Transport Layer Caching Mechanisms and Optimization ICCRG meeting @ IETF-85, Atlanta, GA, USA Nestor Tiglao INESC-ID/IST [email protected]

Transport Layer Caching Mechanisms and Optimization

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Page 1: Transport Layer Caching Mechanisms and Optimization

Transport Layer Caching Mechanisms and Optimization

ICCRG meeting @ IETF-85, Atlanta, GA, USA

Nestor TiglaoINESC-ID/IST

[email protected]

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Transport layer caching model

Main results

Related IETF work

Congestion Control


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Poor TCP Performance in Wireless Multi-hop Networks

Higher bit error rates and packet loss

Underlying MAC protocols (exponential back-off, hidden/exposed nodes)

TCP end-to-end error and congestion control mechanisms

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TCP Segment loss TCP ACK loss

Reference: [3]


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Proposed Solutions

Distributed TCP Caching (Dunkels et al., 2004)

TCP Support for Sensor Networks (Braun et al., 2007)

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Reference: [3]


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Transport Layer Caching Model

Analyze benefit of intermediate caching in lossy networks, e.g., wireless sensor networks

Probabilistic model Link-layer component Transport-layer component

Define: Probability of Effective Progress of the packet,

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Analytical Results

Reliable delivery

Based on DTSN semantic – DATA, NACK, MACK (MAC –layer ACK)

RTS/CTS disabled

Performance metric: Transmission cost,

Function of cache size,

Effective error probability associated with the transmission of a packet taking into account the maximum number of MAC retries,

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Analytical ResultsSingle flow: Cost vs. Cache Size

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Analytical ResultsSingle flow: Cost vs. Hop Length

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Analytical ResultsSingle flow: Cost vs. Retry Limit

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Analytical Results Concurrent flows: Cache Partitioning

Caching weight assigned to flow i at node n,

At each node, fraction of cache memory allocated to each flow i that crosses the node n

Cache Partitioning Policies Uniform Increasing Decreasing U Shape Inverted U Shape

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Cache Partitioning Example

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Raw weights

Normalized weights

Red flow – UniformBlue flow – DecreasingGreen flow – U Shape


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Concurrent FlowsGrid Topology

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Concurrent flows: 10x10 Grid NetworkUniform Error Rates

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Concurrent Flows Non-uniform Error Rates

Heuristic: assign higher weight to flows experiencing higher error rates and with greater hop length

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i i i i

k DATA NACKi k k k k il


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Concurrent Flows : 10x10 Square Network Non-uniform Error Rates

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vertical 0.2







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Concurrent Flows : 9x5 Rectangular Non-uniform Error Rates

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vertical 0.2







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Concurrent Flows : 10x10 Grid Convergecast Pattern

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1 sink node

99 source nodes



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Simulation Results

ns-2 simulator

Performance evaluation Better energy efficiency Improve goodput Better delay performance Can improve fairness (Jain’s fairness index)

Refer to [7]

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CA-TCP (draft-sarolahti-irtf-catcp-00)

TCP options Cachable segments are supplied with a “Content Label” TCP ACKs contain “Content Request”

Cache can send segments on behalf of the sender

Perhaps cache partitioning can be explored Example: CDNs

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Congestion Control

Window-based/Rate-based AIMD approach

Bandwidth Delay Product (BDP-based) BDPs represent the maximum amount of unacknowledged data that are allowed in flight at any moment Multi-hop wireless networks based on spatial reuse, e.g. 802.11 MAC, BDP = 1/4 x path length

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Congestion ControlDependency on BDP

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Reference: [6]


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Transport layer caching can significantly improve performance in loss recovery

Cache partitioning is crucial

New approaches to congestion control

Possible applications Enhancements to CA-TCP Caching-enabled transport protocol for LLNs Caching in 6LoWPAN fragmentation recovery, http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-thubert-6lowpan-simple-fragment-recovery-07

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Thank you!

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1. Nestor Michael C. Tiglao, António M. Grilo, An analytical model for transport layer caching in wireless sensor networks, Performance Evaluation, Volume 69, Issue 5, May 2012, Pages 227-245, ISSN 0166-5316.

2. Marchi, Bruno, António Grilo, and Mário Nunes. DTSN: distributed transport for sensor networks. Computers and Communications, 2007. ISCC 2007. 12th IEEE Symposium on. IEEE, 2007.

3. Philipp Hurni, Ulrich Bürgi, Markus Anwander, and Torsten Braun. 2012. TCP performance optimizations for wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 9th European conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN'12), Gian Pietro Picco and Wendi Heinzelman (Eds.). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 17-32.

4. Dunkels, Adam, et al. Distributed TCP Caching for Wireless Sensor Networks. Proceedings of the 3 rd Annual Mediterranean Ad-Hoc Networks Workshop. 2004.

5. Braun, Torsten, Thiemo Voigt, and Adam Dunkels. TCP support for sensor networks. Wireless on Demand Network Systems and Services, 2007. WONS'07. Fourth Annual Conference on. IEEE, 2007.

6. Xia Li; Peng-Yong Kong; Kee-Chaing Chua; , DTPA: A Reliable Datagram Transport Protocol over Ad Hoc Networks, Mobile Computing, IEEE Transactions on , vol.7, no.10, pp.1285-1294, Oct. 2008

7. Tiglao, N; Grilo, A., Optimal Cache Partitioning in Reliable Data Transport for Wireless Sensor Networks, Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Network Control and Optimization – NETCOOP’10, Ghent, Belgium, pp. 90-96, Nov. 29-Dec. 1, 2010.

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