The magic of Redis

#SydPHP - The Magic of Redis

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The magic of Redis


Aaron Weatherall

Senior Software Engineer @ THE ICONIC


What are going to cover?

What is Redis

The basics. Who, what and why.

Magic Data Types

Not everything is a string!

How safe is my data?

Persistence is the key


Don’t wait.. go FASTER

Redis @ The Iconic

What we use it for

Q & A

Where you find out that I don’t know everything. :/

What is REDIS?

Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure

store, used as database, cache and message broker.

Redis stands for REmote DIctionary Server

In-memory databases are able to represent complex data structures in much simpler ways, compared to disk-based systems.

Redis allows very high read and write speeds, with the limitation that data sets can't be larger than memory. BUT, don’t worry, redis doesn’t use much memory (if it’s done right)!

Redis is FREAKING fast.. seriously.. FAST… how fast? Good question!

(without pipelining)

122,556 writes/s

123,601 reads/s

552,028 writes/s

(WITH pipelining)707,463 reads/s

How much memory does Redis use?

To give you a few examples (all obtained using 64-bit instances):

● An empty instance uses ~ 1MB.

● 1 Million small Keys -> Key/Value pairs ~ 100MB.

● 1 Million Keys -> Hash value, representing an object with 5

fields, use ~ 200 MB.

What Redis is NOT

Redis is NOT a direct replacement for a traditional relational database.

It is NOT for datasets that cannot be fit in RAM.

It’s not always appropriate as a primary data store. If your data doesn’t make sense in a NoSQL setting, Redis probably isn’t for you

Like MOST noSql databases, it’s not strictly ACID-compliant. It gets most of the way there, though!

It’s nothing like MySQL.. don’t go there.

Redis Data Types


A key is the unique address of a piece of data.

Keys are:

● binary safe! You could use a jpg for a key.. please don’t!● An empty space can be a key! Be careful with your adapter● Keys can be up to 512mb in length!● Namespaces are arbitrary.. this:key:is:a:hash is not related to this:key● Keys can be expired using a TTL.. no need for cleanup scripts!● Each key name costs memory, so it’s better to go on the side of function. ● Keys are commonly separated by a colon or underscore

e.g. user:[email protected] is useful and meaningfuL! x12345 is NOT!


(It’s BLOCKING, meaning no one else can use redis while you use it!)

Expiring Keys (TTL)> ttl foo(integer) -1

We can see that by default, keys NEVER expire. They will stay there forever! Which is good :)> expire foo 60(integer) 1

Awesome! Let’s check the TTL now> ttl foo(integer) 58


The string type can be a string of text, an integer or even a counter.Like keys, strings are binary safe and have a maximum size of 512mb.

set <keyname> <value>

Strings can be made into atomic counters by assigning them an integer and incremented using the incr or incrby commands.

Common usages include simple data, counters, cached content,

full-page cache etc.

If you’re familiar with memcache, this is the direct replacement.

String Examples

First we create a basic key/value pair we use the SET command> set foo barOK

To get the value of the key, we can use GET> get foo"bar"


A list is simply a sequence of ordered strings.eg 10, 24, 47, 58, 26 is a list

Item are pushed onto a list and popped or trimmed

lpush <keyname> <value>

Generally speaking, lists are LIFO (Last In First Out) and are perfect for use in queues, timelines and auditing data.

Anything that requires a ‘last 20 items’ is destined for a list!

Lists also allow basic pagination, using LRANGE.

List Examples

Firstly, let’s create a list with 3 items> lpush mylist 1 2 3(integer) 3

Let’s try and get the output!> get mylist(error) WRONGTYPE Operation against a key holding the wrong kind of value

That’s right, you have to use the correct operation against the correct type! If you’re not sure, you can use the TYPE command.

Lists continued

OH NO! It’s the wrong type, let’s do a lrange!> lrange mylist 0 -11) "3"2) "2"3) "1"

Delete and get the last item?> lpop mylist"3"


A hashes primary job is to represent an object.

Hashes are effectively an associative array. a key contains sets

of key/value pairs.

Due to the way they are stored, hashes are HIGHLY memory efficient. A few key pairs are less memory efficient than a hash with a few values! Next time you’re about to json_encode an array, think again!

hset <keyname> <hash_key> <value>

A hash therefore could look like this:user:1000 => [‘name’ => ‘Test User’, ‘address’ => ‘1 test St’]

Hash Example

Let’s create a hash> hset myhash name "aaron"> hset myhash address "1 test st"

Let’s see what’s in the hash! Notice, redis returns the values in alternating rows.> hgetall myhash1) "name"2) "aaron"3) "address"4) "1 test st"

Hash Example Continued

How do we get a single hash value?> hget myhash name"aaron"


Sets are an unordered list of strings.

Unlike lists, it’s possible to test for existence of an item in a list, perform intersections, unions and differences between other sets. You can also move items easily between sets.

A good usage is group membership. e.g . Am I IN the admin group?

Adding an item to a set uses the sadd :( command.sadd <keyname> <value>

Key already exists? Overwrite it! Set doesn’t exist? Create it. Sets are incredibly versatile, but limited! For instance there’s no SGET get an item by name!

Sorted Sets (ZSETS)

The big brother of set, the ordered zSet

Sorted sets are a cross between a hash and a set. However, a zSet is ordered by a floating point value called a ‘score’. This number is purely arbitrary and is set when the item is added.

Items with the same score are treated alphabetically.

zadd <keyname> <value>

zSets also bring useful functions like zrange (similar to a list) and zrevrange to order the list in the opposite direction! Example: Get a list of users sorted by age

Hyperloglogs are simply a store that contains a count of unique elements. Due to the way that they are stored in memory, a HLL is far more efficient than doing a count.

A count basically needs to know every item it’s seen, therefore it needs to be able to store the entire list in memory to do the same thing!

Example: How many unique users are logged into the system?

HLL’s teach us the important lesson, that duplication in redis is OK. For instance, it’s more efficient to store the same piece of data in two different data types, than to try to squeeze it all from the same place.



Redis has a fulling functioning publish/subscription system. Similar to websockets, clients can SUBscribe to channels and receive PUBlished

messages in real time.

● Publishers have no concept of subscribers, decoupling the two.● This allows for greater scalability and a more dynamic experience.● Issue - There’s no HISTORY, only what’s happening now.

There’s probably a whole training session right here, so let’s not go into too much detail!

how safe is my data

““Redis is only good as a cache!”

~ Every second engineer you meet


It’s important to understand HOW redis saves data.

1: The client sends a write command to the DB (client's memory).2: The DB receives the write (server's memory).3: The DB calls the system that writes the data to disk (kernel's buffer).4: The OS sends the buffer to the disk controller (disk cache).5: The disk controller writes the data onto physical media (a magnetic disk, an SSD drive, ...).

After step 5, your data is now as permanent as any other

database system.

But when is it SAFE?

If the server kills the redis process, but doesn’t affect the kernel, your data is considered safe after step number 3. Redis has done its job.

If the kernel is compromised, eg a power outage, you truly only have data saved after step 5! That means that 3 out of the 5 steps are actually the responsibility of the operating system and not directly with redis.

To minimise disk i/o, Linux by default will only commit writes from the buffer after 30 seconds or after a sync/fsync call is made. That means with a catastrophic failure, up to 30 seconds of data can be lost!!


A simple point in time copy of data.

Snapshots are created when specific conditions are met.

Eg not more than 2 minutes ago with at least 100 new writes.It writes a .rdb file to disk which can easily be backed up.

This can be configured without restarting the server!

Snapshots Continued


The durability of this method is limited to the user definitions of save points. If data is only saved every 15 minutes, in the event of a crash you could lose up to 15 minutes of writes!


The resulting .rdb file can NOT get corrupted! The file is produced by a child process using an append-only method, ensuring that only complete transactions are appended.Should you enable this? Always. Even 15 minutes is better than never!

Append Only File (AOF)

This is the main redis persistence option.

Every time a write operation modified the dataset in memory, the operation is logged to a file using append only. The log uses the Redis Protocol, the format used by clients to communicate with redis.

This means the AOF can even be piped to another instance or

parsed to another system. As it’s AOF on successful writes, it

CANNOT be corrupted.

At restart, Redis simply replays all the operations from disk to memory.Only completed items that affect the dataset are written to the AOF, hence write and update operations and atomicity is maintained.


Networking 101

Redis is a TCP server using the client-server model. This is called a Request/Response protocol.

1. User sends a command to Redis and waits2. Redis acts on and responds to the command

Client and server connect via a network which could either be really fast (aka a loopback) or really slow (a remote server on another continent)

If the RTT (Round Trip Time) is 250ms (a very slow connection), even if the server can process 100k requests per second, we’ll only be able to process a maximum of 4 per second. Ouch!

Request Chaining

Thankfully, even the slowest connections can see enormous speed increases due to pipelining.

The means that the server doesn’t stop to send a response back between requests, instead sending them at the end of the batch.

It’s important to note, however that each request needs to be stored in memory until it’s processed, so it’s better to do them in batches.

Thankfully, redis uses a simple protocol that’s super-easy to write and read.

Redis Protocol


- Number of elements in the request- Length of first element- Command aka SET- length of second element- Key name aka mykey- length of third element- value


The redis documentation is AMAZING.. seriously.. it’s FAWESOME!"And you know what the F stands for!" ~ Dave Clark


redis at work

Our ever increasing usage

Session storage

Full-page cache

User preferences

User profile data

API caching

Associations and recommendations

The Iconic App FEED


Any questions?

You can find me at@aaronwritesphp