Thoughts on Efficient Spark Programming Niels Hanson Vancouver Apache Spark Meetup Thursday, September 3 2015 1

Thoughts on Efficient Spark Programming (Vancouver Spark Meetup 03-09-2015)

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Page 1: Thoughts on Efficient Spark Programming (Vancouver Spark Meetup 03-09-2015)

Thoughts on Efficient Spark Programming

Niels Hanson Vancouver Apache Spark Meetup

Thursday, September 3 2015


Page 2: Thoughts on Efficient Spark Programming (Vancouver Spark Meetup 03-09-2015)

Who am I?• Niels Hanson, Recent PhD Graduate in Bioinformatics • BSc UBC Computer Science and Statistics • PhD Thesis focused on developing a Distributed Computing for

processing large Metagenomic datasets ‣ Compute Canada’s WestGrid ‣ Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) Cascade

- Algorithm development on Intel Phi-Cards ‣ Author on 10+ publications

• Blatant Plug: Looking for a Developer/Data Scientist position!


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Apache Spark• Open-source cluster computing framework

‣ Originally based out of the AMPLab at UC Berkeley ‣ Implements in-memory distributed least-recently used

(LRU) cache at Worker nodes - In contrast to Hadoop’s two-stage disk-based

MapReduce ‣ Cluster management via Sparks stand-alone, Hadoop

YARN, and Apache Mesos ‣ Supports distributed storage provided by Hadoop HDFS,

Cassandra, OpenStack Swift, and Amazon S3 ‣ Also can be used stand-alone for thread-like parallelism ‣ Central Paradigm: Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)


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Image: EdX BerkeleyX: CS100.1x Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark 4

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“Improvements to YARN worker task memory management would allow jobs with large side data distributions like BLAST to be used more efficiently on machines with smaller memory requirements, further reducing cost of cloud-computing services.”

Kim, Konwar, Hanson, and Hallam. Koonkie: An Automated Software Tool for Processing Environmental Sequence Information using Hadoop. 2014 ASE BigData, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

• RDDs essentially represent an in-memory LSU cache • What we implemented here using Hadoop 2.3 was a worker-

disk LSU cache (check local disk before going to HDFS)5

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Resilient Distributed Datasets• Write programs in terms of operations on distributed datasets • Partitioned collections of objects spread across a cluster, stored in

memory or on disk (LRU-cache style) • RDDs built and manipulated through a diverse set of parallel

transformations (map, filter, join) and actions (count, collect, save) • RDDs automatically rebuilt on machine failure

Image: EdX BerkeleyX: CS100.1x Introduction to Big Data with Apache Spark

6Zaharia, Matei, et al. "Resilient distributed datasets: A fault-tolerant abstraction for in-memory cluster computing." Proceedings of the 9th USENIX conference on Networked Systems Design and Implementation. 2012.

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MapReduce Aggregation• My Initial Thoughts: “[GroupByKey()] not such a big deal so long

as the keys are balanced”

Input Split Map




a b F G H

• MapReduce: Map task produce (key, value) pairs that are shuffled to a Reducer tasks based on the key ‣ One reducer may get lots of jobs ‣ May be a bottleneck if further map tasks are relying on the

complete output7

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Image: Databricks Spark Knowledge Base

• Problem still exists in Spark if using GroupByKey()

• Two issues: ‣ Every (key, value) pair shuffled over the network ‣ Unbalanced keys means some workers could be doing very little



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ReduceByKey()• Solution: perform a reduction in the “Map” step (i.e., use combiner)

Image: Databricks Spark Knowledge Base

• Bounds “Map” communication to O(number of Keys) • Bounds “Reducer” input to O(number of Mappers) • Unbalanced Keys could still still mean some workers have unbalanced work


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CombineByKey()• CombineByKey() when your return type differs from your input type

‣ i.e., can’t use ReduceByKey() • Requires three functions:

‣ createCombiner: used as the very first aggregation step for each key. Argument of this function corresponds to the value in a key-value pair

‣ mergeValue: What to do when a combiner is given a new value. The arguments to this function are a combiner and a new value.

‣ mergeCombiner: how to merge two combiners. Arguments are two combiners.

Source: Using CombineByKey in Apache-Spark 10

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Typical Case: Calculate Average per Key

Key Value

A 0

B 3

B 2

C 3

A 1

B 4


Key Value

A (0,1)

B (3,1)

B (2,1)

C (3,1)

A (1,1)

B (4,1)


Key Value

A (0,1)

B (5,2)

A (1,1)

B (4,1)

C (3,1)

Key Value

A (0,1)

B (5,2)

C (3,1)

A (1,1)

B (4,1)

Key Value

A (1,2)

B (9,3)

C (3,1)

Key Value

A 1/2

B 9/3

C 3/1

dataRDD.mapValues(lambda val: (val, 1)) .reduceByKey(lambda a,b: (a[0]+b[0], a[1]+b[1])) .mapValues(lambda val: val[0]/ val[1])





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combineByKey(): Calculate Average per Key

Key Value

A 0

B 3

B 2

C 3

A 1

B 4

dataRDD.combineByKey( lambda value: (value, 1), #createCombiner lambda acc, value: (acc[0] + value, acc[1] + 1), #mergeValue lambda acc1, acc2: (acc1[0] + acc2[0], acc1[1] + acc2[1]) #mergeCombiner )



accumulators[A] = createCombiner(0)accumulators[B] = createCombiner(3)accumulators[A] = mergeValue(accumulator[A], 2)accumulators[C] = createCombiner(3)accumulators[A] = createCombiner(1)accumulators[B] = createCombiner(4)


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combineByKey(): Calculate Average per Key

Key Value

A 0

B 3

B 2

C 3

A 1

B 4

sumCount = dataRDD.combineByKey( lambda value: (value, 1), #createCombiner lambda acc, value: (acc[0] + value, acc[1] + 1), #mergeValue lambda acc1, acc2: (acc1[0] + acc2[0], acc1[1] + acc2[1]) #mergeCombiner )





mergeCombiners(P1.accums[A], P2.accums[A])

averageByKey = sumCount.mapValues( lambda (value_sum, count): value_sum / count)


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combineByKey(): Bag-of-Words Dictionary

dataRDD.combineByKey( createCombiner, mergeValue, mergeCombiner, )

def createCombiner(word): return {word: 1}

def mergeValue(acc,word): return acc[word] += 1

def mergeCombiner(acc1,acc2): for word in acc1: if word in acc2: acc2[word] += acc1[word] // more complicated combing return acc2

• Advantage of combineByKey() being you can have a complicated aggregator

• Assume RDD of document text data (doc,word) and use python dictionaries (Java-Serializable/Pickle-able data structure)


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Partitioners• Partitioners can reduce communication where an

RDD is used multiple times in key-oriented operations (e.g., joins, XByKey, lookup)

• They distribute data in a way that ensures particular set of keys will appear on the same node ‣ HashPartitioner: Hash based on the Java

hash() function ‣ RangePartitioner: Distributes RDD based on

continuous ranges • Range partitioner now default in Spark 1.2.0


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Partitionersval sc = new SparkContext(…) val userData = sc.sequenceFile[UserID, UserInfo](“hdfs://…”) .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100)) .persist()


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Partitionersval sc = new SparkContext(…) val userData = sc.sequenceFile[UserID, UserInfo](“hdfs://…”) .partitionBy(new HashPartitioner(100)) .persist()

• HashPartitioner(100): sets level of parallelism of RDD to 100 partitions ‣ rdd.getNumPartitions (Python), rdd.partitions.size (Java/Scala) ‣ Extra argument in most functions allows you to set particular

number of partitions (otherwise spark.default.parallelism) ‣ Want to have num_partitions > num_cores ‣ Rule-of-thumb: probably need 2-times num_nodes because

you’ll also have to run JVM processes ‣ repartition() and coalesce() functions for changing RDD

partition numbers17

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Partitioners• Partitioners are automatically set depending upon

certain operations • reduceByKey() following a join() of two RDDs will

be faster because results already hash partitioned • Actions that don’t provide guaranteed partitioning

like map() don’t set a partitioner and remove existing partitioner if present • mapValues() and flatMapValues() retain existing

partitioner • Set Partitioner: cogroup(), groupWith(), join(), Joins(),

XbyKey(), partitionBy(), sort(), mapValues(), and filter()


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import urlparse !def hash_domain(url): return hash(urlparse.urlparse(url).netloc) !rdd.partitionBy(20, hash_domain) rdd.persist()

• Example of a custom URL-based partitioner in Python ‣ Can’t be a lambda function as it uses the name-

space to track partitioning of RDDs


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Joins• Fundamental relational algebra operation to combine

two structured datasets matched by some field ‣ Traditionally, creates full cartesian product of

shared field

• LeftJoin and RightJoin express how you handle missing pairs


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• Won’t always have a situation with good Sharding (enough keys to spread out results)

Join Large RDD with Small RDD

US RDD Partition 1

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition n>>50

Small State RDD

All data for CA

All data for RI

• Uneven sharding • Limited parallelism

(50 states)



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• If Small State Info can fit in RAM, may be worth broadcasting to all worker nodes

Join Large RDD with Small RDD

US RDD Partition 1

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition n>>50

Small State RDD

• Parallelism of the Large RDD maintained, shuffle not needed

…Small State RDD

Small State RDD

Small State RDD

val smallRDDBroadcast = sc.broadcast(smallRDD.collectAsMap())22

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• If Small State Info can fit in RAM, may be worth broadcasting to all worker nodes

Join Medium RDD and Large RDD

All Data from Both


• Good parallelism here • However, limited by the Large

table rather than the Medium size table


US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2All World RDD

All Data from Both

All Data from BothAll Data from

BothAll Data from

BothAll Data from


Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output


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• Filter Large RDD for ids in Medium RDD so less shuffle space needed

Join Medium RDD and Large RDD


US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2All World RDD

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

Final Joined Output

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

US RDD Partition 2

Partial World RDD



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Resources• Learning Spark & Advanced Analytics with Spark:


• Apache Spark Programming Guide: https://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/programming-guide.html

• EdX: BerkleyX (Intro to Big Data… CS100.1x, Scalable Machine Learning CS190.1x) https://www.edx.org/course/introduction-big-data-apache-spark-uc-berkeleyx-cs100-1x https://www.edx.org/course/scalable-machine-learning-uc-berkeleyx-cs190-1x

• Alexey Grishchenko’s Distributed Systems Architecture Bloghttp://0x0fff.com/

• Vida Ha & Holden Karau Strata. “Everyday I’m Shuffling: Tips for writing better Spark Jobs” Stata SJ 2015. http://www.slideshare.net/databricks/strata-sj-everyday-im-shuffling-tips-for-writing-better-spark-programs

• Sameer Farooqui. “DevOpps Advanced Class” Spark Summit East 2015.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ooZ4S7Ay6Yhttps://spark-summit.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/SparkSummitEast2015-AdvDevOps-StudentSlides.pdf25

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