0 Brazil Innovation Center The Brazilian Opportunity Telefonica’s innovation story in Brazil November 17th, 2011 Cristiano Cairoli Innovation Center Brazil

The Brazilian Opportunity and Telefonica's case (Microsoft IOP conference - Madrid - 2011)

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0Brazil Innovation Center

The Brazilian OpportunityTelefonica’s innovation story in Brazil

November 17th, 2011

Cristiano CairoliInnovation Center Brazil

1Brazil Innovation Center

Let’s talk about Brazil...

2Brazil Innovation Center

Brazil’s potential is quite obvious

5th largest country in the worldBigger than the entire European continent

Exuberant Natural ResourcesWorld’s greatest biodiversity Petroleum ReservesHidro-electricity and Ethanol

190 million inhabitants19 MM in São Paulo metropolitan area8 other regions with +3 MMDiverse culture from secular immigration and Miscegenation

7th largest GDP of the worldUS$ 2.09 trillion (2010 IMF)

Source: International Monetary Fund

3Brazil Innovation Center

Source: Goldman Sachs. Global Economics. Commodities and Strategy Research. Global Economics Paper No: 192. The Long-Term Outlook for the BRICs and N-11 Post Crisis. Dec 2009. UNCTAD

Brazil got the investment grade

During 2008 global economic crisis:

Steady GDP Growth5th largest consumer market

5th biggest FDI destination

3rd world stock market in value

GDP per capita more than tripled since 2002

Ernest Young; UKTI.gov.uk

Is it Finally Happening?

4Brazil Innovation Center

Still a long way to go

Room (and need) for improvement

#54 in Global Competitiveness Report, only #6 in South America

Gaps in basic Infrastructure, specially transportation

Bureaucracy, high tax burden and interest rate spread discourage entrepreneurship

A country of Contrasts

21.4% of the population below poverty line in 2009.

#84 in HDI (human development index), #7 in South America

Public safety improving, but still a major concern

Source: IPEA

5Brazil Innovation Center

Middle classes are already 50% of the population, 10 p.p. more than 5 years ago

30 million people (16% of the population) have surpassed the US$2/day poverty basin in the last 5 years

GINI coefficient for income distribution had a significant decrease in the last years, reaching 0.530 in 2010

The expanding middle


GINI Coefficient

0,596 0,589 0,5830,572 0,569 0,563 0,556


2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Sources FVG: IBGE, IPEA** Estimated

The good news: Brazil’s Growth is being accompanied by a better income distribution

6Brazil Innovation Center

Sources: Innovalatino based on data from Pyramid research

Growth of Fixed, Mobile and Internet User in Latin America

(as % of population)

How connected is Brazil now

Teleco – nov/10 ; relatório Vivo








Oper E

Oper D

Oper C

Oper B

Oper A



3G Coverage (as % of population - 2010)

Smartphones representnow 5,8% of sales, versus

3,4% in 2010.

Mobile Apps usage up369% in 1 year, #6 rate in

the world Flury – China the new mobile app dragon

7Brazil Innovation Center

The one thing Brazilians are keen on?


8Brazil Innovation Center

5th largest internet presence in the worldNumber of internet users and internet hosts

Social Networking

Highest percentage (86%) of Internet users visiting social networks

An average of 5h/month on social networks and blogs

Sources: Nielsen

Inside FacebookInternetworldstats.com

Orkut is no longer king in Brazil

327% growth of Facebook user base since Sept 2010, reaching 25.8 MM users.

Source: Ernest Young; UKTI.gov.uk

Brazilian internet users are the #1 in use of social networks

9Brazil Innovation Center

“Classe C” is driving growth – of the internet as well

“Classe C is the majority of the population– and the fastest growing. Theyunderstand that the educational system in their country is awful and so they are working extremely hard to educatethemselves. More than any other class, they are adding skills and moving up theeconomic ladder the fastest. And the maindriving force of all of this is the Internet and digital media.”

They are the ones impulsingcomsumption in most industries fromtelecom to tourism

They are the ones buying computersand ADSL lines.

They know and explore the value ofthe internet.

From 2009, half of the Brazilianinternet users already belong to

the emerging classes.

Lan Houses still represent 15% ofuse, but loosing space to cheaper

smartphones and data plans

“Classe C” de conectados – DataPopular“The Stampede” RazorFish and Terra

Fecomercio -Joe Crump, Senior VP Razorfish

10Brazil Innovation Center

So what is it like to innovate in Brazil?

Telefonica’s story

11Brazil Innovation Center

Telefonica in Brazil

Operating since 1998

More than US$ 100 Billion invested in Latam

4th largest company – R$ 45 Bi in revenues (*)

Now the group’s largest operation in the world

(*) http://exame.abril.com.br/negocios/noticias-melhores-e-maiores/noticias/as-50-maiores

12Brazil Innovation Center

Why go beyond the core business?

Back in 2006, most profit stil came from a saturated fixed telephonyservice (Vivo was a separated joint venture)

Operation was fully focused on growing fixed broadband and fightingcompetitors.

Innitiatives with potential to go beyond access and infrastructure were notbeing prioritized

Telefonica Brazil decides to create a Strategic Innovation area, withindependent funding and focused in new, high potential products

beyond, but leveraged by, the core business.

13Brazil Innovation Center

Innovating in a big company is not exactly easy

We tried thisbefore

This has notworked in mature


It’s not our culture

It’s not goingto work

Another area hasthe “same” project

I think our VP won’t like this Too late to enter

this market

We are too slow to compete

This projectkeeps changing

I see possiblecannibalization

I want to see thenumbers first

It’s too risky

Let’s keep doing it, we already got this


It’s not our core business

14Brazil Innovation Center

Telefonica Brazil’s initial approach on Innovation

A business Focus: Innovation = different + promissing + profitable

Traditional “stage-gate” process, where products could be“incubated” until ready for OB or spin-off.

Identify people with the desireable entrepreneaurial skills andprovide them ownership of the project.

Still part of Telefonica, but with a “license” to escape companysystems and processes when necessary (and possible).

Colisãode idéias

Priorizaçãodos temas

Busca deinformações W




de fragmentos

15Brazil Innovation Center

Telefonica Brazil’s model for incubation

Strategy and Perspectives

Scientific Research Ideas


Technology Transfer Incubation

Innovation Area

Proof of Concept

Ideas To OB orSpin/off

Continuous and interactive innovation process

Test the product with real customers as soon as possible

Forget, Borrow, Learn fast

The fastest way to succeedis to double your failure rate.

Thomas J. Watson Sr.,fundador da IBM

16Brazil Innovation Center

Banda Larga Popular – Broadband for low income customers

Wi-Mesh Technology with ADSL or Cablebackend. Lower A

Prepaid service, through customized cardssold at local commerce.

R$ 29,80 per 1 month, no fixed linerequirement

+70k Households covered

+10k Customers, with little advertising.

Successfully being handed-over to OB, for scale.



17Brazil Innovation Center

Successful new lines of business were developed using the incubation model

Audio, Video and Computers support

2011 figures: 50 K packages / month

Forecasted revenue for 2011: R$ 40 MM

Home AutomationHome automation services (audio, video, ambiences, security) for high-end residential buildings.

More than 2.000 projects sold in the first year (2010)

Specialized support

18Brazil Innovation Center

Telefonica Digital and the new innovation centre in Brazil

19Brazil Innovation Center

1 . The potential target area of innovation dramatically increased

82 MM

Combined Customers

Important changes had great impact on this innovation model

20Brazil Innovation Center

2 . Telefonica R&D expansion beyond Spain



Brazil innovation center is focused on technology differentiation to create

global products and services, within the framework of an Open Innovation model.

Innovation area joins forces with a new, reorganized, Telefonica I+D

Tel Aviv

21Brazil Innovation Center

3 . Telefonica’s new approach – Telefonica Digital

“Im honoured to have been asked by César to lead the new Telefónica Digital unit. Its

mission is simple:

create the power for Telefónicato outperform in the digital world,

significantly boosting our growth potential.”

Mathew Key, 5th September 201

22Brazil Innovation Center

Three things are necessary to make great things happen



Business Viability

Leading edge researchDifferentiated technologyExcellence in software developmentAgile methodologies versus waterfal

Customer InsightsCo-creationBest customerexperienceCustomerDriven InnovationStrong UX team

Market researchBusiness casesUnderstanding of Operating Business priorities

23Brazil Innovation Center

A new methodology: Agile customer driven innovation

24Brazil Innovation Center

ü Customized solution that fulfills the Brazilian market requirements

ü Know how in the Brazil Innovation Center

ü Ability and technology to develop new projects

Engagement of projects with the OpCo,

using R+D existing technology / solutions s






Temporary transfer of R+D people to Brazil, to manage

projects and to transfer know-how

Creation of a local team in Brazil to implement the


Transferring know how from Spain to the local team to develop / customize solutions for the Brazilian Market

25Brazil Innovation Center

The process generates expertise, with focus in the highest potential areas for the Brazilian market



• 190 MM Habitants

• 227,0 MM mobile phones

• 15,2 MM Fixed Wideband

• Only 11,9 MM pay TV


Source Teleco – 3Q 2011

• Cisco: 15 Billion connected devices

by 2015 ww

• Gartner: 30 / 40 percent growth yoy in the near


• Big opportunity in a big country

Source Larry Lannon - B/ossinsider blog

• 79% of adult population (115,2 MM) have relationship with financial Institutions

(+27% than 2006)

• 37,8 MM customers use internet banking

(+38% than 2006)

•628 MM credit / debit cards (+61% than 2006)

• Big market, bigger growth

Source Febraban June 2011

• Private Sector: 60,1 MM users,

31.000 MM Euros revenue (+75% than


• 130 MM users served by the public sector

• Opportunity for a better service at a lower cost

Source ANS

26Brazil Innovation Center

Video: On-demand Content through broadband

Example –developments in video

“Guia Imagine” – a TV Guide for mobile phones with enhanced social features

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Adding R&D to existing incubations

Home automation control by hands


28Brazil Innovation Center

Fostering Open Innovation more than ever…

29Brazil Innovation Center




Venture Capitals


Research Associations


.. to establish Telefonica as a strong player in the Brazilian innovation eco-system

30Brazil Innovation Center

…having Wayra as one of the fundamental initiatives

Start up acceleration initiative

Capture Latin America talent in Latin America

Develop the full entrepreneurship potential of the region

Colombia Spain Mexico Argentina Venezuela Chile Peru Brazil

31Brazil Innovation Center

In summary, our challenge is to..

Fuel Innovation in Telefonica Brazil, with business orientation and technologically differentiation.

Use open Innovation to create roots in the Brazilian innovation eco-system, thus leveraging Telefonica’sinnovation power

Create the power for Telefonica to outperform in thedigital world

32Brazil Innovation Center

Thank You!

Cristiano Cairoli

[email protected]
