Technische Universität München © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar The Digital Transformation - Challenges and Opportunities for IS researchers Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar AIS President 2014-2015 Chair for Information Systems – www.winfobase.de Vice Dean Informatics – www.in.tum.de Academic Director EMBA Business and IT – tum.eec.de TU München – www.tum.edu Institute for Public Information Management (IPIMA) – www.ipima.de fortiss gGmbH, München - www.fortiss.org Co-Founder Initiative Digital Transformation – idt.in.tum.de

The Digital Transformation - Challenges and Opportunities for IS researchers - 12th CONTECSI

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Technische Universität München

© Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

The Digital Transformation -Challenges and Opportunities

for IS researchers

Prof. Dr. Helmut KrcmarAIS President 2014-2015

Chair for Information Systems – www.winfobase.deVice Dean Informatics – www.in.tum.de

Academic Director EMBA Business and IT – tum.eec.deTU München – www.tum.edu

Institute for Public Information Management (IPIMA) – www.ipima.defortiss gGmbH, München - www.fortiss.org

Co-Founder Initiative Digital Transformation – idt.in.tum.de

Technische Universität München

2 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Congratulations to


Technische Universität München

3 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

founded in 1994 4,128 members in 100+ countries and 36 chapters (Summer 2014)

• 1751 in Region 1 Americas• 1218 in Region 2 Europe• 1169 in Region 3 Pacific Asia

Countries with more than 100 members:• USA• China• Germany• Australia• Canada• South Korea

• www.aisnet.org

AIS serves society through

the advancement of knowledge and

the promotion of excellence in the practice and study of information systems.

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4 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

AIS conducts a wide range of activities• Research

– Conferences: ICIS AMCIS PACIS MWAIS SAIS– Journals: JAIS CAIS JITTA THCI TRR and more in the eLibrary– Special Interest Groups: 36 different topics – Research Conduct Committee: Research code of conduct

• Professional development– Early career: PhD Consortium, Jr. Faculty Consortium– Mid Career Workshop: “Tenure? Now what?”– Late Career: AMCIS 2014 – Panel on late career and retirement issues– Career spanning: Webinars and Colleges

• Advocacy– AIS as the Business “STEM” Discipline– AIS and Accreditation– Awareness in Industry: Global Sponsors, “AIS Bright ICT Initiative”

Technische Universität München

5 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

What to expect from the AIS now that its 21?

• Continous Improvement from members for members

• Teaching and Undergraduate engagement– Education committee aims for a teaching materials repository– 74+ student chapters in all AIS regions with 200+ conference participants

• “Youth” movement: about 1/4 of AIS members are doctoral students– Support Activities at conferences

• Colleges to support issues that cut across– IS Women’s Network, Senior Scholars, Academic Leadership

• Member Recognition by Awards– Doctoral Student Service, Early Career, Continuing Contribution to AIS

As ,,ambassador of the possible” please get involved

Technische Universität München

6 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar6

Technische Universität München

© Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar7

Industry 4.0 Smart Service Welt

Technische Universität München

8 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

What now?

Picture: jokatoons, Ostrich No Solution, fotolia.com

How will you act as a leader if „industry 4.0“ meets „smart service world“?

Either... remain in the board room or ivory tower?

Or get to the technical details by yourself again?

Or demand that government policies guards your business against digital


Or let someone collect enough data, you never know if Big Data might make

it some day ?

Technische Universität München


Digital Transformation

Technische Universität München

10 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Digital Transformation Explanatory Model Leadership Behavior

Technische Universität München

11 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Trends – my selection

• Demographic change

• Urbanisation

• Serviceation

• Predictability

IT-Trends selection aka SMAC Social Media Mobility & Consumerization Analytics / Big Data Cloud Computing Cyber-Physical Service Systems (CPSS) Platform-based ecosystems

INTER-ACTIONProduction Customer’s

value creation

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Technische Universität München

12 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar


Digital transformation Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

13 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

The innovator´s dilemma

• New techniques or business models get (at the beginning) poorer results (measured by traditional criteria), but are usually less expensive (at least later) and easier.

• Ignoring a disruptive techniques for a long time can lead to an insurmountable resistance to change within the company.

• Openness to disruptive technologies needs to be the goal of every company's culture of innovation.

Technische Universität München

14 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Disruptive innovations often add up over time

Efficient and personalized communication incl. personal


Technische Universität München

15 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Disruption, not immediate destruction enables innovation and efficiency




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„Don´t confuse slow and declining with not needed,

unnecessary, not being reinvented“.

Ginni Rometty,14-05-2014 FT

Technische Universität München

16 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Internet-milieus in selected population groups Germany

Source: DIVSI 2013b

Technische Universität München

17 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Digital transformation Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

18 © Prof. Dr. H. KrcmarPhoto: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Papal election 2005

Photo: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Technische Universität München

19 © Prof. Dr. H. KrcmarPhoto: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Papal election 2013

Photo: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Technische Universität München

20 © Prof. Dr. H. KrcmarPhoto: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Papal election 2005

Photo: AP/DPA - Source: Der Spiegel: Digitale Erleuchtung 2013

Technische Universität München

21 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Digital transformation Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

22 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

2005: On whom would you lay your bets on?

Founded in 2003(Tom Anderson)

Founded in 2004(Zuckerberg et al.)

Founded in 2005(Dariani/Behmann)

Technische Universität München

23 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

2005: On whom would you lay bets on?

Source: statista.de

Technische Universität München

24 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

2005: On whom would you lay your bets on?2014: It‘s obvious2023: ?

Source: statista.de

Technische Universität München

25 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

26 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation

Service Dominant Logic

Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

27 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Production and value creation

INTER-ACTIONProduction Customer’s

value creation

”Value Facilitation”(Grönroos, 2008)

Production perspective

Added value perspective

“Joint production process: the Customerparticipates as co-producer of resources

and processes with the provider”(Eiglier & Langeard, 1975; Grönroos, 1978)

“Joint value creation process: the Provider participates as co-creator of value (value-

in-use) with the customer”(Grönroos, 2008; Grönroos & Ravald, 2011)

Grönroos (2011)

Technische Universität München

28 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Disruption by Xaas: Release of existing industrial silos by service ecosystems

• Smart Service World: From business-centric processes through to event-centered process assistance

• Industry 4.0: From office-centered processes (coordinated centrally) through to workpiece-centered production (self-organized)


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Technische Universität München

29 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation

Service dominant logic


Explanatory model Leadership behavior


Innovation process: Exploitation and exploration


Utilization of existing potential in order to ensure efficient operations.

Refinement, optimization, selection, implementation and execution


Generating alternative potentials to be able to react more flexibly to changing environmental requirements

Search, variation, risk recording, experimentation, play, flexibility, discovery and research

March 1991

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, ...” Dickens, C. 1859

Technische Universität München

31 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation

Service dominant logic


Open innovation on platforms

Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

32 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Open innovation from the perspective of platform

Open innovation(Gassmann/Enkel, 2004)

• Inside-out• Outside-in• Coupled-Process

Fit to Service Ecosystems(Gassmann 2006)

• Reuse

• Knowledge exploitation• New business models

Technische Universität München

33 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

„My individual service is my commodity”„My individual service will be assembled through your commodity“


Linkage layer


Effective use of platform for companies(Efficiency, innovation, strategy, survival, ...)

Efficient advice on the use of and development on the platform(Supplier, composition, safety, ...)

Long-term development and maintenance of reliable, large application environments and platforms(Cost-efficient production and delivery, ...)


Success of platforms: Governance as part of the operating model of the technical platform

Legal factors Technicalfactors


Competitive factors

Stakeholder behavior

Platform provider


Third-party supplier




Technische Universität München

35 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation

Service dominant logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

36 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

1 1

• Management flexibilities: also allows a partial realization of projects

• Options entitle to, but not obligate to buy or sell a specified asset for a payment of an agreed price

Hull (2009)

Picture: www.strategispartners.com.au/real-options-for-tomorrows-growth/

• Expected cash flows are interest-bearing with the market rate at the time of investment

• Usually assumes one single future scenario

From DCF (Discounted Cash flow) … to real options

Technische Universität München

37 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital transformation

Service dominant logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory model Leadership behavior

Technische Universität München

38 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Shift of the innovation limit



Competition uber industrial structuresCompetition via business modelsIT enables the use of Ubiquitous

ComputingProduct- und process innovations

process efficiencyStrategic Information Systems

Any use of IT

Smart Service WorldCyber Physical Service SystemsIT/IS ecosystemsIS as platformIT ecosystemsProprietary ISProprietary IT

Technische Universität München

39 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

Act „Value in use“

Live Exploit & Explore

Speed-on&Stability-inthe platforms

Explore options

Leadership Behavior

Technische Universität München

40 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

Act „Value in use“

Live Exploit & Explore

Speed-on&Stability-inthe platforms

Explore options

Leadership Behavior

Towards a culture of (digital) transformation: people and technologies matter!

Technische Universität München

41 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

Act „Value in use“

Live Exploit & Explore

Speed-on&Stability-inthe platforms

Explore options

Leadership Behavior

Towards a culture of (digital) transformation: people and technologies and law matter





Requirements until now

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42 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Disruptive platform-based innovation

• Co-evolution in the entire-supply-ecosystem of single suppliers, solution developers and operators in the service ecosystem (in multilateral governance structure)

• Co-evolution in the supply-demand-ratio of single suppliers, solution developers, operators and users throughout the ecosystem service (for multilateral governance structure)

• Concept-context changes via (Re-)regulation

Technische Universität München

43 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

„new digital life“

“In face-to-face encounters, our interactions are "private by default, public through effort."

With mediated technologies, the defaults are inverted. Interactions are

"public by default, private through effort.“

danah boyd 2011. in (co://llaboratory,Gleichgewicht und Spannung zwischen digitaler Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit, 2011, p. 113)

Technische Universität München

44 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

Act „Value in use“

Live Exploit & Explore

Speed-on&Stability-inthe platforms

Explore options

Leadership Behavior

Towards a culture of (digital) transformation: people and society, technologies and law matter

Privacy and individualized services

CyberSecurity and convenience

Trust by regulation and markets

Principles and discourse

Requirements today

Technische Universität München

45 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

And now ? - a managerial view

• Design smart services• on platforms existing and new• in co-innovation with customers, suppliers, and competitors• in agile steps• by starting today

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46 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

And now ? - a managerial view

“Any technology company not focused on speed will be disrupted from its position. Wal-Mart as a technology company and innovator will be a tale told on speed.” (Karenann Terrell, CIO Wal-Mart, 2015-May-6)

• Design smart services• on platforms existing and new• in co-innovation with customers, suppliers, and competitors• in agile steps• by starting today

Technische Universität München

47 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model Research Challenges

Technische Universität München

48 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Some starting considerations• You can count innovations only after they are conceived

– and the often come in Singularity• Reality poses problems

– for those that see them– it does no pose methods– IS/IT might be one of the solutions

• Researchers research– We all have our likes and skills

• IT/IS is an artifact– which needs to be built and designed, and well to work

based on Briggs, R.; Krcmar, H.: The Simple Elegance of Scientific Inquiry in a Technical Field. Workshop held at HICSS 2012

Technische Universität München

49 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

The context of IS research has changed

• The IT/IS-artefact is different today than just ten years ago– the first iPhone was released on June 29, 2007

• People, organizations, and society use IT/IS-artefacts as embedded tools and do not even call it “computing” anymore– ubiquitous computing, ambient computing

• The users of today are consumers and organizational IS-users alike- Any restrictiveness of user interfaces is easilyrecognized

• The companies of today are engulfed in their digital transformation– AND THE DIGITAL CHALLENGERS ARE EVERYWHERE

Our knowledge is context based

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50 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

New contexts – new topics – more interdisciplinarity while„focussing“ on the individual, the organization, and society

Leimeister et al 2014 (DOI: 10.1007/s12525-014-0174-6)

Technische Universität München

51 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

People first, but holistically

Research Challenges

Technische Universität München

52 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Outsourcing through the times –From “Buyer-Beware” to “Expertise-Aware”

• What if the assumptions that informed outsourcing researchover the past decades do not hold (anymore)?

• Today we know – In mature outsourcing markets client capabilities rather than vendor

capabilities are the primary drivers of BPO performance– Vendor offerings converge, which requires that clients are flexible and adapt

themselves to the service offerings• That means

– These Results challenge the assumptions that informed the early outsourcing research (‘buyer-beware’ framing)

• Which other IS-(Management) knowledge is similarly situated?

Technische Universität München

53 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

People first, but holistically


Research Challenges

Technische Universität München

54 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

What is Design Research?

• Design Research tries to develop Artifacts that fulfill a certainpurpose

• „devising artifacts to attain goals“ (Simon, 1969)

• Design Research can be defined as identifying a unique orinnovative solution for a previously unsolved problem

• Revolutionary• Evolutionary• Not intuitive (Briggs, 2006)

Natural andBehavioral Science

Design Science

artificialobjects andphenomena

observe create

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55 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

What are possible results of Design Science Research?

Theory Theory(Cause-Effect-Relationships)

Terminology Terminology(Concepts, language)

Technology(Goal-Means-Relationship) Models Methods Systems

Design Theories and Principles(Goal-Means-Relationship)

Technische Universität München

56 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

People first, but holistically


Design Principles

Research Challenges

Technische Universität München

57 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Singularity of each Digital Transformation Process

• Singular, context-rich, dynamically complex and situated– Sometimes all different and revolutionary, sometimes all similar and

evolutionary• Implementation dominates DT effects

– contexts might be too diverse for contingency based approaches

• Researchers might need– to act as ethnograpers to explore the details of the technical and

organizational implementation– to perform documentation to start multicase surveys for EBM – to design different technological solutions for different organizations

Technische Universität München

58 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar



Tremendously fast

Uncertain in the execution

Digital Transformation

Service Dominant Logic


Open innovation on platforms

Real Options in the portfolio

Explanatory Model

People first, but holistically


Design Principles

Individual dynamics of transformation


Research Challenges

Technische Universität München

59 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Now, what could be the impact of DT research

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60 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Now, what could be the impact of DT research

• More papers

Technische Universität München

© Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar61

Why do we want to do research?

The holy grail

Practically useful Scientifically useful




Utilityadapted from Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. (2011). Building Theory About Theory Building: What Constitutes A Theoretical Contribution? Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 12-32.

Technische Universität München

© Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar62

Why do we want to do research?

The holy grail

Practically useful Scientifically useful




Utilityadapted from Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. (2011). Building Theory About Theory Building: What Constitutes A Theoretical Contribution? Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 12-32.

Technische Universität München

© Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar63

Why do we want to do research?

The holy grail

Practically useful Scientifically useful





adapted from Corley, K. G., & Gioia, D. A. (2011). Building Theory About Theory Building: WhatConstitutes A Theoretical Contribution? Academy of Management Review, 36(1), 12-32.

Technische Universität München

64 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Now, what could be the impact of DT research

• More papers• More citations• Change in the perception of actors (in academia and

practice, suppliers and customers, …)• New product features, implementation processes, …• New suppliers (Startups, Spinoffs, Business units, …) • …

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65 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

How to go about research in DT• Technology oriented:

– design theory based research (DSR)

• Organizationally oriented: – exploratory and confirmatory (work centered) research with

a longitudinal orientation

• Societally oriented: – „culture changes“ from digital ignorants to digital natives,

from departmental orientation towards process orientation, – new generations and paradigms come into play, yet it takes

a while to get a hold of those shifts

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66 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar


Avenues of Enquiry



AppliedResearch /Engineering



Design Guidelines

All Modes of Scientific Inquiryfor rigor AND relevance

From: Briggs, R.O., Schwabe, G. (2011) On Expanding the Scope of Design Science Research. In H. Jain, A.P. Sinha, and P. Vitharana (Eds.): Proceedings of Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technologies: DESRIST 2011, LNCS 6629, pp. 92–106, 2011.

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67 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Some Implications

• Collobaration in and with the „theatre of action“ – „in and out of the ivory tower“ with shared data sets

• With many cycles and on many levels over extended time– „concatenated exploration“ (Stebbins, 2001,p.12)

• with different skills needed for each mode of scientific inquiry– Methodological plurality and tolerance

• and different pitfalls to avoid for each mode of scientific inquiry– Often spanning different academic communities

• In research programmes with an overarching question– „How to make Digital Transformation work“

A non-trivial balancing act over time as research programmes are reality-driven, projectsare funding-driven, publications are outlet driven for each Knowledge nugget

based on individual researcher´s perspectives and motivation instead of just followinggenerally prescribed research as as craft prescriptions

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68 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

“Everything can look like a failure in the middle.

Every new idea runs into trouble before it reaches fruition, and the possibilities for trouble increase with the number

of ways the venture differs from current approaches.”

(Kanter 2001, S. 274).

Ambassadors of the Possible

enjoy, research, and engage!

Prof. Dr. Helmut Krcmar, Dean, TU München, Director SAP UCC Munich November 11, 2011

SAP University Competence Centers Educational Service Providers

TUM. The Entrepreneurial University.

“Talents are our assets, reputation is our return“

IDT Initiative for Digital Transformation

An initiativeto analyze, understand and support the design of

leadership, innovation, and motivationin the Digital Transformation

Co-FoundersGert Oswald, SAP

Helmut Krcmar, TUM & fortiss

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70 © Prof. Dr. H. Krcmar

Thank your for your attention