Start a conversation. Tweet @MongoDB using #MongoDBWebinar Live Data Visualization with Tableau and MongoDB David Spezia ([email protected] ) Andrew Morgan ([email protected] ) 13 th January 2016

Webinar: Live Data Visualisation with Tableau and MongoDB

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Live Data Visualization with Tableau and

MongoDBDavid Spezia ([email protected])

Andrew Morgan ([email protected])

13th January 2016

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What is Tableau?

Help people see and understand their data

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Origins of Tableau

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MongoDB + Tableau

The power of Tableau + MongoDB+ Analyze JSON data structures

+ Analyze data without transformation and ETL

+ Connect directly to and Visualize your data

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MongoDB 3.2 – a BIG Release

Hash-Based ShardingRolesKerberosOn-Prem Monitoring

2.2 2.4 2.6 3.0 3.2

Agg. FrameworkLocation-Aware Sharding

$outIndex IntersectionText SearchField-Level RedactionLDAP & x509Auditing

Document ValidationFast FailoverSimpler ScalabilityAggregation ++Encryption At RestIn-Memory Storage EngineBI Connector$lookupMongoDB CompassAPM IntegrationProfiler VisualizationAuto Index BuildsBackups to File System

Doc-Level ConcurrencyCompressionStorage Engine API≤50 replicasAuditing ++Ops Manager

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MongoDB Connector for BIVisualize and explore multi-dimensional

documents using SQL-based BI tools. The

connector does the following:

• Provides the BI tool with the schema of the

MongoDB collection to be visualized

• Translates SQL statements issued by the BI tool

into equivalent MongoDB queries that are sent to

MongoDB for processing

• Converts the results into the tabular format

expected by the BI tool, which can then visualize

the data based on user requirements

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Location & Flow of Data

MongoDB BI


Mapping meta-data Application data

{name:“Andrew”,address: {street:…}}

DocumentTableAnalytics & visualization

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Defining Data Mapping

mongodrdl --host --port 27017 -d clusterdb \-o clusterdb.drdl

mongobischema import billy clusterdb.drdl


mongodrdl mongobischema



Foreign Data Wrapper

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Optionally Manually Edit DRDL File• Redact attributes• Use more appropriate types

(sampling can get it wrong)• Rename tables (v1.1+)• Rename columns (v1.1+)• Build new views using MongoDB

Aggregation Framework– e.g., $lookup to join 2 tables

- table: homesales collection: homeSalespipeline: []columns: - name: _id mongotype: bson.ObjectId sqlname: _id sqltype: varchar - name: address.county mongotype: string sqlname: address_county sqltype: varchar - name: address.nameOrNumber mongotype: int sqlname:

address_nameornumber sqltype: varchar

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Data, Data Every WhereDemo

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Next Steps• Download the MongoDB 3.2 Whitepaper

– https://www.mongodb.com/collateral/mongodb-3-2-whats-new• Try the MongoDB Connector for BI

– https://www.mongodb.com/lp/download/mongodb-enterprise • Try Tableau Desktop with the MongoDB Connector for BI

– http://www.tableau.com/products/desktop