WCO2014 - To The Word And Beyond!

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To the Word and Beyond!
Extending WordPress Past a
Simple Blog

WordCamp Ottawa 2014Meagan Hanes @mhanes

A Bit About Myself

Meagan Hanes - @mhanes

Digital Designer for over 15 years

Own and Operate Love Digimedia, Ottawa-based design shop

Been using WordPress for over 8 years

Speaker at WordCamp Montreal and Toronto 2013

Favourite Colour: Rainbow :)

This Session Covers...

WordPress Dashboard Plugins

Social Networks using BuddyPress

Forums using bbPress

Project Management/Communications using P2

Dashboard Plugins

Most plugins provide external functionality for the website (adding a Twitter Widget, an image slider, etc)

But Dashboard Plugins provide internal functionality

They change the way the Admin Dashboard looks and works!

Note: Screen Options

Google Analytics Dashboard for WP

Integrates Google Analytics account with your WordPress site

Displays charts, reports, etc directly on Admin Dashboard

Allows you to monitor website's usage without loading up full GA application

Dashboard Notes

Handy way of leaving little admin notes!

Multiple colours and options available

Editorial Calendar

Makes it easy to manage timing of posts

Uses click-and-drag interface for simplicity

Plugin List

Google Analytics Dashboard: https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp/

Dashboard Notes: https://wordpress.org/plugins/dashboard-notes/

Editorial Calendar: https://wordpress.org/plugins/editorial-calendar/


WordPress-based Social Network System

Extending WP: BuddyPress

BuddyPress brings Social Networking features to WordPress

WP Users can make posts on their profile page, follow other users, join groups, have group discussions, receive notifications of new content, and more.

BuddyPress in Action

Extending BuddyPress: Plugins

Easily extendable with BuddyPress Plugins:Add Chat Rooms (iFlyChat)

Gamify your site with Achievements (Achievements for WordPress)

Make profiles more Facebook-like (BuddyPress Wall)

Create a Dropbox-style file repo (BuddyPress Docs)

Achievements for WordPress

BuddyPress In The Wild

BuddyPress Links

BuddyPress Core: https://buddypress.org

iFlyChat: http://wordpress.org/plugins/iflychat/

Achievements for WordPress: http://wordpress.org/plugins/achievements/

BuddyPress Wall: http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-wall/

BuddyPress Docs: http://wordpress.org/plugins/buddypress-docs/


Forums: The WordPress Way

Forums using bbPress

bbPress is a forum solution for WordPress

bbPress: Forums Made Easy

Creates a customizable bulletin board system

Full spam protection via Akismet

Links with your site's existing user accounts

bbPress In Action

Create a new discussion topic

Browse existing discussions

Displays last post's time and author

Allows for subscribing (sends an email)

bbPress Plugins

Rating Widget

GD bbPress Attachments


bbPress Plugins

Plugin Links

bbPress Plugin: http://bbpress.org/

bbPress Go To First Unread Post: http://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress-go-to-first-unread-post/

Rating Widget: http://wordpress.org/plugins/rating-widget

GD bbPress Attachments: http://wordpress.org/plugins/gd-bbpress-attachments

wp-Monalisa: http://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-monalisa


Communications using P2

P2 is a WordPress-based complete conversionNOT for your current WordPress website!

Creates a Communication Ecosystem

If Twitter and Basecamp had a software baby!

P2 in Action

Eliminates the need to use the Post Editor

Instead, post directly on the site itself!

Smaller posts = more communication

P2 for Internal Communications

Use MentionMe plugin to enable @namings

Perfect for assigning tasks, asking questions

Extend with P2 By Email to close the loopNow a Fully Functional Notification system!

Organize projects/assignments with tags

Configure widgets to show top posts, currently logged in users, latest posts, etc

Enable or Disable public viewing

P2 in Action

Plugin Links

P2 Core Theme: http://p2theme.com/

MentionMe: http://wordpress.org/plugins/mention-me/

P2 Post Feedback: http://wordpress.org/plugins/p2-post-feedback

P2 Resolved Posts: http://wordpress.org/plugins/p2-resolved-posts/

P2 Likes: http://wordpress.org/plugins/p2-likes/

To the Word and Beyond!
Extending WordPress Past a
Simple Blog

WordCamp Ottawa 2014Meagan Hanes @mhanes