Project 3: ENERGY By, Ana Díaz Sánchez Elena Montoya Villegas Adrián Muñoz Benavente Paula Parra García-Bravo

Tecnology energy final

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Project 3:



Ana Díaz Sánchez

Elena Montoya Villegas

Adrián Muñoz Benavente

Paula Parra García-Bravo


• Kinetic energy: Motion of a body,

energy is mantained unless speed

is changed.


•Potential energy: Stored energy of an object due to its position. (SI unit Joule).

• Thermal/Heat energy:The energy of a substance related to its temperature.

• Chemical energy:Stored in the bonds of chemical compounds.• Electrical energy: Moving electrons in an electric conductor.

Electrical energy

Thermal energy

Chemical energy

• Electrochemical energy: Producing electrical energy from chemical one.• Electromagnetic energy: Energy reflected or emitted, in the form of

magnetic waves that can travel through space (x rays).

• Sound energy: Movement of energy through substances in longitudinal (compression/rarefaction) waves.

• Nuclear energy: The energy in the nucleus (core) of an atom.

• Magnetic energy: (related to electrical energy). Electrons Wire (wounded metal bar) Electromagnet

Magnetic energy

• Gravitational energy: (potential energy) energy an object possesses because of its position in a gravitational field.

• Elastic energy: (potential mechanical energy) stored in a material as work is

performed to distort its volume or shape.


• Primary energy sources: Resources in their raw form that need to be procesed for utilization (mined coal, crude oil, uranium ore).


-Renewable, emits metals.


-Emits CO2, contributes to acid rain, unvailable at times.

•Secondary energy sources: Transformed in a final form of fuels or energy supply (sized coal, gasoline, petrol).


-Move energy in an useable form, can be changed of state.


-Derive from primary sources so they have to be worked.


• Renewable energy sources: The ones that can not be reduced in a very long time (solar energy, geothermal energy).


-Constant regenerated, are always available.


-Difficult to generate in large quantities, large capital cost.

•Non-renewable energy sources: Have finite amounts, they took millions of years to form (fossil fuels, Earth minerals).


-Seem widely available, affordable.


-They can´t be replaced, they’re causing damage to our environment (global warming).

Non-Renewable Energy Sources

Non-renewable energy sources are those which come from nature, but they have finite amounts, they cannot be replenished.


Fossil fuels are• Coal

The type of coal used for electricity is thermal coal, and it is used for power generation.

• Petroleum

Petroleum is used mainly for gasoline and diesel fuel.

• Natural Gas

Natural gas is used to generate electricity.

Transformation of thermal energy into mechanical

• Also known as energy conversion• The heat makes pressure and so the hot air,

gets to the gear or wheel that it has to move, in a very fast and strong way, so it makes it move.

Nuclear Energy

• It is the energy in the nucleous of an atom, and it is the energy that holds the nucleus with protons and neutrons together.

• It can be used to make electricity.• It needs to be released from the atom• 2 ways: Fussion and fission

• Steam Engine

Is a heat engine that moves by mechanical work.

They were first used mainly to power locomotives, steam boats and factories


• Internal Combustion Engine

This is the engine used in cars.

Used to convert fuel into motion.

It uses a four-stroke combustion cycle.


• Steam turbine

Extracts thermal energy and uses it to do mechanical work.

Works like a cross between a wind turbine and a water turbine, but it rotates much faster.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AyAd-gLO9CE•Gas engine (reactor)Used normally for rocketsDriven by a mixture of air and gas


Renewable energies: are the ones that we can obtain from the nature.

Technical systems for harnessing :

Solar energyWind energyWater energyWaves energyTides energyBiomass energyEarth heat energy


Solar power is produced by collecting sunlight and converting it into electricity.electricity.

Mainly done by using, Solar panels Solar panels wich are made up of individual solar cells.

When we place electric generatorselectric generators, turbines and water pumps water pumps in the surface of the ocean , whe can obtain wave energy, and fresh water.

The amount of energy given by a wave depends on: -Its Height -Its Speed -Its Wavelenght -Its Density

This energy is produced by Tidal energy generators, wich are turbines located underwater.

Located in places with high tidal movements(Iran)

This turbines produce electricity when tides make kinetic motion.

This enegy is obtained for mostly from living microrganisms, wood is the best.

We have to “digest” the product, with some bacteria.This produce biogas.

We can obtein biofertilizants, and power for car ( sustitute of Gasoline).

We obtein this heat directly from the interior of the earth.

The mantel is at 4000ºC, and eat is transmited until the surface.

You intoduce a high thermal conductor tube into the Earth surface, and this heat goes till the floor.

You can use it for heating the floor of the house.


- Derived from electrical potentional energy- Carried by moving electrons in an electric conductor


GENERATION (Thermal, nuclear power plant, hydroelectric):

Thermal…- It involves burning fuel to produce hot gasses- It can also have a steam to produce hot gases- The steams are connected to generators

Nuclear power plant…- Designed to produce electric energy- Fuelded by coal, natural gas, hydroelectric or nuclear

Hydroelectric…- Aviable in many forms:

Potential energy from high heads of waterKinetic energy from current in riversKinetic energy from the movement of waves


The mass to transfer electrical energy.Generated at different generating station.We need to generate power plants to electrical substations


Final stage when transferring electric powerThe energy we obtain must be transported to the end user by electric conductors


Energy is very important to society.It has made the greatest impact on the environment.Energy and environment have now increased to cover regional and global problems.An important objective is to cover the social, economic and political measurements at local, national and international levels.


Ussing less energy to provide the same service.Energy efficiency is not the same as energy conservation

ENERGY SAVING: Energy saving means not wasting energy


It is significant because society uses large amounts of electrical power

It is generated by power plants Power plants converts any kind of energy into electrical power


It is usually called energy efficiency. It has the goal of reducing an amount of energy to provide products.