Water resources

Water resources

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Page 1: Water resources

Water resources

Page 2: Water resources


• Introduction• Water resources (prior knowledge)• General information• Use of water• Use of water (graphic organizer)• Good use of water• Bad use of water• News about the uses• Proposals• Glossary • Video

Page 3: Water resources


• In this first part of the booklet we are going to learn about water resources. About all the uses and ideas of how to conserve the water. I hope you like it and enjoy it.

Page 4: Water resources

How do people use water resources?Prior knowledge

How do people use water resources?

People use water resources sometimes good and sometimes bad. That is the reason we don’t have enough water

All the water resources come from natural resources.

When people use water to do their things they are using water resources. Some examples are: drinking, washing, or taking a bath

Page 5: Water resources

General information Water resources are the

resources that people use to live. One thing that is very important is drinking water because if we hadn't that we could not live. Other thing that is useful is to take a bath. And there are many more but what is important is that water is very useful that is why we called it a water resource.

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Use of water Water is used for many

ways, like washing, drinking that is very nescesary, and even it is useful for your toilet. There are three types, house hold, personal use, and recreational activities. You may see the different types in the grafic organizer that is in the other page.

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Use of waterGraphic organizer

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Use of waterdrawing

As you can see there are many types and here I'll show you.

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Good Use of Water

Some people make good use of water. That people conserve the water and don't waste it. That is very good because we could conserve the water. Some examples are that that people wash their teeth with the faucet closed most of the time. Other example is that people take a bath and they don’t stay there for many time and that is good because it saves water very much. There are many more examples but their main idea is that you be one of that people who save water.

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Bad use of waterSometimes there are people that don't use the water in the correct way. That is very bad because people that have not so much money are dying because they can´t have a little bit of water. People use bad by washing their teeth with the faucet opened. Other thing is that people are washing their dishes with many water, other thing is that people are taking a bath for hours and that waste very much water. Their are many more things but the important thing is that you can help by not being one of that persons who waste the water.

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News about the uses

China produces more food for the same amount of water than other countries in Africa and Asia, researchers have found.

The report, completed by Li Baoguo and colleagues from the China Agricultural University, found that China produces 1–1.5 kilograms of wheat and corn per cubic meter of water, compared with Ethiopia's 0.1–0.2 kilograms, India's 0.2–0.7 and Kazakhstan's 0.2–0.3.

The researchers calculated China's crop water productivity (CWP) by analyzing national food production statistics and weather data, and using hydrological models.

China's success is down to its multi-cropping practice, effective farm management and water-saving techniques, explained Li.Techniques include reusing wastewater for irrigation, plastic and straw mulching — growing crops through openings in thin plastic sheeting or a layer of straw to reduce evaporation — and fostering drought-tolerant species.The efficiency is achieved despite a decline in water resources from almost 3,500 billion cubic meters in 1998 to just more than 2,500 billion cubic meters in 2007. Agricultural water accounted for 750 billion cubic meters — or 30 per cent of total water resources — in 2007.The report is the first to break down China's agricultural water resources into "blue water" and "green water", based on concepts initiated by Swedish scientist Malin Falkenmark.

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ProposalsHow to conserve water resources?

Problem: we are wasting to much water and the water in the world is ending more and more each day.

Objective: The objective of this booklet is that people learn how to conserve the water so that the planet be like it was.

Possible solution: I have many possible solutions but I would say only the most important: 1. Make campaigns and protests to conserve water.2. Listen to the suggestions.3. Don’t waste so much water taking a bath. There are many more but the important thing is that you need to conserve water!!!

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• Accounted: a customer who has a regular business relationship with a company

• Faucet: a valve operated by a handle that controls the flow of a liquid, especially from pipes supplying water

• Productivity: the ability to be productive

• Sheeting: thin material for lining and covering surfaces