Getting the Most from Print Cate Indiano DesktopMedia

Trends in Print

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Presentation given to the Fraternal Communications Association Mid-Year Conference focusing on getting more results from print including variable data publishing, transactional printing, web to print workflows, and digital magazines.

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Page 1: Trends in Print

Getting the Most from Print

Cate IndianoDesktopMedia

Page 2: Trends in Print

the most expensive corporate channel

since when did printing become the most expensive and least cost effective channel available to our organizations?

how can we strategize with this channel if we’re committed to certain demographics?

content is king = relevance

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What are we printing?

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•Brochures, programs, letters, billing, postcards, forms, magazines

•How are we printing it?

•Offset? Digital

•Service Provider? In House?

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Trends in PrintingTrends in Printing

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enter variables/versioning

what is variable data publishing?

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mail merge with MSWORD

data merge with InDesign CS4

conditional processing with XMPie’s uDirect

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• Demo, InDesign

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•The one piece of mail most people will not throw away?

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template driven

Incopy workflows, as an example

getting more from your publishing workflow

deliver content more efficiently with incopy

independent plug-in that allows content providers to write to your layout

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On Demand/Web to Print

•“Self-Service Marketing”

•Hosted Portal with Downloadable Templates

•Products like Bitstream’s Pageflex

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Digital Publishing

• “Just in Time” publishing

• http://magcloud.com/

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Repurposing Content

• Editorial content: SMR’s, whitepapers, scribd, slideshare

• Animated content: InDesign to Flash

• Site content: InDesign to Dreamweaver

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interactive PDF

extend the life of your print by repurposing your content to a PDF

post to scribd, slideshare, whitepaper portals

make sure you link within your PDF’s

add navigation with hyperlinks, bookmarks, javascripting

add media with video, audio, flash widgets

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print to flash

take your print layout (the cover of your magazine)

Adobe TV

export to flash

animate components of cover

publish to html to add to your site

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print to dreamweaver

take your print layout

export to Dreamweaver

match up CSS with InDesign styles

Dreamweaver page matches printed page

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want to learn more?

The Marketing Technology Training Certificate Program

104 hours of New Media training

delivered onsite or online

7 college credits

final project: a marketing proposal complete with ROI

fantastic student kit of books and a flip video camera

need to upgrade your skill set but can’t afford to?

check with your state’s incumbent worker training fund!

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cate brosseau indiano

marketing technologies consulting and training

certified technical trainer, adobe certified instructor

the marketing technology training certificate

author, InDesign@Work, wbe, member astd


[email protected]



linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/cateindiano

delicious: marketing technology bookmarks

skype: desktopmedia

twitter: desktopmedia

network: card.ly/cate_indiano