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The Power of Like and Social Sharing Tools

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Page 1: The Power of Like and Social Sharing Tools

The Power of

and other social sharing tools


Page 2: The Power of Like and Social Sharing Tools

Please say “hello” and offer your ideas and insights after the webinar

Community Engagement Manager, FirstGiving: [email protected] about the intersection of nonprofits, social media, and technology at: Community Organizer 2.0: www.communityorganizer20.comTwitter: @askdebraPresentations: www.slideshare.net/debask

Let’s talk!

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Today’s webinar

Facebook Social PluginsThe Power of Like

News Feed Optimization Social Sharing Tools

AddThisSharing Toolbars

Disqus commentingWrap-up

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What is the Facebook Open Graph?


You like things, are friends with others, express interest on Facebook

Facebook knows it when you connect with a site using Facebook

Now the site knows it as well and can personalize the site experience and information shown

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Why should I care about social plugins?

Happiness experience

*site users see information about their friends, and share information with Facebook friends without ever leaving your site!


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Social plugins: Like button


*Especially good for Liking separate content on the website

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Social plugins: Like Box= social proof


*Great option for Liking the entire site

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Clicking the Like button creates a loyalty marker

This creates a new fan page in your Page admin area

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…and creates a “hidden” fan page

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What can you do with the Like button?

1. Track returns to the website as a result of a Like share, and what visitors do when they return *add a cookie, or a marker into the code and track using Google analytics – see case study slide 27.

2. Message fans of your “hidden” fan page. Especially useful when fans like a campaign for calls to action

3. Find out what content site visitors like, and don’t like. Find out what content is “viral” and shared quickly.

4. Develop personalized content for visitors.

5. Decrease bounce rates, increase page stickiness!

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Social plugins: Activity Feed


*Great for sites with regularly refreshed content, site activity

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Social plugins – Recommendations Feed

Test it: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/recommendations/

*Good for sites with regularly refreshed content+site activity+ Facebook fans

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Social plugins – Comments Box

*Essentially a low-end comments feature for any website

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Social plugins – Live Stream (events)

*Perfect for streaming live events and encouraging conversation on/off site

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Social plugins – Live Stream (events)

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Social plugins – Live Stream (events)

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Social plugins – Login button


*Use to gain knowledge about your site users

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Social plugins – Login with Facepile

*Use to show social proof to visitors before they decide to use the Login

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Desert Island Facebook Plugins


Facebook Like button

Facebook Recommendations or

Facebook Activity Stream

Facebook Login

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The Power of Like: EdgeRank (NFO)

…and Likes grow in power depending on NFO score


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The Power of Like: EdgeRank NFO weight

Lightweight– Likes have little notice in the news stream

Middleweight- Likes that are “upgraded” to a comment have more weight

Heavyweight- The more interactions with the news stream item (tags, comments, likes, shares) the higher it will show in search and on the user’s Pages

** same principle at work with Facebook updates on your Page

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EdgeRank takeaways

1. Ask users to Like your content – offer opportunities

2. Find ways to get users to return – the more often they like, comment, share your content, the higher it will show in their news feeds

3. Always offer fresh content – higher EdgeRank weight

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The Return on Like


“Facebook is becoming the loyalty card of the Internet, just like your key chain.”- Tom Wentworth, VP of marketing for


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ABC.com: 190% increase in traffic

Gawker.com: 200% increase in traffic

NHL.com: number of pages/user up 92% time on site up 85%

The Return on Like


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The potential of Like: Personalization

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After allowing the Facebook Login to connect to my personal profile, I see what my Facebook friends like on the Levi’s website. Levi’s wants me to share this using the share button.

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Case Study: JustGiving Nov. 17 – Dec. 4


5,986 Liked pages 16,278 people visit JG fundraising pages as a result

6% of all visitors from Liked pages donate!

933 donations


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Social sharing

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Why should you care about social sharing?

1. You get valuable information about your site visitors and users

2. Your content is spread by people who care

3. Unique visitors return as a result of a share

4. The initial share will result in a ROI. It’s up to you to determine what the ROI should be

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Social share: AddThis is most popular

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AddThis analytics

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AddThis analytics

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AddThis analytics

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AddThis analytics

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Case Study: FirstGiving Nov. 8 – Dec. 5

11,233 shares from FG to Facebook via Gigya social sharing tool

55,335 visitors returned as a result of a share= 5:1 ratio of share:returning visitor!

Value of a share to Facebook?$10.87

*Value of a site visitor overall? $4.07

3,416 returning visitors made a donation295 people created fundraising pages

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Social Toolbars option

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Why should you care about toolbars?

1. Highly customizable toolbar

2. Generally lowers bounce rate

3. Increases sharing

4. Especially good for social bookmarking (to StumbleUpon, Delicious, Reddit, Digg)

5. Good analytics = site feedback

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Toolbars offer stickiness

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Some have great analytics: Wibiya

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Commenting widget: Disqus (“discuss”)

Includes personal profiles, following others, anti-spam, can create a community

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Disqus: turns any website into a blog

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Use Facebook Plugins Understand the

Power of Like and Facebook Login

Amplify content! Integrate sharing widgets for viral traffic


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Debra Askanase, Community Engagement Manager, [email protected]: www.communityorganizer20.comTwitter: @askdebraskype: daskanase