+ Trust in Networks February 1, 2011

Trust in networks

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Page 1: Trust in networks


Trust in Networks

February 1, 2011

Page 2: Trust in networks

+Why is trust so important in your network?

Based on your experience, what role does trust play in increasing the impact of your work?

As you think about a previous project or effort, what specific outcomes can you point to where a high degree of trust between partners made a difference?

In what ways can an absence of trust inhibit the success of a collaborative effort? How does this specifically manifest?

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+Trust Assessment

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+Building Trust Means Implementing A System

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+Need network level AND individual level trust building

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+Behaviors/Values That Lead to Trust

1. Give the Individual Trust Assessment.

2. In which behaviors am I strongest?

3. How can I strengthen these positive features?

4. Which do I most need to work on?

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You help: Is there a situation in the next week where you could give assistance?

You ask someone to help: Is there a similar situation in the next week where you can ask someone else to help another person?

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+Modeling Appreciation

I really appreciate…

It was so thoughtful of you to…

It means a lot to me that you…

It really made a difference to me that you…

I noticed that you took the time to….

In what ways does consistent use of the above phrases among network partners heighten trust?

Where and how can you (or do you already) employ these types of remarks to increase trust?

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People share: what are my strengths and gifts? What do I like to do? What

am I good at? What are my challenges? What is hard for me? What do I need help with? Reminders about?

Handbook Chapter 5

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+Network Weavers frame…

When we’re open and transparent with each other, it helps us build trust.

It’s really important to think carefully before you make a commitment to do something, because your coming through is key to building trust.



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+What does a Network Weaver do to build relationships?

NW HandbookChapter 5

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+Coach bad habits…

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+Working through conflict is easy…

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+Accountability Through Transparency

Are agendas, notes and discussions for all meetings available to everyone in the network?

Can everyone see what people have committed to doing and see if they have done that?

Do people have the skills and commitment to bring up issues gently but firmly?

Is there an intentional practice of communications to keep people aware that additional information is being added to the site (e.g. a quick email to let folks know something has been updated)?

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+What might your next steps be?

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What did I learn today?

What insight did I get about my network? About myself?