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Page 1: Tenta I S1dec08

Institutionen för Data- och Systemvetenskap


Paul Johannesson


Verksamhets- och affärssystem

11 december 2008

Students are allowed to bring lecture notes, exercises notes, exercise solutions,

course literature and calculators to the exam.

The written exam measures goals 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the course.

In order to get grade A for the written exam, all goals must be fulfilled with grade A. The

same rule applies to grades B, C, D, E, and Fx.

The exam contains a number of questions. They are given in both English and Swedish.

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Question 1 (measures Goal 1)

For each of the following statements, determine whether it is true or false. Justify your

answers carefully. Your arguments should refer to the course literature.

1. A business model shows how agents interact in order to exchange resources.

2. A process model is typically more useful for top management than a business


3. The purpose of a conversion process is to exchange rights to resources.

4. A conversion process cannot contain more increment events than decrement


5. In a conversion process, every economic event must be related by a produce

stockflow to exactly one economic resource.

6. ERP and EAI solutions should not both be used in the same company.

7. ERP solutions are more valuable for large organizations than for small ones.

8. A speech act may at the same time be both a directive and a commissive.

9. In an EPC diagram, an event may be directly followed by another event.

10. In an e3-value model, a value interface must contain value ports with different


11. In BMM, an objective is more specific than a vision.

12. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness.

Question 2 (measures Goal 2)

Construct a goal model according to BMM for a company that sells books via the

Internet. The company only sells ordinary books made of paper. The model shall address

the bullets below. For each bullet you need to choose whether to represent it as a goal, a

means or an influencer. You should relate goals, means and influencers in the correct

way. Goals that hinder each other or are in conflict should be identified. Introduce

objectives for leaf goals. You need to reformulate the bullets below so that they clearly

express goals, means or influencers. For example, the bullet “High profit” should be

formulated as a goal “The profit of the company shall be high”. You are free to include

additional items in your model. (It is not required that you fully understand each item

below - it should still be possible to construct a goal model.)

Fast home delivery

Offer a wide selection of books

Inexpensive home delivery

Offer both hard cover and paper back when possible

Satisfied customers

High profit

Customers like to browse in ordinary book stores

The Internet site of the company is built on old technology

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Attract new customers

There are many companies that sell books via the web

Electronic books are becoming popular

There are many low cost delivery services on the market

Offer gift wrapping

Mobile devices can be used for surfing the web

Almost everyone has access to the Internet

Build a mobile version of the Internet site

The company has a large market share

Question 3 (measures Goal 3)

The company FastBooks sells books to its customers. A strategy of the company is to

outsource as many activities as possible. The following text describes (parts of) the

business model of FastBooks.

FastBooks sells books to customers who typically, but not always, are located in Sweden.

The company does not have any bookstores; instead, all sales is done via the web.

FastBooks has outsourced its order management to another company, called FastOrder.

This means that FastOrder runs a web site through which customers can place orders on

books. FastOrders checks the orders submitted and ensures that the customers are credit

worthy before handing over the orders to FastBooks. FastBooks provides home delivery

of its books. For this purpose the company uses two different carriers, FastDelivery and

CheapDelivery. The first one is used for delivering books within six hours, which is

expensive. The other carrier is used for delivery within three days. Furthermore,

FastBooks runs regular advertising campaigns, but these are not carried out by FastBooks

itself – a company FastMarketing carries them out and is paid by Fastbooks for this.

Construct an e3value model for the value network around FastBooks. Include as actors

(and market segments) all the actors mentioned above and possibly more. Include value

interfaces, value ports, value exchanges, and dependency paths.

Question 4 (measures Goal 4)

The following is a process for inspecting the quality of produced automobile parts.

First, a produced part is inspected by a junior inspector. She may detect a major error, a

minor error or no error. If the junior inspector detects a major error, the part is sent to a

repair station. When the part has been repaired, it is sent back to the junior inspector. The

junior inspector checks for errors again. Sometimes, the same part will have to be

repaired several times. If she detects no error, the part is approved and no further

inspection takes place. If she detects a minor error, the part is sent to a senior inspector

who will make a decision. The senior inspector may decide to accept the part, i.e. the part

is approved. She may also decide to send the part for repair, which follows the procedure

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above. Finally, she may decide to discard the part.

The text above is incomplete and ambiguous. You will need to make your own

assumptions and these should be stated explicitly.

Construct an EPC diagram for the process described above.

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Fråga 1 (mäter mål 1)

Avgör för vart och ett av följande påståenden om det är sant eller falskt. Motivera Dina

svar utförligt. Dina svar skall hänvisa till kurslitteraturen.

1. A business model shows how agents interact in order to exchange resources.

2. A process model is typically more useful for top management than a business


3. The purpose of a conversion process is to exchange rights to resources.

4. A conversion process cannot contain more increment events than decrement


5. In a conversion process, every economic event must be related by a produce

stockflow to exactly one economic resource.

6. ERP and EAI solutions should not both be used in the same company.

7. ERP solutions are more valuable for large organizations than for small ones.

8. A speech act may at the same time be both a directive and a commissive.

9. In an EPC diagram, an event may be directly followed by another event.

10. In an e3-value model, a value interface must contain value ports with different


11. In BMM, an objective is more specific than a vision.

12. In BMM, an influencer may be both a strength and a weakness.

Fråga 2 (mäter mål 2)

Konstruera en målmodell enligt BMM för ett företag som säljer böcker på Internet.

Företaget säljer enbart vanliga pappersböcker. Modellen skall omfatta punkterna nedan.

För varje punkt behöver bestämma om den skall representeras som ett mål, ett medel eller

en ”influencer”. Du skall korrekt relatera mål, medel och ”influencers”. Mål som hindrar

varandra eller är i konflikt skall identifieras. Införa ”objectives” för lövmål. Du måste

ibland omformulera punkterna nedan så att de tydligt uttrycker mål, medel och

influentials. Till exempel bör punkten "hög vinst” vara formulerat som ett mål "vinsten i

företaget skall vara hög ". Du får ta med ytterligare punkter i modellen. (Det krävs inte att

du har full förståelse för varje punkt nedan - det borde ändå vara möjligt att konstruera en

mål modell.)

Fast home delivery

Offer a wide selection of books

Inexpensive home delivery

Offer both hard cover and paper back when possible

Satisfied customers

High profit

Customers like to browse in ordinary book stores

The Internet site of the company is built on old technology

Attract new customers

There are many companies that sell books via the web

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Electronic books are becoming popular

There are many low cost delivery services on the market

Offer gift wrapping

Mobile devices can be used for surfing the web

Almost everyone has access to the Internet

Build a mobile version of the Internet site

The company has a large market share

Fråga 3 (mäter mål 3)

Företaget FastBooks säljer böcker till sina kunder. En strategi för företaget är att

”outsourca” så många verksamheter som möjligt, d.v.s. lägga ut dem på andra företag.

Följande text beskriver (delar av) affärsmodellen för FastBooks.

FastBooks sells books to customers who typically, but not always, are located in Sweden.

The company does not have any bookstores; instead, all sales is done via the web.

FastBooks has outsourced its order management to another company, called FastOrder.

This means that FastOrder runs a web site through which customers can place orders on

books. FastOrders checks the orders submitted and ensures that the customers are credit

worthy before handing over the orders to FastBooks. FastBooks provides home delivery

of its books. For this purpose the company uses two different carriers, FastDelivery and

CheapDelivery. The first one is used for delivering books within six hours, which is

expensive. The other carrier is used for delivery within three days. Furthermore,

FastBooks runs regular advertising campaigns, but these are not carried out by FastBooks

itself – a company FastMarketing carries them out and is paid by Fastbooks for this.

Konstruera en e3value modell för värdenätverket runt Fastbooks. Inkludera som aktörer

(och marknadssegment) alla aktörer som nämns ovan och möjligen fler. Inkludera

värdegränssnitt, värdeportar, värdeutbyten, och beroendevägar (”dependency paths”).

Fråga 4 (mäter mål 4)

Nedan beskrivs en process för kontroll av kvaliteten på producerade bildelar.

First, a produced part is inspected by a junior inspector. She may detect a major error, a

minor error or no error. If the junior inspector detects a major error, the part is sent to a

repair station. When the part has been repaired, it is sent back to the junior inspector. The

junior inspector checks for errors again. Sometimes, the same part will have to be

repaired several times. If she detects no error, the part is approved and no further

inspection takes place. If she detects a minor error, the part is sent to a senior inspector

who will make a decision. The senior inspector may decide to accept the part, i.e. the part

is approved. She may also decide to send the part for repair, which follows the procedure

above. Finally, she may decide to discard the part.

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Texten ovan är ofullständig och oklar. Du behöver komplettera med dina egna

antaganden och dessa skall anges tydligt.

Konstruera ett EPC-diagram för den process som beskrivs ovan.