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US Peroxide Capabilities

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L e a d e r s in In n o v a t iv e L e a d e r s in In n o v a t iv e P e r o x y g e n T e c h n o lo g ie s f o r P e r o x y g e n T e c h n o lo g ie s f o r

a C le a n E n v ir o n m e n ta C le a n E n v ir o n m e n t


Was tewaterWas tewater

S oilS oil


L a r g e s t N . A . S u p p l ie r o f L a r g e s t N . A . S u p p l ie r o f P e r o x y g e n S o lu t io n s t o P e r o x y g e n S o lu t io n s t o E n v ir o n m e n t a l M a r k e t sE n v ir o n m e n t a l M a r k e t s

Municipal Municipal Was tewaterWas tewaterDrinking WaterDrinking WaterRemediationRemediationIndus trialIndus trial

M u lt ip le p r o d u c e r & c h a n n e l p a r t n e r s Multiple delivery points to ensure

continual product supply

Dedicated delivery equipment & modes of transportation

Ability to provide multiple chemicals from hydrogen peroxide, iron salts , persulfates , HCL, caus tic , nitrates , VTX, KOH, KMnO4 & sodium percarbonate

Strategic Supply Relationships


C o r e C a p a b i l i t ie sC o r e C a p a b i l i t ie s

Cos t-effective Cos t-effective Technologies Technologies

Innovative S olutionsInnovative S olutions

Full S ervice ProgramsFull S ervice Programs

Total Chemical Total Chemical ManagementManagement

Equipment S ys tems & Equipment S ys tems & EngineeringEngineering

Chemical Dosing Efficiency: ChemWatch System vs Conventional Two-Pump Systems(Hourly Variations)








0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00 14:00 16:00 18:00 20:00 22:00

Time of Day




d Ra

te, g


Actual demand

Tw o-pump system

ChemWatch system

M u n ic ip a l W a s t e w a t e r M u n ic ip a l W a s t e w a t e r T r e a t m e n tT r e a t m e n t

Odor & Corros ion Odor & Corros ion ControlControl

Collection S ys temsCollection S ys tems

Treatment PlantsTreatment Plants

D r in k in g W a t e r D r in k in g W a t e r T r e a t m e n tT r e a t m e n t

Tas te and Odor Tas te and Odor TreatmentTreatment

UV and HUV and H22OO 22 S olutionsS olutions

NS F Certified NS F Certified ProductProduct

Wastewater Was tewater treatmenttreatment

NOx abatementNOx abatementProces s Proces s

enhancementenhancementPetrochemical Petrochemical

applicationsapplicationsRapid responseRapid response

In d u s t r ia l In d u s t r ia l A p p l ic a t io n sA p p l ic a t io n s

R e m e d ia t io nR e m e d ia t io n

S oil and Groundwater S oil and Groundwater TreatmentTreatment

In-s itu Chemical In-s itu Chemical OxidationOxidation

Total Chemical Total Chemical Management Management

Hydrogen SulfideOdor and Corrosion Control


Worker safety issues?


Something sure stinks, residents say…

Odor complaints?

Increasing Odor Complaints What is that smell?

Sulfides out of control?

Infrastructure corroding?

H y d r o g e n S u l f id e C o n t r o lH y d r o g e n S u l f id e C o n t r o l

To biosolids disposal

To receiving waters

Sulfide Control – Flocculation / Dewatering – Phosphate Removal

Collection Collection S ys temsS ys temsHeadworksHeadworksPrimariesPrimariesBiosolids Biosolids Proces s ingProces s ing

T e c h n o lo g y O f f e r in g sT e c h n o lo g y O f f e r in g s

•Hydrogen Peroxide•Peroxide Regenerated Iron for Sulfide Control™

•Iron Salts•Nitrates•Vapor Fogging


Influent/headworks Influent/headworks

Chlorine/hypochlorite replacement Chlorine/hypochlorite replacement

S ewer tributaries and pump S ewer tributaries and pump s tationss tations

S hort to medium duration S hort to medium duration forcemains forcemains

Biosolids : odor control and Biosolids : odor control and s ludge conditionings ludge conditioning

H y d r o g e n P e r o x id e H y d r o g e n P e r o x id e P r o g r a m sP r o g r a m s

H2O2 + H2S Sº + 2H2O

H2O2P e r o x id e P e r o x id e R e g e n e r a tR e g e n e r a t

e d I r o n e d I r o n f o r S u l f id e f o r S u l f id e

C o n t r o l C o n t r o l



So SoFeS





S im p l i f ie d S im p l i f ie d P R IP R I ●●S CS C ™™

I r o n S p o n g e I r o n S p o n g e A n a lo g yA n a lo g y

4. H2O2 rinse “cleans” sponge

1. Iron sponge …

Fe (ll/lll)

2. Soaks up H2S …


3. The sponge becomes spent …


6. Iron sponge can be re-used as if new.


5. Sulfide is converted to inert Sulfur

F u l l S e r v ic e P r o g r a m sF u l l S e r v ic e P r o g r a m s

Chemical Chemical S upplyS upply

Applications Applications S upportS upport

Equipment Equipment S ys temsS ys tems

No TreatmentPRI-SC (level-1) PRI-SC (level-1) PRI-SC (level-2)

Dos ing OptimizationDos ing Optimization

Our programs Our programs includeinclude

Compliance GoalsCompliance Goals Performance Performance

ValidationValidation S ampling & S ampling &


A p p l ic a t io n s E x p e r t is eA p p l ic a t io n s E x p e r t is e

Consultative Consultative ApproachApproach

S urvey & S urvey & Modeling Modeling

Problem Problem DefinitionDefinition

Program Program DevelopmentDevelopment

C h e m ic a l S u p p ly a n d C h e m ic a l S u p p ly a n d L o g is t ic sL o g is t ic s


Remote Remote MonitoringMonitoring

Inventory Inventory ManagementManagement

Delivery Delivery S chedulingS cheduling

Tank level management

Delivery s cheduling

Dose rate verification

Programmable feed rates

Pump diagnos tics

C h e m W a t c h ™ D o s in g C h e m W a t c h ™ D o s in g O p t im iz a t io nO p t im iz a t io n

E q u ip m e n t E q u ip m e n t S y s t e m s a n d S y s t e m s a n d S e r v ic eS e r v ic e

Turnkey Turnkey S ys temsS ys tems

Ins tallationIns tallation

S tart-upS tart-up

Routine Routine MaintenanceMaintenance

S afety S afety ComplianceCompliance

Award-winning Award-winning Technical Webs iteTechnical Webs ite

Reference LibraryReference Library

Application S upportApplication S upport
