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The Maturity Model: Taking the Growing Pains Out of Hadoop

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The Briefing Room

The Maturity Model: Taking the Growing Pains Out of Hadoop

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Host: Eric Kavanagh

[email protected] @eric_kavanagh

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  Reveal the essential characteristics of enterprise software, good and bad

  Provide a forum for detailed analysis of today’s innovative technologies

 Give vendors a chance to explain their product to savvy analysts

  Allow audience members to pose serious questions... and get answers!


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Three Types of Evolution

Ø Disruptive selection

Ø  Stabilizing selection

Ø Directional selection

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Types of Evolution?


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Analyst: Rick van der Lans

Rick F. van der Lans is an independent analyst, consultant, author and lecturer specializing in data warehousing, business intelligence, analytics, big data and database technology. He is Managing Director of R20/Consultancy. He has advised many large companies worldwide on defining their business intelligence architectures. His popular IT books have been translated into many languages and have sold over 100,000 copies. Rick writes for TechTarget.com and B-eye-Network. For the last 25 years, he has been presenting professionally around the globe and at international events.

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Think Big, A Teradata Company

  Last year Teradata acquired Think Big Analytics, Inc., a consulting and solutions company focused on big data solutions

  Think Big has expertise in implementing a variety of open source technologies, such as Hadoop, Hbase, Cassandra, MongoDB and Storm, as well as experience with Hortonworks, Cloudera and MapR

  Its consultants can assist with the planning, management and deployment of big data implementations

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Guest: Ron Bodkin

Ron Bodkin is Founder & President of Think Big, A Teradata Company. Ron founded Think Big to help companies realize measurable value from Big Data. The company’s expertise spans all facets of data science and data engineering and helps our customers to drive maximum value from their Big Data initiative. Previously, Ron was vice president Engineering at Quantcast where he led the data science and engineer teams that pioneered the use of Hadoop and NoSQL for batch and real-time decision making. Prior to that, Ron was Founder of New Aspects, which provided enterprise consulting for Aspect-oriented programming. Ron was also Co-Founder and CTO of B2B applications provider C-Bridge, which he led to team of 900 people and a successful IPO. Ron graduated with honors from McGill University with a B.S. in Math and Computer Science. Ron also earned his Master’s Degree in Computer Science from MIT, leaving the PhD program after presenting the idea for C-bridge and placing in the finals of the 50k Entrepreneurship Contest.


 The Maturity Model: Taking the Growing Pains out of Hadoop

 Ron Bodkin  Founder and President, Think Big


•  What is Big Data?

•  Hadoop Maturity Spectrum (from MapReduce to Integrated Hadoop Architecture)

•  Taking the Growing Pains out of Hadoop



•  Data sets so large and complex that they become awkward to work with using standard tools and techniques

•  Google, Quantcast, Yahoo, LinkedIn… customer innovation in open source

•  Discover value in dark data and relationships among data sets –  Customer behavior

–  Product behavior

•  Evolution: insight -> operational -> business innovation

Source: Hortonworks

What is Big Data?

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Hadoop (Circa 2008)

•  HDFS - Distributed File System

•  MapReduce distributed parallel batch processing

•  Community Open Source since 2005 many contributors

•  Industry commitment: over $1 Billion invested in startups, all major software companies embrace

•  3 replicas for HA

•  50 PB+ scale

•  Great for analytics, batch processing

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


SQL on Hadoop (Circa 2009 to Today)

•  Expanded access to data in Hadoop

•  Great for exploration of “raw” data, e.g., by data scientists – Can integrate UDFs –  Tools integration expanding

access beyond SQL power users

•  Fast moving space

•  Also used for ETL/ELT processing

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


•  Support for many processing engines including Spark, Storm, Tez

•  Common cluster with local data access in HDFS

Hadoop (Circa 2012) YARN - Yet Another Resource Negotiator

16 © 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15

17 © 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15

Apache Spark (Circa 2013)

Spark SQL Spark


MLib (Machine learning)

GraphX (Graph)

Apache Spark Core Engine





OLAP on Hadoop (Circa 2014)


Reporting, Visualization and Analytics

Traditional BI on Hadoop •  Day or week old data •  Long latencies to retrieve data •  Doesn’t scale as number of events,

aggregates, or users grow •  Expensive, siloed event analytics

•  Real time data •  Unlimited custom reporting

(drill to trillions of aggregates) •  Scales to thousands of simultaneous

users •  Subsecond latency •  Omni-channel analytics

OLAP on Hadoop

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Today: Integrated Hadoop Architecture

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


 How to Take the Growing Pains out of Hadoop


•  Picking the wrong starting point – ho hum, boil the ocean

•  Immature Governance

•  Siloed Organization

•  Change Management

•  Skills Gap

•  Business as usual

•  Not fitting in with ecosystem

Big Data Pitfalls

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Big Data Center of Excellence

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Cross-Functional Collaboration


Weak intersection between Data, Systems and Business often means project failure

Current State Improved State Collaborative integration of Analytics with Big Data capabilities for success.


Weak Area with diminished influence

Cross-functional collaboration

Data-driven business alignment

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


A “Data Lake” is a centralized approach to capturing, refining, storing, and exploring any form of raw data at scale, enabled by low cost technologies from which downstream facilities may draw.

What is a Data Lake?

Information Sources Data Lake Downstream Facilities

Data Variety is the driving factor in building a Data Lake.

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Why a Data Lake?

•  Benefit from open source big data innovation and cost savings

•  Control over enterprise data with governance

•  Offload history of operational and analytical data platforms

•  Remix ETL, freeing capacity downstream

•  Gain ultimate flexibility in data use and access

•  Foundation for solving business problems –  Big data solutions enable new uses of data via working with

new data sets and analytics

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


•  Corporate Repository – Data sourcing repository, possibly system of record

•  Active Archive – Offloaded history of operational and analytical data platforms that needs to be used infrequently

•  Discovery – Data Profiling, schema on read, wrangling, discover signals

•  ETL Offload – Move all or parts of current ETL processes into Hadoop

•  NEW ETL Development – Develop new ETL processes on the Data Lake

•  Analytics – Data Science, Custom/product built Analytics solutions (i.e. churn, machine learning)

•  Business Intelligence/Reporting – Event analysis, dimensional rollup and pivot reports

Data Lake Use Cases

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Swamp Reservoir

Data Lake: Swamp or Reservoir?

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Data Lake

Information Sources

Evaluate Source Data


Collect & Manage


Profile - Structure




Generate Reports

Discovery Signals




Prepare Data for Ingest

Prepare Source Metadata

A centralized well-governed repository of raw data and metadata into which all data-producing streams flow from which business analysts &

downstream facilities may draw.

Data Reservoir

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Metadata is required to facilitate location of and entitlements to data

Schema Metadata is a foundation, but…

Operational Metadata & Business-Security is critical to governance •  Where did it come from? … What is the data serialization?

•  Who owns the data? Who can see the data? Who belongs to which group?

•  What is the environment (landing zone, OS, Line of Business)?

•  What processes touched my data?

•  Did you lose any data (Checksums, etc.)?

•  When did the data get ingested, transformed?

•  Did it get exported, or archived…when, where how will it be used (organizational)?

Governance & Security

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


High Tech Manufacturer Example

•  Enterprise-wide data access (ODS) for timely analytics and insights

•  Foundation for large scale proactive analytics

•  Reduce $Millions in scrap waste

•  Drives revenue and market share by accelerating time to market

Legacy Data Lake

Retention 3-6 months scattered DBs then tape archive

All data online in common data reservoir for 3+ years

Coverage Summaries, samples for several data sets

All parametric data captured in raw and integrated form

Analysis Reactive resulting in missed improvement opportunities

In daily operations and on larger data sets to support proactive improvements

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


•  Insight into new data (one time analysis)

•  Decision support models (offline insights in production)

•  Operational models (real-time analytics)

•  Hadoop opportunities: new data, new algorithms, different resolution, frequency

•  Hadoop blends with MPP, analytics, tools not the sole tool

Data Science Analytics

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


Real Time Analytics Architecture


Call Center


Brick & Mortar

Batch Storage (HDFS)

Event Repository (HBase)

API Server


ML Personali


A/B Testing


Call Center

Channel Attribution

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


•  We’ve come a long way since MapReduce 1.0 enabled by YARN

•  Don’t forget about the last mile for business (SQL on Hadoop, OLAP for Hadoop, training, etc.)

•  Data lakes without governance, security, metadata management equates to failed projects/loss of $$

•  Analytics on big data is where the real business value lies – from understanding to models to operationalization

Exploiting the Power of Hadoop

© 2015 Think Big, a Teradata Company 6/16/15


•  100% Big Data Focus

•  Founded in 2010 with100+ engagements across 70 clients

•  Unlock value of big data with data science and data engineering services

•  Proven vendor-neutral open source integration expertise

•  Agile team-based development methodology

•  Think Big Academy for skills and organizational development

•  Global delivery model

Who is Think Big?

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Perceptions & Questions

Analyst: Rick van der Lans

Copyright  ©  1991  -­‐  2015  R20/Consultancy  B.V.,  The  Hague,  The  Netherlands.  All  rights  reserved.  No  part  

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the  copyright  owners.  


The  Next  Stage  of  Hadoop  and  Big  Data:  Simplifica9on  

by  Rick  F.  van  der  Lans  R20/Consultancy  BV  TwiHer  @rick_vanderlans  www.r20.nl  

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 37

The  Adop9on  Stages  of  Technologies  

  Stage 0: Introduction and early adoption   Stage 1: Adoption by more traditional customers   Stage 2: Universal adoption

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage n

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 38

Adop9on  Stage  0  

  Functionality: Minimal   Scalability and performance: Promising   Customers: Those with very specific, urgent needs; they have tech-savvy developers   Use cases: Specific   Integration: Isolated solutions

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage n

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 39

Adop9on  Stage  1  

  Functionality: Sufficient for some mission-critical systems   Scalability and performance: Medium   Customers: Those with very specific, urgent needs; they have tech-savvy developers   Use cases: More general   Integration: Isolated solutions

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage n

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 40

Adop9on  Stage  2  

  Functionality: Full   Scalability and performance: High   Customers: Traditional; not always with tech-savvy developers; focus on productivity and maintainability   Use cases: Specific and general   Integration: Integrated with traditional solutions

Stage 0 Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage n

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 41

Different  SQL-­‐on-­‐Hadoop  Solu9ons  

Apache  MapReduce  API  



Apache  HDFS  API        Apache  HDFS  

Apache  HDFS  API        Apache  HDFS  

Apache  HBase  API        Apache  HBase  

A  SQL  Dialect        SQL-­‐on-­‐Hadoop  

A  SQL  Dialect        SQL-­‐on-­‐Hadoop  

Apache  HDFS  API        Any  HDFS  

A  SQL  Dialect        SQL-­‐on-­‐Hadoop  

Apache  HDFS  API        Any  HDFS  

A  SQL  Dialect        SQL-­‐on-­‐Hadoop  

Spark  API        Spark  

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 42

Self-­‐Service  Data  Prepara9on  

  Non-technical interface for studying data files   Easy way of defining rules   Data is fixed by defining filters, not by changing data in source systems   Relationship with Data Blending

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 43

Example:  Data  Prepara9on  

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 44

Example:  Data  Prepara9on  

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 45

Example:  Data  Prepara9on  

Copyright © 1991 - 2015 R20/Consultancy B.V., The Hague, The Netherlands 46

Stage  2  =  Simplifica9on  

Questions on acceptance

You talked about the skills gap. Sometimes Hadoop is used to develop operational systems, and sometimes to develop BI systems. Now, many specialists working in BICCs are good ETL programming, reporting, data modeling, but not so good at low-level programming. For example, many of them have never programmed Java. What would you recommend them to do to be able to use Hadoop?

Should organizations use Hadoop for developing new systems, or for migrating existing systems? How easy do you think it is to integrate a new Hadoop-based system with the current infrastructure?

Normally, when a technology becomes more and more popular, it becomes clearer and clearer to everyone what the costs and the risks are. For example, how much man-hours should be spend on managing a Hadoop environment? So, what’s the productivity of a MapReduce programmer versus a SQL programmer?

Questions on architectural

Now that so much data is produced in a distributed fashion, is the concept of physically centralizing data for integration really realistic? Isn’t big data too big to move?

Over the years, large multi-national organizations have always struggled to develop one large centralized enterprise-wide data warehouse. In most cases, the problems were organizational. Who owns that data, and so on? Why would the data lake or data reservoir succeed today?

Questions on technical aspects

It was clear that for you YARN is a key module in the Hadoop platform. How mature is YARN today? How good is it, for example, in avoiding one massive query that monopolizes the entire platform and slows down all other applications?

My feeling is still that HDFS is not good at joins of files. The SQL-on-Hadoop engines are not strong in joins either. Do you think this will change? For example, can you take a star model from a SQL-based data mart, consisting of 7 dimensions and 1 fact, migrate it to Hadoop and expect a great performance?

Any idea what the tipping point is, when to forget about a proprietary SQL and move to Hadoop with SQL-on-Hadoop?

You mentioned OLAP on Hadoop using Spark and you indicated that such a solution scales to thousands of simultaneous users. Is that really true? Has that been proven? Or does that work when the reporting tools extract data and load it in memory of the client machine?

Almost every vendor of some big data tool publishes benchmark results showing how fast their product is. But many of these benchmarks are single user, single query benchmarks, which I think is not that useful. Why are they not showing multi-users benchmark results? Do you think they’re hiding something?

On one of your slides you said that Hadoop is 50 PB+ scale. But realistically, how many companies on this planet want to store that much data? And if it is 50PB+ scale, doesn’t that mean for the majority of the companies it’s overkill of functionality? In general, how big should big be to justify the Hadoop platform?

To end this list of questions and the finalize the briefing, you indicated that analytics on big data is where the real business value lies. I fully agree with that, but can you elaborate on this a little more?

Questions on technical aspects, cont’d.

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