Typesafe stack Scala, Akka and Play Luka Zakrajšek @bancek December 2012

Typesafe stack - Scala, Akka and Play

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Page 1: Typesafe stack - Scala, Akka and Play

Typesafe stack

Scala, Akka and Play

Luka Zakrajšek@bancek

December 2012

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The Typesafe Stack

• development platform

• easy to build scalable software applications

• seamless integration with existing Java infrastructure

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The Typesafe Stack

• Java Virtual Machine

• Scala core

• Akka middleware

• Play web framework

• Tools

• Horizontal scalability

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• general purpose programming language

• object-oriented and functional

• statically typed

• full interoperability with Java

• Twitter, Foursquare, Amazon, LinkedIn

• active community

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• familiar design patterns from Java

• traits

• mixin-based composition

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• based on the functional principles of Haskell and ML

• avoid shared state

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Statically Typed

• expressive type system

• detects and avoids many kinds of application errors at compile time

• no boilerplate code

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• easy to add new language constructs

• domain-specific languages (DSLs)

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Interoperable with Java

• Java bytecode

• existing Java libraries

• extremely mature Java Virtual Machine

• no difference in deployment

• familiar tools

• shorter, faster, more correct code

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Type inference

val a = 5val b = 4.5val c = "foo"val error = a * c

def actOn[T](x: T) = x.toString


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Type aliases, closures, first class functions and

comprehensionstype UnaryOp[T, R] = T => R

def run[R](gen: UnaryOp[Int, R]) { for (x <- 1 to 5) println(gen(x))}

run(x => -x)run(x => Array.fill(x)("*").mkString)

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Imperative with functional-style


val someNumbers = List(1, 9, 2, 7, 3, 5)

def onlyOdds = someNumbers.filter(_ % 2 == 1)def onlyEvens = someNumbers.filter(_ % 2 == 0)def sum = someNumbers.sumdef sumAlt = someNumbers.fold(0)(_ + _)

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Traits: static mixins

trait Logging { protected def log(fmt: String, args: Any*) { println(fmt.format(args:_*)) }}

class SampleClass extends Logging { log("Init") val a = 1 val b = "foo" log("%d and %s", a, b)}

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Pattern matching

def act: Either[Any, Exception] //...

act match { case Left(message: String) => println(message) case Left(count: Int) => counter += count case Left(fallback: Any) => println("Error") case Right(e) => e.printStackTrace()}

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• event-driven middleware framework

• high performance and reliable distributed applications

• decouples business logic from low-level mechanisms

• easily configurable

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Simpler Concurrency

• Threads and nonblocking IO are complex and error-prone

• Actor concurrency model

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• software transactional memory (STM)

• atomically modify the state of many objects at once

• revert all your changes if the transaction fails

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• platform for asynchronous event-driven architectures

• non-blocking IO frameworks

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• multicore servers and multiple nodes

• several million Actors on single machine

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• supervisor hierarchies

• Let It Crash

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Transparent Remoting

• Remote Actors

• distributed programming model

• unified programming model

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Scala & Java APIs

• smooth interoperability

• Spring and Guice integrations

• deploy in your existing Java application server or run stand-alone

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• every actor has a message queue

• actors accepts and choose what to do with messages

• lightweight and asynchronous

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• actors tend to remain bound to single thread

• actors rarely block, thread can remain active for a long duration

• Akka actors occupy 650 bytes

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class GreetingActor extends Actor { private var counter = 0 def receive = { case message => { counter += 1 // 1) Hello, Juliet log.info(counter + ") Hello, " + message) } }}

val greetingActor = actorOf[GreetingActor].start

greetingActor ! "Juliet"

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Play Framework

• painless web development for Java and Scala

• developer productivity

• RESTful architectures

• clean alternative to bloated Enterprise Java stacks

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Live reload

• fix the bug and hit reload

• no need to restart the server

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Stateless MVC architecture

• shared-nothing architecture

• use Ajax or offline storage to solve the state problems client-side

• easier to render portions of the page in parallel

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Type-safe templating engine

• Scala-based template engine

• syntax and type errors detected by compiler

• routing system is also fully type-checked

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Full-stack application framework

• relational database support and object-relational mapping

• integrated cache support

• straightforward RESTful web services

• flexible deployment options

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package controllers

import play.api.mvc._

object Application extends Controller {

def index = Action { Ok("It works!") } }

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# Extract the page parameter from the path, or fix the value for /GET / controllers.Application.show(page = "home")GET /:page controllers.Application.show(page)

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Scala IDE for Eclipse

• syntax highlighting, code completion, inferred type hovers...

• mixed Scala/Java projects

• incremental compilation

• 3rd party support for IntelliJ and NetBeans

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Simple Build Tool (sbt)

• compile code

• run tests

• package jars

• manages dependencies

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When not to use it

• developers familiar with Python or Ruby

• already have big codebase

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• compiler is sometimes very slow

• Scala developers are hard to find

• Buggy tools

• Play Framework 2 is still young

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Why do we use it?

• Python as first choice

• a lot of long-lived connections

• good support for WebSockets

• when it compiles, it’s fast

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Why do we use it?

• most components in Scala and Play

• also Python and Node.js

• Thrift for communication between components

• Akka for client connections and blocking operations

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Why do we use it?

• RESTful API on server

• JavaScript (Angular.JS) on frontend

• router generates helpers for JavaScript

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