on an entity

● Change Zero View on scenario

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Rename “Sales” to “Revenue”

Load metadata in “Replace” mode

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Item IDs


Data and journals use ItemID

number “133”, not “Sales”

● Journal records in


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Integrity Check “On”

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Remove Check Integrity Flag

Don‟t try this at home!!!

No metadata load errors

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…now, about that journal

Account is removed

It cannot be “looked up”

● Journal still refers to “133” Property of Edgewater R


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Account_Item table

Replace mode

● Removes “Sales” from



● Adds “Revenue”

● Assigns a new Item ID

● “177” is the next number


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Reload Original Metadata?

Try to “bring „Sales‟ back” by


Enable “Check Integrity”

No errors this time around

“Sales” is assigned a new ID


● Treated like a new member

● Next ID in sequence

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Delete Invalid Records

HFM deletes any data records or tables for

ItemIDs which don‟t exist in *_Item tables

No way to tell what account “133” was

Leaves journal records though

● Forever orphaned

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Changed the Maximum Review Level?

September: all entities approved Levels 1- 5

Scenario Settings at default “10”

● Change to “2”

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MaxReviewLevel = 2

No bearing on

existing review


● Still at “5”

No change to promote options

● All “10” levels still available

No error when promoting

straight to “10”


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Disable Process Management for a scenario

Actual: set SupportsProcessManagement = “N”

All levels for scenario revert to “Not Supported”

Add it back? SupportsProcessManagement = “Y”


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Chris Barbieri [email protected]

Needham, MA




Property of Edgewater Ranzal