KNOX CUSTOMIZATION We deliver tools and services to tailor your software

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KNOX CUSTOMIZATION We deliver tools and services to tailor your software

Airlines are looking to revolutionize their in-flight systems to better equip their flight crew and increase customer loyalty with better in-flight experience.

Using connected devices, fleet companies and taxi agencies can satisfy more travelers with their in-transit experience with interactive entertainment and relevant promotions.

On the factory floor, enterprise tablets can be the detachable platform for remote control of machinery and systems to oversee production flow. The tablet can also be easily adapted for integration with existing industrial machinery as Human Machine Interface (HMI) control panels enabling re-use of the tablet design.

Instead of students using off-the-shelf laptops or tablets with access to many of the distractions that typically beset students, an application-specific education tablet could be customized with a finite number of study aids, class-required eBooks and research repositories for the students in a certain school district or university system.

Retailers are starting to leverage tablets in a way that allows for more engagement with the shopper. By leveraging tablet devices, stores can give more information about products, product demos and other details with a more positive experience within the retail environment.

WE UNDERSTAND And have a pulse for the ever-changing needs of our clients