Website analysis

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  1. 1. Interactivity- The audience can turn sound on and off, share their interest on social media and links to find the trailer and other sites with links on the website. By having the links to social media means people can advertiser the film for them for free it is good use of cross branding and synergy. There is a pop up menu at the bottom of the screen showing legal information. Links to buy tickets for the film and websites that offer information about real life occurrences of parts of the film. This is to frighten the audience and make their film believable. Content- There are a cycle of reviews that fade in and out of the screen, making the reader assured that the film they are researching, or planning to spend money on is worth while and of a high quality. There is information about the true story, definitions of characters, terminology used in the film and an overview of the film. Navigation- When page links are highlighted the text changes to a symbol involved with the film. Transitions between pages have an animation of moths flying across the screen, this creeps the viewer out and makes them intrigued into what significance this has to the film. Multi-media- There are multiple hyperlinks that link the user to different web pages, these pages include backgrounds that are shots from the film. Text that mention reviews and quotes from the film fades in and out when on the home page. The trailer for the film plays immediately when the site is opened. Media Language- there are sounds of fluttering and sudden slight screams when you enter the webpage. The first this you see is a screen shot of a pinnacle moment of the film. The picture shows moths and insects dispersing from a childs mouth. This implies there is something within her and the insects chosen are regarded as unclean and evil.
  2. 2. Interactivity- there are headings at the top of the screen that can be clicked on and it takes the user to the page they wish to see. There are also downloads on one of the pages so people can have the film as their computer or phone background. There is an option for sound on the page like the other site that I analysed. Again, I can follow the film on twitter and add them on Facebook, I can also share my interest using hyperlinks on the site. This cross branding is beneficial to both companies, it is essentially free advertisement for the film and promotion for the media sites. Content- The first thing you see is the home page in which describes what goes on in the film, hyperlinks take the viewer to pages about the cast, there is information about what films they have previously done and who they play in this film. Navigation- Most of the navigation on this page is in the form of headings at the top of the page but between clicking on these and the new page opening there are brief animations for each one and a new background follows this animation to let the user know what page theyre on. Multi-media- The first piece of media is the short video at the start before you click to go onto the site, next there is text and the website has a gallery with a few pictures of still images that are screen shots from some of the footage from the film. The next use of multi media is the hyperlink to the videos page which has on it the whole film trailer. Media Language- The site has lots of jolty animation, flickering lights and slight glimpses of silhouettes and this implies a disruption and presents.