Tsunamis: History, Signs & Precautions Tsunami is mostly caused by the earthquake or the eruption of a volcano under the sea. These days, it is mostly produced by the earthquakes. Earthquakes are reported on daily basis in the news all around the world. Earthquake is enough to cause extreme destruction and to make things worse the earthquake is sometime followed by the tsunami. Both of these natural calamities combine together to produce great devastation. The tsunami is also referred to as tidal waves. These waves become higher and higher as the depth of the ocean decreases. It travels as fast as the jet planes and only slows down, when it reaches the shallow water. There are many tsunamis recorded in the history of mankind but the deadliest ones are mentioned below: On 26th December 2004, in Sumatra, Indonesia, an earthquake with 9.1 magnitude occurred at a depth of 30 kms. It produced a tide of 50 m and caused 10 billion dollar of damage along with the deaths of 230,000 people. On 11th March 2011, 10m high tide wave was produced as a result of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. The 10 m high waves swept over the east coast of Japan and killed 18,000 people. The after effects of the earthquake and tsunami caused a nuclear power plant leakage in Japan. And Japan was financially hit with the loss of 235 billion dollars. On 1st November 1755, Krakatau Caldera volcano in Lisbon, Portugal erupted. Multiple 37m high waves emerged as a result, which demolished Anjer and Merak towns and killed 40,000 people. Signs of tsunami Sea level fluctuation: If unnoticeable waves start arising in the sea then it might be a warning that the tidal waves are approaching. Strong earthquakes: If the ground starts shaking and the earthquake lasts for more than 20s then it might produce high

Tsunamis: History, Signs & Precautions

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Tsunamis: History, Signs & Precautions

Tsunami is mostly caused by the earthquake or the eruption of a volcano under the sea. These days, it is mostly produced by the earthquakes. Earthquakes are reported on daily basis in the news all around the world. Earthquake is enough to cause extreme destruction and to make things worse the earthquake is sometime followed by the tsunami. Both of these natural calamities combine together to produce great devastation.

The tsunami is also referred to as tidal waves. These waves become higher and higher as the depth of the ocean decreases. It travels as fast as the jet planes and only slows down, when it reaches the shallow water.

There are many tsunamis recorded in the history of mankind but the deadliest ones are mentioned below:

On 26th December 2004, in Sumatra, Indonesia, an earthquake with 9.1 magnitude occurred at a depth of 30 kms. It produced a tide of 50 m and caused 10 billion dollar of damage along with the deaths of 230,000 people.

On 11th March 2011, 10m high tide wave was produced as a result of a 9.0 magnitude earthquake. The 10 m high waves swept over the east coast of Japan and killed 18,000 people. The after effects of the earthquake and tsunami caused a nuclear power plant leakage in Japan. And Japan was financially hit with the loss of 235 billion dollars.

On 1st November 1755, Krakatau Caldera volcano in Lisbon, Portugal erupted. Multiple 37m high waves emerged as a result, which demolished Anjer and Merak towns and killed 40,000 people.

Signs of tsunami

Sea level fluctuation: If unnoticeable waves start arising in the sea then it might be a warning that the tidal waves are approaching.

Strong earthquakes: If the ground starts shaking and the earthquake lasts for more than 20s then it might produce high tides that could be dangerous for the people especially those who live close to the sea coast.

Loud sound of roars: The sound produced by tsunami is the same as the sound produced by the jet plane or a train. These loud roars can be a warning for an approaching dangerous tide.

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Precautions and Safety measurements

There is nothing that we can do to stop this natural phenomenon but at least we can try to reduce its impact on the lives by following certain security measures:

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Stay informed about ongoing news

Every person staying close to the coastal area should stay informed about the news that is broadcast on the television, to get ready for the incoming tides. Do not depend only on the Tsunami Monitoring System because many times this system has malfunctioned in the past and many people have paid the price with their lives. You can also get an accurate weather app for iPhone/iPad or android on your smartphone to get the alerts and notifications about the earthquakes and other severe weather changes.

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Relocate to higher grounds

Low level grounds are defenceless against the high tides. If you detect the incoming higher tides from the sea coast then it is better to move to higher grounds for safety purposes. The higher grounds are more secure than the flat surfaces. After the waves pass through the area, maintain your position in the higher grounds for two to three days because the tsunami always appear in the series of waves at different intervals.

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Emergency evacuation plan

An emergency evacuation plan should be prepared ahead of time to reduce the chances of casualties among the families. To create a comprehensive plan, it is important to involve the authorities. Prepare alternative escape routes because the earthquake might destroy some of the escape routes. Plan a rendezvous point, to reunite the family members after the area is secure to move around. To immediately relocate the family in the emergency situation, conduct drills to reduce the confusion that can easily arise in the dangerous situation.

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Prioritize your life over belongingsIf the authorities broadcast the emergency warning, leave your possession behind. Prioritize your live along with the lives of your families. Gathering the belongings will only slow down the evacuation process.

Emergency food supplies

Prepare the emergency food supplies in advance. Because after the emergency signals, you will not have any time to gather the food. The tsunami mostly takes 2 to 3 days to disappear completely. During these days, you will require food. Do not eat the food that you receive from the wreckage because that food is contaminated and it should be discarded.

The natural calamities appear swiftly and do not provide any time to take protective measurements. These types of disasters require pre-planned steps to reduce their impact. The people who are close to the coast are more vulnerable to the tsunamis. But these people can overcome the difficult time by following the above mentioned safety tips.

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