United Church of Canada EDGE Network Webinar on Digital Ministry

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Trying to cram a whole bunch of digital ministry stuff into one hour, here are my slides from a webinar sponsored by the United Church of Canada EDGE Network.

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#UCCan get ready

#UCCan road map

⬗ 30,000ft - Wait, What Happened?⬗ 20,000ft - What is this stuff? ⬗ 10,000ft - 10 Platforms to Start⬗ Landing - 10 Things to Do Today⬗ www.slideshare.net/breyeschow

#UCCan being easy on ourselves

“Dad is wearing a shirt with a symbol of unknown origin,” @undainty, 2012.

#UCCan we are not all-powerful

You can break your equipment.You cannot break the internet.

#UCCan God is not done with us

Gladyn Burrell ran her first marathon at 86 and in 2011 she completed the Honolulu Marathon -- at age 93.Genesis 18 - God tells Abraham and Sarah, at an old age, they were going to have a child.GOD IS NOT DONE WITH US!

#UCCan social media assumptions

⬗ is a medium of communication;

⬗ gives insights into a generational worldview, but not absolutes;

⬗ demands a high sense of self-worth;

⬗ flattens decision making processes;

⬗ will not save [anything you hope it saves].

#UCCan five important shifts

Many cultural shifts have changed reality, but a few have been part of the Social Media upsurge.

#UCCan bounded to centered

From rigidly defined relationships and communityto fluid and broad connections.

#UCCan monolithic to niche

From one assumed and obvious choice to many legitimate and disparate options.

#UCCan encyclopedia to wikipedia

From single source authority to open source discernment

#UCCan geographic stability to transience

From a life long commitment to place to an expected life of constant movement.

#UCCan optional to integrated

Technology and Social Media more woven into life like never before -- “digital natives”

#UCCan social media pitfalls

⬗ as idol, savior or quick fix⬗ as distraction⬗ as careless expression⬗ as overestimated ROI⬗ as echo chamber⬗ as over-and-above F2F⬗ as entry to bullying and abuse

#UCCan social media possibilities

⬗ builds up and strengthens the Body⬗ provides accountability⬗ liberates creativity and creation⬗ offers communal care and spiritual renewal ⬗ models a different way of interacting⬗ compels us world beyond our bubbles

#UCCan smarty pants terms

apps, smart phones, tablets, oh my

traditional media v. social media

web 1.0 v. web 2.0

social networking

open source software

#UCCan smarty pants terms

Cloud Technology

weB+logs = Blogs, vLogs

RSS feeds = Really Simple Syndication

aggregators and readers

checking in

QRCode = Quick Read Code

#UCCan tagging

⬗ after the “@” = a person or org

⬗ affiliates person to content: photo, update, attribution

⬗ use @username on twitter, pinterest and instagram @actual name on facebook

⬗ only tag to connect, use comment section to notify

#UCCan hashtags

⬗ after the “#” = link

⬗ connects via common interests -- events: #GA221, #CSW15 passions: #scandal, #ffl, #free movements: #notyourasiansidekick, #ferguson, #takedownjulienblanc

⬗ Commentary on picture, update or tweet, #baseballisdeadtome, #tbt #foodphotography #nomnomnom

#UCCan Postures for USE

⬗ be cautions: wise, but no fearful⬗ be adventures: find what feeds you⬗ be contextual: go where people are⬗ be curious: tinker with the betas⬗ be npr: share about others⬗ be bold: leverage technology⬗ be humble: don’t have delusions⬗ be genuine: be as you would be IRL

#UCCan six social media filters

#UCCan the go to networks








#UCCan top ten

#UCCan facebook.com

UPDATES: personality and content

LISTS: “like” happenings of ministry

GROUPS: private-ish group discussions

EVENTS: buzz generation, not tracking

#UCCan twitter.com

Create lists to keep up community members

Follow local orgs and businesses for news and local happenings

Find content for curation

Use hashtags to connect beyond the known

#UCCan instagram.com

visual sharing and updating

the world through the eyes of another

clean and simple space for interaction

#UCCan bufferapp.com

Efficient use of online time

Night owls and early birds

Effective posting patterns

Scheduled and buffered

#UCCan pinterest.com

Collect images and liturgy for a season: Lent, Easters, etc.

Discover educational ideas: workshop rotation, activities, curriculum, etc.

Curate trusted content to share with the community.

#UCCan doodle.com

Set dates

Take simple polls

Share decision making

Relieve stress

Positive peer pressure

#UCCan google.com/calendar

Coordinate personal and professional schedules

Embed low-maintenance calendar into a website

Integrate with all Google apps

#UCCan dropbox.com

Cloud based storage

Back-up and share photos

Group document storage

Presentation sharing

2GB Free + referrals bonuses

#UCCan madmimi.com

Link to online version

Track actual interaction

Save some money

Good alt to emailed PDFs

#UCCan groupme.com

Prayer Groups

Staff Teams

Parent Notification

Youth Communication

SMS or Smartphone

#UCCan personal tasks

⬗ Carve out daily Social Media time

⬗ Normalize usernames

⬗ Create lists on current networks

⬗ Use “find friends” feature

⬗ Organize device apps use

#UCCan church tasks

⬗ Declutter current online footprint

⬗ Gather and record login info

⬗ Assign individuals to networks

⬗ Claim “business” listings

⬗ Schedule monthly app play hour

#UCCan final question and response

⬗ social network questions, thoughts, etc.

⬗ church use questions, thoughts, etc.

⬗ general tech questions, thoughts, etc.

⬗ www.slideshare.net/breyeschow⬗ @breyeschow on most social
