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Page 1: Website annotations

The flora website has its logo on the top right hand

side of the homepage and other pages. The logo

itself is very simple yet well known. The three

colours, green, yellow and a slight bit of blue all fit in

very well together and make the logo effective.

However, I think that it could have been placed

better on the website or edited better. The white

background should have been made transparent

because it looks quite tacky with the white


The colour scheme of the website is well matched to

the logo and also their packaging colours. The greens

and yellows, automatically make you think of health

in some way, therefore instantly giving the message

they want to get across. The dark green text on the

light green links could look quite interesting to some

people, however it may be quite hard to see for

other people. Which is why the green writing on the

white background looks much more effective.

The layout of the homepage challenges conventional

layouts of websites in many different ways. Firstly

the logo has been placed on the right hand side of

the page which is quite unlike most websites, and as

most people are more likely to look to the left

because of this, many people may not actually see

the logo. Them the navigation bar is on two rows

and on the left hand side of the page. Again this is

unusual, mostly because the navigation bar isn’t

central or even going along from the logo if it was on

the left.

The homepage is broken up by two very large

images that take up half the page, this is perhaps to

break any reading up for people, or it is also to hide

space on the website so that people click on links to

have a proper look around the website and are

therefore more likely to read the information or buy

things from the website. This meaning that the

website could gain more money from it.

Page 2: Website annotations

Jamie Oliver’s website has the logo at the top left

corner where most websites have them. The logo is

plain and simple and literally says the name of the

website so that people remember and it’s not a hard

web address to remember. The logo also follows

part of the colour scheme of blue and grey. The blue

adds in contrast from the grey and captures the

attention of the viewer, but it does not distract from

the page, and the grey keeps the logo simplistic.

The colour scheme of Jamie’s website is simple, easy

and effective. The titles are in pink so that they are

clearly highlighted for everyone to see, and any links

on the page are grey but have a rollover of the blue

that is in the logo. Not only does this make links and

heading clear it could adapting to the male and

female audiences as the two colours are often

signified with gender.

The layout of the page is quite conventional of a

website. He has the logo at the3 top left hand page of

the website and the navigation bar underneath going

across the whole page. He then has two columns

underneath, however they break into three columns

nearer the bottoms. This gives it a slightly

unconventional look, as most websites will simply have

three columns. However, it is still very easy to use and

anyone could find their way around it. There is also an

advertising slot at the top of the screen which helps

bring the company more money. However usually

advertisement slots would be either side of the website,

challenging the usually conventions of a layout of a


The homepage of this website itself, is very visual. As it

is a food website this is perhaps one of the main

ingredients that is needed for it so that it entices more

viewers onto the website. The visual aid also helps

break up any text and could be for a younger target

audience as well as an older target audience. By

perhaps widening the target audience there may be

more views and therefore more people buying the

book, therefore more money being made.

Page 3: Website annotations

The logo is placed in a conventional

place on the top left hand corner; it is

a simple logo, with a clear message,

the white cross on the blue heart

explains to the viewer that it is a

Scottish website, and the writing that

is included makes it easy for the

campaign to be recognised when it is

seen off the website.

The colouring of the website is kept nice and simple so

that it isn’t too busy to look at. The top of the screen

follows the colours of the logo perhaps to enhance the

logo and what it represents. However, the colour changes

when it gets to the navigation bar which is pink. The only

other two colours on the website are orange and green; by

only using 4 colours on the whole of the front page, and

colour blocking them it makes the website easy to use and

navigate your way around.

They have made the website easy to use by creating

links on the home page, having a navigation bar and a

search engine for the website also. The search bar is

conventional and conventionally placed on the

webpage for people to access easily and see when they

first open the website. The navigation bar is unusual

compared to most websites; each link is separate from

the other and they each have images on the links,

however, each of the links on the page have rollovers

so that you know which page you are clicking on. The

links on the bottom of the page again are conventional

of a website, including where they are placed and the

size of the font.

The layout of the homepage of this website is

slightly different to the conventional layout of the

row at the top and three columns underneath. The

row at the top is made up of the logo and small

writing and then the photo navigation bar.

However, on the of columns also makes up the

bottom half of the row, breaking it from the

conventional layout. This also makes the bottoms of

the columns even so that everything on the page is
