Understanding Agile Dr. Timothy Cockle Business Manager – Digital Services, Eduserv

Understanding Agile

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A talk delivered by Dr Tim Cockle at Charity IT Leaders quarterly meeting. It talks about what it means to be 'Agile' and and why it is important. It covers the following: • What are the principles and how they affect your team • How they affect working with others • What is DevOps • How to get started

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Understanding AgileDr. Timothy CockleBusiness Manager – Digital Services, Eduserv

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A little about me &A little about you!

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About you…• Your current knowledge of Agile• Do you currently have live Agile projects• Interested in Agile for development• Interested in IT operations• Current knowledge of DevOps

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Topics covered todayWhat is “Agile”?Why is it important now (more than ever)?What are the principles of AgileWhat is the impact on “your” dev teamWhat is the impact of work with an external dev teamGoing beyond development with DevOps

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Any questions…

Ask at anytime!

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Many terms & a lot of noise

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What do we mean by quality?To spec or the right product

What do we mean by discipline?Compliance to process or self-control

When are terms just being abused?Agile doesn’t mean no documentation

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How to start making sense of it all…

Understand it has a long history

Consider the values & principles

Understand your context

Make a start!

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But before that…


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Digital Transformation… a paradoxFrequent Change

The way people work – BYOD, socialExpectation for great services

Greater engagement - personalisationGreater integration

Threats and external pressuresIncreased competition

Dependable ServiceExpectations set by the big brands

Key services are digitalImpact of outage greater

Easy to go elsewherePeaks and bursts

Complexity increased

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Values & Principles

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Agile manifesto

… We have come to value

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Individuals and interactions over process and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

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…while there is value in the items on the right

we value the items on the left more

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…some useful principles

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Shared ResponsibilitySingle team mentality – with freedom to work togetherVisibility is required – to see where you can help

Focus on deliveryFocus on the customer - shared responsibility to deliverDone means live…

High degree of visibility and transparencyShared tools and shared languageFrequent interactions

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Short iterationsA better means of knowledge discoveryFast feedback - reduce risk

Welcome changeDesign & build to support changeEnsure this is understood by all (i.e. DevOps)

Keep it simpleThe art of maximising what is not done

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Continual inspectionHigh visibility of processes and peopleMonitoring & metrics not just for management

AdaptionMaking sure how you work fits the need

ProfessionalismBroadening of perspectiveCommitted to self improvement

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… adopting Agile is about culture

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Understand your context

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For internal teams…

Continuous ImprovementAt the heart of adopting Agile

Gaining commitmentCore to Scrum & an important mind set

Learning & LeadershipTaking a broader perspective

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TED TalksDan Pink: The puzzle of motivation

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Working with others

Understanding level of involvementWho is the product owner & how much effort is involved

Documentation & Acceptance CriteriaWhat format, versioning and collaboration

Planning & sign-offRoadmaps, releases and iterations (Sprints)

Budgets and paymentMany options but what will work internally

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What is DevOps?

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Change is good

Different mind-setDifferent toolsDifferent objectives

Stability is goodvs

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DevOps isA professional movementNot a new team or positionBut is removing silos

NB: Proceed with respect

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Getting started!

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Change Management: Kotter’s 8 Steps

1. Create a sense of urgency2. Form a guiding coalition3. Create a vision4. Communicate the vision5. Empower others to act on the vision6. Create quick wins7. Build on the change8. Institutionalise change

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“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not

an act but a habit.”Aristotle

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For reading list & notes feel free to [email protected]