Learning in a Virtual World From a Student's Perspective -- by Ken Ferree and his students, Jason & Dave -- presentation in Second Life on 11/7/11

Students Present Their Virtual Exhibits

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Learning in a Virtual World From a Student's Perspective

-- by Ken Ferree and his students, Jason & Dave

-- presentation in Second Life on 11/7/11

We start assembling including Mete & his parrot

Freida & her hat

We wait for the show to begin

Then move on to the student’s castle

And into the paranormal exhibit

Learning through the websites & simulated exhibits

Walking through many rooms of mystery

And the unknown

Then we started into the Zippo Training Simulation

Going from the intro area and on into the inner workings to the lighter

Upstairs we viewed the plant floor simulations

Learning ways to use virtual for simulations, employee training, & retail