Web Accessibility: Why Pay Attention Now 12 October 2016 Carin van Vuuren CMO, Usablenet T: @carinvvuuren E: [email protected]

Web Accessibility: Why Pay Attention Now

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Web Accessibility: Why Pay Attention Now 12 October 2016

Carin van Vuuren

CMO, Usablenet

T: @carinvvuuren

E: [email protected]

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Usablenet: Global Technology Services Company Products and Services for digital transformation

Experiences Integration Services

Technology Platform


Professional Services








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Contents The Case for Accessibility

What WCAG2 compliance means

Roadmap to Web Accessibility

Stop by Booth #7 to book a free

Accessibility Review.


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User Perspectives on Online Shopping

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The Case for Accessibility

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What is online accessibility?

•  Ability for a person with a disability to understand and use a web site, application, mobile app, program etc

Governed by •  UK: Equality Act 2010 and Statutory Code April 2011 •  EU: UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities –

Article 9 (2011); European Accessibility Act (proposed) •  US: Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508 Achieved by •  Following the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines,

Version 2.0 (WCAG2)


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Types of disabilities

Vision impairments •  Blindness, colour blindness, glaucoma, cataracts etc Hearing impairments •  Profound deafness, Hard-Of-Hearing Physical impairments •  Cerebral palsy, Quadriplegia, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s etc Cognitive impairments •  Epilepsy, migraines, dyslexia, aphasia, synesthesia, reading disabilities



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1.5bn People Living with Disability Worldwide


Over 53 million Americans adults (22%) are living with a disability

80 million Europeans (15%) are living with a disability -- 120 million by 2020

20% of the customer base of an average business that is made up of disabled customers

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A Viable Market


The annual spending power of Americans living with a disability is

$220 billion

12 million disabled people in the UK with annual spending power of £212 billion

Businesses that do not meet the needs of disabled consumers could be turning away

£420 million in business each week

€415bn per year in economic

contribution in the EU

75% of disabled people don’t make a purchase because they are unable or unwilling to do so.

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Baby Boomers And The Need For Accessibility


Source: www.slideshare.net/sitecues



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Web Accessibility is a Social Issue

Essential for Equal Opportunity

1.  The Web is an important medium for receiving information, providing information and interacting with society

2.  People living with disabilities can have more effective and efficient access to information through accessible websites

3.  The Web creates and unprecedented opportunity for social interaction and community participation


Examples of Barriers 1.  Countries define disability differently 2.  Requiring mouse interaction to use a website 3.  When alternative text is not included

Source: hacknyu.org/home

Source: www.mediacurrent.com/blog

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Web Accessibility: Also a Business Issue

•  potential use by more people, expands potential market share

•  findability with search engine optimization (SEO)

•  potential use in more situations i.e. noisy environment, low bandwidth, or mobile device outdoors

•  usability; users achieve goals effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily

•  positive image opportunity

•  cost of maintaining the site

•  cost of upgrading for new technologies

•  potential for high legal expenses

•  cost of alternative format materials

•  cost of translating

•  amount of server capacity needed and saves on additional server costs

Increased Benefits: Decreased Costs:

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$6 million class action suit, legal fees in excess of $3.5 million

Ordered to make all web sites WCAG2 within 18 months

Fined $795,000 and ordered to add captions within 18 months

Fined $20,000 and legal fees greater than $500,000

High Profile Organizations Penalized for Lack of Accessibility

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Litigation in the US of commercial entities


•  Web and mobile sites must be made accessible

•  Independent accessibility consultancy and designated employee

Discriminating against blind people

Specifically requests screen reader accessibility

Discriminating against blind people

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The DOJ and Major Advocacy Groups Have Set the Tone


H&R Block agreed to make its website accessible to blind of vision impaired individuals within one year and to make its mobile applications accessible within two years. It also agreed to ongoing monitoring and testing and to pay $77,500 in penalties and damages.

National Federation for the Blind and U.S. v. HRB Digital (H&R Block) (2013)

National Federation for the Blind and State of Massachusetts v. Monster.Com (2013)

Monster.Com agreed to make its website and mobile applications accessible to blind or vision impaired individuals and to provide $100,000 in funding for programs to help the blind.

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Private Law Firms: Hundreds of ADA-related Demand Letters


“Disability Lawsuits: Frequent Fliers: Laws Meant to Help The Disabled Have Had Unintended Consequences” (May 2016)

“The money machine has sped up in the past couple of years, with some plaintiffs now filing more than two dozen lawsuits a week, says Richard Hunt.”

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What WCAG2 Compliance


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About WCAG2 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines)

Developed by the W3C: •  International, vendor-neutral

organisation •  Version 1: 1999 •  Version 2: 2008

Written by: •  Accessibility specialists •  People with disabilities •  Software vendors


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About WCAG2

Four Principles •  Perceivable •  Operable •  Understandable •  Robust

Layout of a Principle: •  Each Principle has Guidelines •  Each Guideline has Success

Criteria •  Each Success Criteria has

Sufficient, Advisory and Failure Techniques


Three conformance levels: •  Level A (minimum) •  Level AA (medium) •  Level AAA (maximum)

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Some basic accessibility tests

•  Move through the page using only the keyboard – don’t touch the mouse!

•  Increase text size six or seven times by pressing CTRL+ •  Open your site on a mobile or tablet device •  Use a basic online tool like Wave on your site to find out things

like whether your images, forms and tables are accessible


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Typical Accessibility Issues: Form elements are not labelled


Unable to check stock Cannot signup for newsletters

Unable to select a delivery date Cannot search for products

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Typical Accessibility Issues: Important areas do not get keyboard focus


Unable to select a size Cannot hear the price

Unable to select shipping options Cannot filter products

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An Accessibility Review Quickly Reveals Compliance Issues


•  What is your current approach for website accessibility?

•  Do you have a current accessibility policy in place?

•  How do you monitor or manage website accessibility on-site?

•  Is there a timeline to improve accessibility?

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Basic Accessibility Tips

•  Descriptive, detailed labels on links, buttons, headings, form fields, frames and images are essential

•  High color contrast in type and as confirmation of selection is very important

•  Explicit system feedback (e.g. color change on buttons) reduces user confusion.


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Basic Accessibility Tips

•  Be selective in the use of images and graphics to communicate important information. It is less accessible than text.

•  Clear navigation, large buttons, good search and filtering, and drop down menus are the essentials of accessible design.

Visit: www.gov.uk/service-manual/helping-people-to-use-your-service/making-your-service-accessible-an-introduction


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Roadmap to Compliance

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Developing an Accessibility Policy is Very Doable

Involve in-house legal department or outside council

Create a company-wide accessibility policy

Post accessibility statements on web and mobile

Create a simple way for disabled users to contact the company for help

Identify an accessibility coordinator (can be contractor)

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Establish and communicate timelines of web accessibility efforts

Test all desktop, mobile sites and Apps

Train people (if needed) on how to fix accessibility issues

Plan fixing of issues over a given timeline. Consider alternate conforming solutions for immediate accessibility

Continue to monitor and report all digital channels for accessibility

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Usablenet Accessibility Services




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Stop by Booth #7 to book a free Accessibility Review!

[email protected]
