System Programming Unit III

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Page 1: System Programming Unit III


Page 2: System Programming Unit III

Programming Language

• Lexical and Syntactic features of a programming Language are specified by its grammar

• Language:- collection of valid sentences.• Sentences: These are the sequence of words.• Word:- Sequence of letters of graphic symbols.• The Language specified in this manner is

called as formal Language.

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Programming Language Grammar

• A formal Language is a set of rules which precisely specify the sentence of L.

• Formal Grammar can be represented as :-• G= {∑ , NT, S, P}– ∑ set of terminals– NT set of non terminals– S Distinguished symbol (Starting symbol)– P set of productions.

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• Terminal Symbol:- These are the symbols which can not further sub divided– Ex:- ∑= { a, b,c,d…….0,1,2,3……}

• No terminal symbols:- These are the combination of terminal symbols which can be further sub divided.– Ex:- <A> or <Noun>

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• Production :- It is called as re-writing rule• It can be represented as :-– Each production consists of a No terminal

followed by an arrow (-) or equal to (=), followed by string of Non terminals and terminals

– Ex:- A b S Aa

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Syntax Tree

• A Graphical representation of any statement of a Language is called as syntax tree.

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• The replacement of Non terminal symbols according to the given production rule is called as derivation

• Types of Derivation:– Leftmost derivation– Rightmost derivation

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Rules for English Language

1) <Sentence> <NP><VP>2) <NP> <article><noun>3) <VP> <verb>4) <VP> <verb><adverb>5) <article> The6) <noun> student7) <verb> studies8) <adverb> hard9) <adverb> slowly

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• Structure Rules applied• <Sentence>• <NP><VP> (1)• <article><noun>< VP> (2)• <article><noun> <verb><adverb> (4)• The <noun> <verb><adverb> (5)• The student <verb> <adverb> (6)• The student studies <adverb> (7)• The student studies hard (8)

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• Ex. Consider the full grammar, • E → E+E• E → E*E• E → id• Let us derive the string “ id + id * id”

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Using leftmost derivation:-

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Using Right most derivation:-

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Required string is bbaa

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• Derive the string


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Required string is


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• It is the process of replacement of string or part of string by non terminal according to the production rule.

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• Structure Rules applied• The student studies hard• <article> student studies hard (5)• <article><noun> studies hard (6)• <article><noun> <verb> hard (7)• <article><noun> <verb> <adverb> (8)• <NP> <verb> <adverb> (2)• <NP><VP> (4)• <Sentence> (1)

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Ambiguity of Grammar

• The Grammar for a language is said to be ambiguous if there exists at least one string which can be generated (or, derived) in more than one way

• i. e. there can be more than one leftmost derivations, more than one rightmost derivations & also more than one derivation trees associated with such a string.

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• Ex. Consider the full grammar, • E → E+E• E → E*E• E → id• Let us derive the string “ id + id * id”

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id id

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• Complier:-• These are the system programs which will

automatically translate the High level language program in to the machine language program



Source programHigh level Lang. Prog.

Target program /M/C Lang. Prog.

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• Cross Compiler:-• These are the system programs which will automatically

translate the HLL program compatible with M/C A, in to the machine language program compatible with M/C A , but the underlying M/C is M/C B

Cross CompilerSource programHLL Prog. Compatible with M/C A

Target program /M/C Lang. Prog.


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P Code CompilerSource



Obj Program


P-Code interpreter

P-Code interpreter

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• Very similar in concept of Interpreter• In pseudo- code complier program is analyzed

and converted into an intermediate form, which is then executed interpretively.

• The source program is compiled, the resulted object program is in p-code. This p-code program is then read and executed under control of p-code interpreter.

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Compilation process overview

• Compilation process is vast and complex.• Hence it is divided into a series of subtasks

called as phases.• Each of which transform the source program

form one representation to another.• The compilation process involves two major


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Compilation process overview

Analysis of + Synthesis of =Translation

source text Target text of prog in obj form

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• Analysis of source text– Lexical Analysis (Scanner)– Syntax Analysis (Parser)– Semantic analysis.

• Synthesis of target text– Storage allocation– Code generation

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Analysis of source text

• Determine validity of source statement from the analysis view point.

• Determine the content of source statement.• Construct the suitable representation of the

source statement f0r use by the subsequent analysis phase or by the synthesis phase of compiler.

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Synthesis of target text

• Memory allocation:- It is the simple task given to the presence of symbol table. The memory requirement of an identifier is computed from its length, type and dimension and memory is allocated to it.

• Code generation:- the code generation uses the knowledge of target architecture , knowledge of instruction and also the addressing modes in the target computer to select the appropriate instruction.

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Synthesis of target text

• The important issues in code generation are – Determine the space where the intermediate

results should ne kept i.e. whether they should be kept in memory location or held in machine register.

– Determine which instruction should be used for type conversion operation.

– Determine which addressing mode should be used.

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Phase Structure of Compiler

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Code Optimization

• This is an optional phase to improve the intermediate code so that ultimate object program can run faster and also take less phase.

• The ultimate aim of this technique is to improve the execution efficiency of a program by– Eliminating redundancies – Rearranging the computation in the program with

out affecting target machine.

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Code optimization techniques

1. Compile time evaluation2. Elimination of common sub expressions3. Frequency reduction4. Strength reduction5. Dead code elimination6. Boolean sub expressions optimization7. Local and Global optimization.