User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience! Greg Bell | Orange Peel Media

User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

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Page 1: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

User Experience is dead.Long live the user experience!Greg Bell | Orange Peel Media

Page 2: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

The King is dead. Long live the King!

Page 3: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

The NEW Web

The WebWorld

The Software World

Page 4: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

30 Best Careers of 2009 (USNews.com):

Usability Experience Specialisthttp://www.usnews.com/articles/business/best-careers/2008/12/11/the-report-card.html

Page 5: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

This profession has a hard time agreeing on a name for itself. It's called, for example, user experience specialist, interface designer, information architect, usability practitioner, user-centered design specialist, and usability manager. Whatever you call them, their job is to help ensure that products, especially technical ones, are easy and pleasurable to use.

Page 6: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Site Maps & Wireframes

Page 7: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Site Maps & Wireframes Visual Design

Page 8: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Site Maps & Wireframes Visual Design HTML & CSS

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<body class="citrus_admin"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/admin">Woop Woop Admin Site</a></h1> <div id="utility_nav"> <p> Welcome back gregbell. (<a href="/logout">logout</a>) </p> </div><!-- end utility_nav --> <ul id="citrus_admin_tabs"><li><a href="/admin" class="">Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="/admin/posts" class="">Blogs</a></li><li><a href="/admin/pages" class="">Pages</a></li><li><a href="/admin/sms" class="">SMS</a></li><li><a href="/admin/users" class="current">Users</a></li></ul><!-- end citrus_admin_tabs --> </div><!-- end header --> <div id="content"> <div id="main_content"> <h2>Users</h2>

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Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionController::Routing # Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent => :destroy has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy # Acts_as... acts_as_taggable # This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged # Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload_field before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity # Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

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Site Maps & Wireframes Visual Design HTML & CSS

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<body class="citrus_admin"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/admin">Woop Woop Admin Site</a></h1> <div id="utility_nav"> <p> Welcome back gregbell. (<a href="/logout">logout</a>) </p> </div><!-- end utility_nav --> <ul id="citrus_admin_tabs"><li><a href="/admin" class="">Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="/admin/posts" class="">Blogs</a></li><li><a href="/admin/pages" class="">Pages</a></li><li><a href="/admin/sms" class="">SMS</a></li><li><a href="/admin/users" class="current">Users</a></li></ul><!-- end citrus_admin_tabs --> </div><!-- end header --> <div id="content"> <div id="main_content"> <h2>Users</h2>

Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionController::Routing # Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent => :destroy has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy # Acts_as... acts_as_taggable # This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged # Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload_field before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity # Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

Web Experience

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Site Maps & WireframesRequirements






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<body class="citrus_admin"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/admin">Woop Woop Admin Site</a></h1> <div id="utility_nav"> <p> Welcome back gregbell. (<a href="/logout">logout</a>) </p> </div><!-- end utility_nav --> <ul id="citrus_admin_tabs"><li><a href="/admin" class="">Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="/admin/posts" class="">Blogs</a></li><li><a href="/admin/pages" class="">Pages</a></li><li><a href="/admin/sms" class="">SMS</a></li><li><a href="/admin/users" class="current">Users</a></li></ul><!-- end citrus_admin_tabs --> </div><!-- end header --> <div id="content"> <div id="main_content"> <h2>Users</h2>

Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionController::Routing # Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent => :destroy has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy # Acts_as... acts_as_taggable # This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged # Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload_field before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity # Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

Web Experience

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Site Maps & WireframesRequirements






Business Process& Planning













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<body class="citrus_admin"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/admin">Woop Woop Admin Site</a></h1> <div id="utility_nav"> <p> Welcome back gregbell. (<a href="/logout">logout</a>) </p> </div><!-- end utility_nav --> <ul id="citrus_admin_tabs"><li><a href="/admin" class="">Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="/admin/posts" class="">Blogs</a></li><li><a href="/admin/pages" class="">Pages</a></li><li><a href="/admin/sms" class="">SMS</a></li><li><a href="/admin/users" class="current">Users</a></li></ul><!-- end citrus_admin_tabs --> </div><!-- end header --> <div id="content"> <div id="main_content"> <h2>Users</h2>

Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionController::Routing # Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent => :destroy has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy # Acts_as... acts_as_taggable # This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged # Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload_field before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity # Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

Web Experience

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Business Process& Planning













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<body class="citrus_admin"> <div id="header"> <h1><a href="/admin">Woop Woop Admin Site</a></h1> <div id="utility_nav"> <p> Welcome back gregbell. (<a href="/logout">logout</a>) </p> </div><!-- end utility_nav --> <ul id="citrus_admin_tabs"><li><a href="/admin" class="">Dashboard</a></li><li><a href="/admin/posts" class="">Blogs</a></li><li><a href="/admin/pages" class="">Pages</a></li><li><a href="/admin/sms" class="">SMS</a></li><li><a href="/admin/users" class="current">Users</a></li></ul><!-- end citrus_admin_tabs --> </div><!-- end header --> <div id="content"> <div id="main_content"> <h2>Users</h2>

Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base include ActionController::Routing # Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent => :destroy has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy # Acts_as... acts_as_taggable # This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged # Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload_field before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity # Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

Web Experience

Page 14: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Back-end Devclass Screenshot < ActiveRecord::Base

include ActionController::Routing

# Associations belongs_to :user has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy has_many :favorites, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :as => :record, :dependent =>

has_many :daily_views_reports, :class_name => 'ScreenshotDailyViewsReport',:dependent => :destroy

# Acts_as... acts_as_taggable

# This isn't allowed to be set by mass assigment attr_protected :flagged

# Validations before_validation :remove_bad_characters_from_tag_list after_validation_on_create :parse_and_create_human_readable_error_messages_for_upload

before_create :set_safe_filename before_save :parse_source_url after_create :log_activity

# Attachment_Fu has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :s3, :max_size => 5.megabytes, :thumbnails => { :small_square => '100x100!', :med_rect => '215x150!', :large => '680>' }, :processor => :MiniMagick validates_as_attachment

Web Experience

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ScrnShots Share your inspiration.

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Page 19: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

iphoto, folders, flickr, skitch... etc..

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What I wanted from my screenshots:✔ Quickly take and share✔ Community to share with and learn from✔ Follow friends who take good screenshots✔ Easily look up screenshots for inspiration

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So... we built it!

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Page 24: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 25: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 26: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

6lessons learned

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Lesson 1 of 6:

You can’t do everything.

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3 Phases for ScrnShots:

Creation Organization Collaboration

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Page 30: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 31: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

“Good Software takes 10 years.Get used to ithttp://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000017.html

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Major Web Application Launch Dates

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3 Phases for ScrnShots:

Creation Organization Collaboration

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3 Phases for ScrnShots:

Creation Organization Collaboration

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Lesson 2 of 6:

Marketing is the entry point to the user experience.

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Page 37: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Launch & Marketing == Lots of Time

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Page 39: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 40: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Lesson 3 of 6:

Iterative design & developmentis the only way to work.

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Page 42: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

High Level Planning& Requirements

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High Level Planning& Requirements

Requirements, Design &

Development Iterations

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Perfection is theenemy of progress.

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Page 46: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

small improvements


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Page 48: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Lesson 4 of 6:

The feedback loop is smaller than ever. Take advantage.

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Page 51: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 52: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 53: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Lesson 5 of 6:

Automate Automate Automate

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Page 55: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 56: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 57: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 58: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

Lesson 6 of 6:

Think systems design.

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Systems thinking is a framework that is based on the belief that the component parts of a system can best be understood in the context of relationships with each other and with other systems, rather than in isolation.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_thinking

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Page 61: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
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Page 63: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 64: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!
Page 65: User Experience is dead. Long live the user experience!

User Experience thinking must include Systems Thinking

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User Experience is dead.Long live the user experience!

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