Task 4 (Marketing and PR) Bekki Asquith

Task 4 improved

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Task 4 (Marketing and PR)

Bekki Asquith

Page 2: Task 4 improved

Waitrose and Aldi are both supermarket brands that sell food and sometime other household items. These two adverts are for Christmas food that you can buy from these two different stores.

They are two very different adverts; one focuses on the quality of the food that they sell and one focuses on price and value for the customers.

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Price and Value: Prince isn’t mentioned here. This could relate to the rule that is sometimes said ‘If you have to ask the price then you can’t afford it.’ The kind of people who will be buying their food from Waitrose will be going for the brand and for the quality so price will not really be an issue. Given that the quality is mirrored in this advert would lead you to believe that the food is high quality and therefore will be more expensive than somewhere like Morrison's. However, the fact that the food is good quality makes you think that the food will be good value.

Market: The typical market of Waitrose food are people who are well off and who can afford quality food which is what is represented by this advert. These are most likely people of the social class group ABC1 and are likely to be an achiever. The people who shop here also could be emulators because they are shopping somewhere that is given the label of good quality food, however they may not really be able to afford it and may be doing so to look like they can. The type of people who shop at Waitrose would be the older generation/middle aged people who do not have to cook for a large family, therefore find shop to a budget.

Competition: Some competitors that are among the same standard of supermarket as Waitrose are places like Marks & Spencer. This Waitrose advert is trying to top its competitors by showing that they have a famous chef to endorse their products and also by the high quality elements of the advert.

Quality: This Waitrose advert focuses on quality. This is clear because of the quality of the image used. It is very clear and shows a huge spread of a good quality Christmas dinner meal.. The font that is used for the name of the supermarket is white, lower case and on a clear font. This also shows quality and the professional standard of the food and the brand. The quality is also being shown through the use of the professional chef Heston Blumenthal. He is well known for his food and this endorsement shows that he likes the food at Waitrose. This will influence people to shop here.

Image: The main image here is of a good quality and includes two people. This can help the audience to relate. There is a large spread of good looking food that looks like something that you would want to dig into, eat and be proud of cooking. The food looks appealing and delicious so people will be drawn to it. As this food is associated with Waitrose, this is where people will want to go for their food, if they aspire for it to be like this.

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Price and Value: The prices are shown on the advert. There is the original brand price shown and the Aldi price. The Aldi version of the product and the price is cheaper. This is the appeal of Aldi as a brand and a supermarket to their market. Most of the products in Aldi are their own versions of some already existing products, for example in this advert there are Mr Kipling mince pies and there are Aldi’s own mince pies. People who are providing for a family and trying to save money wherever they can are not particularly concerned with the quality of the food that they buy, more are more interested in the price and the value. Aldi products do not particularly pride themselves on their quality.

Market: The people who shop at Aldi are most likely of the social group C2DE because of how cheap the prices are and the quality of the food. People who are of a higher social class will want more quality in the food that they buy and will probably be willing to pay more for it. The customers will most likely have children and a family which would make them belongers. They may shop at Aldi because it is there lcoal supermarket, it is easy to get to and has cheap food to feed the amount of people that they need to. Working parents, parents with several children and students would most likely shop here.

Competition: Aldi have competitors in the same field such as Lidl, which is actually the main competitor. The main competition of these two brands are the cheapness of food. Aldi aims to be the cheapest supermarket option for buyers and in this sense is in competition with every supermarks e.g. Tesco, Sainsbury’s Morrison’s etc.

Quality: This Aldi advert does not particularly focus on quality. Aldi as a brand are not particularly quality orientated. They focus mainly on price and making things cheaper for people. The image used here isn’t of a very good quality which mirrors the quality of the food in the supermarket.

Image: This image is not of a very high quality and shows a normal looking family which other every day families can relate to. This shows the type of audience and market that Aldi aim to please; Families who need to stick to a budget when they do a food shop. These people are belongers.

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Gucci and Primark are both clothing brands that sell clothes and also other accessories and sometimes footwear. These two adverts are for clothes that the brands are offering.

They are two very different adverts; one focuses on the quality of the clothes and the image of the brand that they sell and the other focuses on their prices and appeal of practical wear and cheap clothes for consumers.

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Quality: This advert indirectly shows the quality of the brand. It shows the models wearing expensive looking materials and garments. It also has an interesting set which will intrigue the customer. Gucci is known as one of the top designer clothing brands along with the likes of Versace and Dior etc. People already have the idea in their heads of the brand and the quality of their products. This advert simply shows the customer what they already know by showing class, elegance and interesting aspects in the image The font that is used for the name of the brand is white, clear and simple which echoes the quality. All of the models look professional which again shows the quality. Image: . The quality is also echoed by the pristine haircuts that the models have, they are al straight and immaculate; they look as if they have been freshly cut. The whole image looks immaculate and perfect. The quality of the image is very good which therefore implies the quality of the brand. The image shows interest and appeal which draws the customer in. The image also shows the models wearing quite high fashion items which are cutting edge and quite high key. These types of clothes would only be worn by people who really take pride in what they wear and care about fashion.

Price and Value: The price is not shown on this advert like the Primark advert. This is because quality clothing brands do not really advertise their prices or even show them. Even in the shops they are hidden quite well. When you buy a brand like this, you are buying because you like the brand or the item not simply because you can afford it and you need something to wear; these kinds of clothes are a luxury. This may sometimes mean that in the quality of the clothing you are not getting the value of what you paid for but you are getting the brand name which is worth what you pay.

Market: People who buy their clothes at Gucci are most likely of the social classes ABC1, purely because of the price and the quality of the clothing but also because of the brand itself. This type of brand is for people who can afford to spend on extravagant and expensive clothes rather than be stuck to a budget. They are also most likely achiever, or emulators. This is because achievers can afford to buy things like this; luxury items. Emulators will also like this type of clothing because they like to try to be achievers and seem like this to other people.

Competition: Gucci’s competition are brands such as Versace, Dior and Prada. These are all same types of brands that sell the same kinds of products and compete with each other for favoritism from customer. These kinds of brands are ones which customers use and are brand loyal to; if they need a new bag, it will always be Gucci that they will go to first, for example. All of these brands are of a similar price range and offer the same kinds of things.

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Quality: This advert does not particularly focus or show off the quality of the Primark clothing. The copy that is on this advert ‘Subscribe to style’ implies that they are trying to show that their clothes are stylish, therefore trying to make the quality seem acceptable. Also, he set and the photography here is not of a particular quality, it is just plain and simple. There are no special effects or props used to make the image and the advert appealing to the customer and make them want to buy the brand.

Image: The fact that there are no special effects or props used in the advert image decreases the quality a little. There is nothing really special about the image and it seems slightly boring and plain. In the Gucci advert, there are lots of people in different positions in a strange but interesting set with steps and raised blocks. This makes it more interesting and intriguing, therefore more appealing to the customer.

Price and Value: There is a price of £19.99 advertised here which is obviously meant to appeal to the customer. The price here is the main selling point of this brand and of this advert. This emphasises the fact that Primark focuses more on the cheap prices for their customers than the quality and branding of their clothes and their make. Given that the clothes are so cheap means that they may not be of a god quality which then will bring the value down. With bigger brands such as Gucci, you pay a lot of money because of what you are getting and they have a bigger value and also a name and an image to live up to.

Market: The kinds of people who are typical customers of a brand such as Primark are most likely to be of the social group C2DE. This is because they have less money to try spend on extravagant clothes so they need to stick to a budget. They may not really be bothered about the quality of the clothes that they buy or their image, but they just need some cheap clothes to wear. People most likely shop here just for some practical, cheap clothes to dress themselves in.

Competition: Brands that would be classed as ‘in competition with’ Primark clothing would be supermarket brands such as TU at Sainsbury’s, George at ASDA and F&F at Tesco. This is because they all have the same kind of price rand and also because they all offer the same kinds of things; clothes that are cheap, affordable, practical and low key fashion. Another brand that could be seen as ‘in competition with’ Primark and other brands of this kind could be H&M. Although this is a high street brand, the name is concerned with being cheap for customers and they are not particularly bothered by the quality of their merchandise. Each of these brands that are in competition with each other will each try to offer what others will not; the cheapest items and this is the competition.