Technology / Open Source @ Creative Commons (CC Salon SF, August 2009)

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  • 1. [pithy title here]

2. 3. 4. Attribution 3.0 Unported 5. Why do we care? Programs should be able to answer simple questions about licensed works.

  • What is the work's license?

6. Allows commercial use? 7. Are derivative works allowed? 8. How do we attribute the work? 9. CC Rights Expression Language 10. 11. 12. 13. Integrating CC 14. Integrating License Selection

  • Partner Interface

15. Simple Chooser 16. Web Services 17. Partner Interface

  • Pop-up or iframe for web applications

18. Utilizes the same license selection rules as license engine 19. Returns a license URL, name to your application via HTTP GET 20. Simple Chooser

  • Drop-down license selector

21. Optionally exclude licenses by attribute code

  • ie, ?exclude=nd

22. Simple Chooser 23. Web Services

  • Provide access to the full licensing dataset

24. Localized questions for implementing your own version of 25. HTTP interface; take as little or as much as you need 26. But... requires more work to use. 27. 28. Open Source at CC 29. CC is built on open source

  • LAMPP Linux / Apache / MySQL / PHP / Python

30. BB Press 31. WordPress 32. Zope 3 33. Django 34. CiviCRM 35. Etc 36. Finding Our Code

  • Git and Subversion repositories

Roundup for bug tracking 37. BSD/GPL/AGPL license 38. Talking About our Code

  • cc-devel mailing list

#cc on IRC (

  • nathany, nkinkade, Bovinity, JED3, paroneayea are all CC Staff

39. currybot can tell you what's for lunch(when online) 40. You Can Help!

  • OOo Add-in

41. MozCC: The Next Generation 42. CMS Integration 43. Copy and Paste tools 44. Bugs! 45. Nathan R. Yergler Chief Technology Officer Creative Commons [email_address] @nyergler [] nathany []