The Virtual Handshake 1 The Virtual Handshake: Building Trust One Click at a Time The Top 10 Ways to Lose a Customer’s Trust Jeff Barto Trust Strategist

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Learn how to build trust online from Jeff Barto, Trust Strategist at Symantec and Tim Ash, CEO at SiteTuners. Get tips to make your site more visible and learn about how you can establish trust before the visitor gets to your page, keep it once they land on your page and about the importance of building lasting trust that can stick with site visitors when they encounter your site in the future.

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The Virtual Handshake 1

The Virtual Handshake: Building Trust One Click at a Time The Top 10 Ways to Lose a Customer’s Trust

Jeff Barto Trust Strategist

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Symantec Website Security Solutions

2 The Virtual Handshake

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Are You Really You?

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The Transitive Property of Equality

The Virtual Handshake 4

If A = B and B = C


A = C

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The Transitive Property of Trust

The Virtual Handshake 5

Stays on your site

interacts with your site

Clicks connect, continue, create, enroll, login, confirm, purchase and complete

Behaves loyally or builds business uplift… or both

The customer who trusts your site…

… is good for business

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The Transitive Property of Trust

The Virtual Handshake 6

The customer who trusts your site…

… is good for business

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• Google announced SSL-protected Search • Firefox defaults to Google Search via SSL

Google Got the Idea: Trusted Search

The Virtual Handshake

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• ‘Always-On SSL’ • Protecting entire user experience – from arrival/login, to logout/departure

Industry Leaders Got the Idea: Trusted User Experience

The Virtual Handshake

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Trust is More Important Than Ever

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Peeking Down the Funnel

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Peeking Down the Funnel: Lack of Trust Erodes ROI

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Peeking Down the Funnel: Lack of Trust Erodes ROI

12 The Virtual Handshake

• A lack of trust further “up the funnel” reduces the amount of convertible visitors to your website

• A website that appears untrustworthy may deter a visitor from following a call to action

• Lack of trust in search may prevent a customer from visiting your website

• An untrustworthy purchase page drives greater shopping cart abandonment

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Top 10 Ways to Lose a Customer’s Trust before they even get to your site


1. Bad news in traditional media

2. Bad news in social media

3. Poor showing in search results

4. Blacklisted / blocked for suspected malware

5. “Suspected Phishing Site”

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Top 10 Ways to Lose a Customer’s Trust once they’re on your site

The Virtual Handshake 14

6. Browser security warnings

7. Mispelings,, & dumb thing’s like poor punctuation

8. Mixed content warnings

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Top 10 Ways to Lose a Customer’s Trust once they’re on your site

YOU! 15

9.You didn’t show them why they’re safe

10.You didn’t tell them why they’re safe

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The Virtual Handshake 16

How do I… … deploy trust … defend against fear & doubt

• www.symantec.com/ssl • 1 (866) 893-6565, option 3

• www.sitetuners.com • 1 (800) 521-6056 • [email protected]

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Copyright SiteTuners © 2012 - All Rights Reserved.

The Virtual Handshake: Building Trust One Click At A Time

Tim Ash CEO


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Q&A and Contact Info

[email protected]

(619) 990-9062 mobile

(619) 223-8020 work PST

twitter @tim_ash



skype tim_ash1

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