1 dsbw 2011/2012 q1 Core Web browsers and web servers URIs HTTP Client-Side Basic: HTML, CSS Advanced: JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, HTML 5, RIA Server-Side technologies for Web Applications CGI PHP Java Servlets JavaServer Pages (JSPs) Unit 2: Web Technologies (2/2)

Unit 02: Web Technologies (2/2)

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Page 1: Unit 02: Web Technologies (2/2)

1dsbw 2011/2012 q1


Web browsers and web servers




Basic: HTML, CSS

Advanced: JavaScript, DOM, AJAX, HTML 5, RIA

Server-Side technologies for Web Applications



Java Servlets

JavaServer Pages (JSPs)‏

Unit 2: Web Technologies (2/2)‏

Page 2: Unit 02: Web Technologies (2/2)

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Web applications use enabling technologies to make their content dynamic and to allow their users to affect the business logic.

While a simple web site requires only a Web server, a network connection, and client browsers; Web applications include also an application server to manage the business logic and state.

The application server can be located on the same machine as the Web server and can even execute in the same process space as the Web server.

The application server is logically a separate architectural element since it is concerned only with the execution of business logic and can use a technology completely different from that of the Web server.

Enabling Technologies for Web Applications

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HTTP is a stateless protocol, so web servers do not keep track of each user request nor associate it with the previous request.

However, many Web applications need to support users’ sessions: each session represents a single cohesive use of the system, involving many executable Web pages and a lot of interaction with the business logic.

The session state keeps track of a user's progress throughout the use case session. Without a session state management mechanism, you would have to continually supply all previous information entered for each new Web page.

Ways to store session state:

Client Session State: URI rewriting, Cookies, Hidden fields in web forms

Application Server Session State: In-memory dictionary or map.

Database Server State.

Session State Management

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A cookie is a piece of data that a Web server ask a Web browser to hold on to, and to return when the browser makes a subsequent HTTP request to that server.

Limited size: between 100 and 4K bytes.

Initially, a cookie is sent from a server to a browser by adding a line to the HTTP headers: Content-type: text/html Set-Cookie: sessionid=12345; path=/; expires Mon, 09-Dec-2002

11:21:00 GMT; secure

A cookie can have up to six parameters: Name (required)‏

Value (required)‏ Expiration date Path Domain

Requires a secure connection


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It is a standardized interface to allow Web servers to talk to back-end programs and scripts that can accept input (e.g., from forms) and generate HTML pages in response

Typically, these back-ends are scripts written in the Perl (Python or even some UNIX shell) scripting language.

By convention, CGI scripts live in a directory called cgi-bin, which is visible in the URI :


CGI’s major drawbacks:

At each HTTP request for a CGI script the Web server spawns a new process, which is terminated at the end of execution.

CGI, like HTTP, is stateless. Therefore, terminating the process where the CGI script is executed after each request prevents the CGI engine to retain session state between consecutive user requests.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)‏

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CGI: Typical Scenario






:WebBrowser :WebServer


do_something(POST Request Body)‏



HTTP Resp.



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User input is appended to the requested URI: parameters are encoded as label/value pairs appended to the URI after a question mark symbol.

The Web server initializes a environment variable called QUERY_STRING with the label/value pairs.

In most OSs, environment variables are bounded to 256/1024 chars.


User input – encoded as label/value pairs too – is attached to the HTTP request using the message body.

Upon receipt of a POST request, the Web server extracts the label/value pairs from the message body, and writes them on the standard input of the CGI script.

CGI: User Input Forwarding

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“EnWEBats” Example: The Web Form

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“EnWEBats” Example: The Output

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<form action="/cgi-bin/enwebats.ppl" method="post">

Full Name: <input name="name" size="57">

Address: <input name="address" size="57">

City: <input name="city" size="32">

Postal Code: <input name="postcode" size="5">

Credit Card Number: <input name="cardnum" size="19">

Expires: (MM/YY) <input name="expdate" size="5">

AMEX <input name="cardtype" value="amex" type="radio">

VISA <input name="cardtype" value="visa" type="radio">

Express Mail (+10 euros): <input name="express"


<input value="Submit" type="submit"> </p> </form>

.... </html>

“EnWEBats” Example: enwebats.html

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POST /enWebatsPHP/enwebats.php HTTP/1.1

Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

name=Walter+Kurtz&address=78+Tahoma+Drive&city=Los+Sauces& postcode=08997&cardnum=888899997777 0000&expdate=09%2F14&cardtype=visa&express=on

“EnWEBats” Example: HTTP Request

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$size_of_form_info = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'};

read (STDIN, $form_info, $size_of_form_info);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

print "<html> \n";

print "<head> \n";

print "<title>Subscription OK</title> \n";

print "</head> \n";

print "<body bgcolor=white> \n";

print "<h3>Your subscription have been processed

successfully:</h3> \n";

print "<BR> \n";

“EnWEBats” Example: enwebats.pl (Perl)‏

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print "<table border=0> \n";

# Split up each pair of key=value pairs

foreach $pair (split (/&/, $form_info)) {

# For each pair, split into $key and $value variables

($key, $value) = split (/=/, $pair);

# Get rid of the pesky %xx encodings

$key =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg;

$value =~ s/%([\dA-Fa-f][\dA-Fa-f])/pack ("C", hex ($1))/eg;

$value =~ s/\+/\ /g;

print "<tr><td>$key: </td><td>$value</td></tr> \n";}

print "</table> \n";

print "</body> \n";

print "</html> \n";

“EnWEBats” Example: enwebats.pl (cont.)‏

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HTTP_HOST="localhost" HTTP_KEEP_ALIVE="300"


HTTP_USER_AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040421"





CGI: Some Environment Variables

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Scripting language that is executed on the Web server (e.g. Apache: mod_php)‏

PHP files are basically HTML documents with PHP code embedded through special tags.

PHP syntax resembles C’s or Perl’s. Version 5 is more object oriented.

Works well with major DBMSs

Is one of the mainstays of the LAMP platform: Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP

Very popular, with a huge community of developers and tool providers.

PHP: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

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<?php function print_row($item, $key) {

echo "<tr><td>$key: </td><td>$item</td></tr>\n"; }?>



<title>Subscription OK</title>


<body bgcolor=white>

<h3>Your subscription have been processed successfully:</h3>



<table border=0 width=50%>

<?php array_walk($_POST, 'print_row'); ?>




Exemple “EnWEBats”: enwebats.php

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The J2EE Platform

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A Servlet is an object that receives a request and generates a response based on that request.

A Web container is essentially the component of a Web server that interacts with the servlets. The Web container is responsible for

Managing the lifecycle of servlets.

Mapping a URI to a particular servlet.

Ensuring that the URI requester has the correct access rights.

Servlets’ strong points:

A servlet is initialized only once. Each new request is serviced in its own separate thread.

The Servlet API easies common tasks like to access request parameters, create and manage session objects, etc.

It’s Java, 57up1d! (cross-platform, object-oriented, EJB, JDBC, RMI, …)‏

Java Servlets

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Java Servlets: Request Scenario


:WebBrowser :WebServer :ServletContainer



resp. http

req. http

resp. http





Envia DadesEnvia Dades

req. http


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Java Servlets: API (partial)‏


init(config: ServletConfig)‏service(req:ServletRequest,

res: ServletResponse)‏destroy()‏






service(req: HttpServletRequest,

res: HttpServletResponse)‏doGet (req: HttpServletRequest,

res: HttpServletResponse)‏doPost (req: HttpServletRequest,

res: HttpServletResponse)‏












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public class Enwebats extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet{

public void doPost(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest req,javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse res)‏

throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException {res.setContentType("text/html");java.io.PrintWriter output = res.getWriter();output.println("<html>");output.println("<title>Subscription OK</title>");output.println("<body bgcolor=white>");output.println("<h3>Your subscription have been processed successfully:</h3>");output.println("<table border=0>"); java.util.Enumeration paramNames = req.getParameterNames();while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) {

String name = (String) paramNames.nextElement();String value = req.getParameter(name);output.println("<tr><td>"+name+": </td><td>"+value+"</td></tr>"); }

output.println("</table></body></html>");output.close(); }}

Exemple “EnWEBats”: Enwebats.java

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JSPs allows creating easily Web content that has both static and dynamic components.

JSPs project all the dynamic capabilities of Java Servlet technology but provides a more natural approach to creating static content.

The main features of JSPs technology are:

A language for developing JSP pages, which are text-based documents that describe how to process a request and construct a response

Constructs for accessing server-side objects

Mechanisms for defining extensions to the JSP language

A JSP page is a text-based document that contains two types of text:

static template data, which can be expressed in any text-based format (HTML, XML, …)‏

JSP elements, which construct dynamic content.

JavaServer Pages (JSP)‏

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When a Web container is requested a JSP it may happen that:

1. The JSP had not been requested yet: The web container compiles and initializes a servlet to service the request.

2. The JSP had already been requested: The Web container forwards the request to the corresponding running servlet.

Therefore, JSPs have all the benefits of using Java Servletsand, at the same time, allows separating more clearly the application logic from the appearance of the page

That, in turn, allows

using any Web edition tool or suite.

fast development and testing

JSP and Java Servlets

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JSP Directives: Instructions that are processed by the JSP engine when the page is compiled to a servlet. Directives are used to set page-level instructions, insert data from external files, and specify custom tag libraries. Example:

<%@ page language=="java" imports=="java.util.*" %>

JSP Declaratives: Definitions of global variables and methods.

<%! int time = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.AM_PM); %>

JSP Scriptlets: Blocks of Java code embedded within a JSP page.

Scriptlet code is inserted verbatim into the servlet generated from the page, and is defined between <% and %>.

JSP Expressions: Expressions that are evaluated inside the corresponding servlet to be inserted into the data returned by the web server. Example:

<h2> List of Members for the year <%= clock.getYear() %> </h2>

JSP Elements (1/2)‏

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JSP Tags (or Actions): elements that encapsulate common tasks.

Some are standard, which allow forwarding requests to other JSPs or servlets (<jsp:forward>), instantiate JavaBeans components (<jsp:useBean>), etc. Example:

<jsp:useBean id=="clock" class=="jspCalendar" />

Some are custom, that is, they are defined by Java developers using the JSP Tag Extension API. Developers write a Java class that implements one of the Tag interfaces and provide a tag library XML description file that specifies the tags and the java classes that implement the tags.

JSP elements (2/2)‏

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<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" %>



<title>Subscription OK</title>


<body bgcolor=white>

<h3>Your subscription have been processed successfully:</h3>



<table border=0 width=50%>

<% Enumeration paramNames = request.getParameterNames();

while (paramNames.hasMoreElements())‏{

String name = (String)nomsParams.nextElement();

String value = request.getParameterValues(name)[0];%>


<td><%= name %>:</td><td><%= value %></td>


<% } %>




“EnWEBats” example: enwebats.jsp

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JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)‏

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<%@ taglib uri='http://java.sun.com/jstl/core' prefix='c' %>



<title>Subscription OK</title>


<body bgcolor=white>

<h3>Your subscription have been processed




<table border=0 width=50%>

<c:forEach var='parameter' items='${paramValues}'>


<td><c:out value='${parameter.key}'/>:</td>

<td><c:out value='${parameter.value[0]}'/></td>






Exemple “EnWEBats”: enwebats.jsp amb JSTL

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SHKLAR, Leon et al. Web Application Architecture: Principles, Protocols and Practices, Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 2009.



